Monday, April 10, 2023

Sweeping Generalizations


Here are some sweeping generalizations because in general this is what it is, it is not an outlier.  

If the teachers and schools are bad why are you hiring more from the same places? The Universities put out what they want your children to learn. If you haven't noticed it's some horrendous loads of shit. They are making your children literally sexually retarded imbeciles. They are literally teaching your children to be either a victim or the tyrant based on the colour of their skin or based on some intersection from a communist mapping category game theory of who do you want to terrorize next. They have literally graduated students that have no skills and can hardly read or write. Do you know that when we say reading is fundamental it's because it is. Reading comprehension is a tool, it can teach to decipher right from wrong from stories through time; erase the ability, erase the stories or rewrite them, that is what they are doing. If you fill a malleable childs head with trash with no good role models to follow then they become automatrons who have no value to society except to corrupt it because that is the tool they were taught to wield. So let's hire more teachers from the same place that is teaching your children that they should be respected for accomplishing nothing and having no idea what they are talking about because that is what the school system taught them. 

Oh it's the parents job? Don't I wish. In this society you have weaponized child services (probably the purpose). Children today see their parents act fools and call child services on one another...they think it's normal, instead of talking. The children hear the teachers tell them that if someone disagrees or doesn't like what's happening in their home they can come to them and be their safe space. Or you just get called a terrorist by our own Government because we are parenting. The parent has usually said no to a child acting out. S       w       e       e      p      i     n      g  generalizations panty wearers. 

They tell you the teachers and schools need more money. They obviously aren't making improvements so  obviously giving them more money isn't going to help if the university system is where they gather their candidates...or am I missing something here...nope. Maybe they need more administrators? to manage a fucked up system and make it even bigger...great idea morons. The money goes to the #communistteachersunion's and new books about new made up theories as they make money off your children...your tax dollars are not being used wisely, they are being funneled into pockets...whose pockets? How much data are they gathering and selling?

Our schools need more therapists because the children are so fucked up because they are in a system that is designed to fuck them up. So hire more therapists...where do therapists get their degrees and training? Who trains these people that tell you that you are a victim not of your actions but all those around you. You aren't responsible, it's your parents' that fucked you up, you can't do anything about that now and you can't change the past and are you really going to stay a victim? Or are you going to say I don't want to ever repeat that behavior that you either see in yourself or in others? Or are you going to model yourself after the woman that takes her children from their father (or the other way around, I can hear someone bitching, 'but men do it too' in a whiny non-helpful voice that makes me think, if he did it to you you might be super cunty.. any way to punish him for probably something she did and he reacted...any one know this one? I'm not saying real shit doesn't happen but I'm going with my 1st sentence,  s       w       e       e       p       i     n      g  generalizations, and it doesn't bother me one bit...they* do it all the time...get in that box you deplorable, get in the box you TERF, get in the box cis normative whatever is the flavor of the moment.  It's almost like they teach projection in Universities.

I always laugh when I hear someone has or is getting a degree psychology or therapy. Those are always the most fucked up...and you think they are going to help you manage your shit? I hope they all find help but help actually starts with you personally. I'm talking about normal fucking people...not people with actual issues. Also I do not believe all women; such dumb shit they put in your head. 

Look around and see how many people will even SAY if something is bad or distasteful or grotesque or horrifying...

How many people even read?! They literally watch what ever is put in front of them. No wonder no one knows the difference between good and bad, right and wrong, ugly and beauty; it's that lack of discernment again. 

I'm not still today

no one is listening

if they were every parent that truly understood what was actually happening would remove them immediately from the den of snakes. 

It seems the ability to discern has gone much the lay way.

This is why I am not still. These are the things that happen quietly as they ruin lives.

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