Thursday, April 20, 2023

The Planets Aligned



The wind on the drive up was atrocious; dirt and debris were flying though the air. Signs spun missing us barely while we listened to K-pop and discussed music theory...of course Pythagoras comes up, the parts of cult and the harp because they are important too, not just that which they think makes everything exact. Pythagoras wasn't making things up out of thin air (thoughts do live in the air though), just like todays philosophers they reach back into the past to discover more as did Pythagoras...We discussed sound vibration and mood manipulation. Brain function/mood manipulation is easy to understand. We can learn to cross fire neurons between hemispheres easier with proper wave functions with the help of sound (vibration). With practice it becomes nature, it's getting back to nature and knowing your own power. What most don't consider is the damage dissonant sounds do not just harm a mood but can cause damage to the brain also by damaging neuron firings. 

LoveBug says to me, "Mom, you actually aren't normal."

"Of course I am, I'm the most normal person in the world." 

He replies, "You think you can solve big problems." 

I know that big problems are easy to solve it's the individual ones that are difficult, because correction is up to the individual and if you blame others with never seeing your own fault the correction can't be made...Also only the individual can make the correction, no one else can do it for you. How can you see no blame when you aren't honest about other people, so I know you aren't honest about your self. 

To be self reflective and honest takes a lot of courage; when you can see who you really are you can make course corrections. You do this not because someone demands it of you but because you can see the consequences of your behavior far down the road. I can't worry that people refuse to see them selves so they can not correct character traits that should be bred out. We teach proper behavior with modeling. 

World domination is a heavy theme to most but in reality it's just as heavy as a feather or a ton of bricks in space, because that's what it is. World domination would only come when people see themselves for who they are and find their self correct code...until then we will have rulers by any other name, tyrants, and committees, human resources and public political health authorities...


I actually don't think people know what is really happening. 


Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story

That planet alignment was incredible but you might not see the universe as a whole and might not feel the direct pushes and know it's there. 

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