Thursday, April 27, 2023

Lest You Be Judged


First off let me remove this plank from my eye so I can type clearly because the subject matter is always what it is, subjective until we show objective. 

What is your objective?

"Don't judge me and my choice, that's not your place. It's God that will Judge me, not you measly human." 

Is there condemning in judgment?...wait, they weren't done...

"...or I will condemn you!" 

This is not a court of law, this is a House of God.

There seems to be confusion between the words, judge and condemn, or was it just hey, that's a mistake and is gonna have consequences. I have a little secret to tell you, judging someone isn't wrong, it's necessary. To judge is to discern right from wrong, good from bad, beautiful from ugly. They condemn themselves with their actions; this is where you start looking around.

Judging if something is good or bad is a necessity in life. It's called.........wait for it........ judgment. 


'lest ye be judged'

I think this teaching is being used against you. Ones behavior is and should be judged, ones actions do and should be judged, how else do you know if you can trust someone? Seriously? I know I can not trust a man disguised as a whorish woman that wants to be around children. Holy shit balls...that one is easy peasy. I also know I can not trust a man that pretends to be a woman...easy peasy again and I know I can not trust an adult that uses a child as a weapon; these things are as poisonous as...........wait for it..........the fruit from the tree of Good and Evil...for when there is no discernment Evil reigns. When a disingenuous person enters the conversation with Catholic Priest pedos, yes, the problem is bad but the priests aren't in control of the children, the teachers and therapists are, then turn your back on them...they aren't trust worthy. 

I'm told beauty is subjective and in the eye of the beholder...An outside can be beautiful but rotting inside from hate and envy. A woman that has had acid thrown on her face, is beautiful to someone. How we are, how we move, how we interact can be beautiful or ugly...


...denying beauty and insisting you accept ugly as beautiful is not the same as above. If you can not tell the difference you are either denying or have no ability to discern, that is a problem. Modern art is a perfect example and people with good taste know this. If something smells bad, it in all chances is...don't 'nuance' this and say something about a stinky cheese or durian...get up and leave the table and don't come back, this is a serious conversation and you are not helping, you are a road block. 

Take each thing for what it is and if you can discern the good from bad, please speak up.

I often sound judgmental because to some they don't know the difference between judging and condemning. I do not condemn, you do that with your own action or non action and time takes care; life isn't fair and everything works out in the wash.

You've been taught wrong. If your eyes and ears can not discern good from bad long term and short term consequences too...that's why we all have this mess...from the schools to the economy to families turned to ruins...not enough judgment and speaking up.

They are literally taking advantage of you because you either deny discernment or have no idea what I am talking about.



Who is your model for behavior? for life?

 ...What do you think drag queen story hour is? It is modeling behavior. Let me correct that...drag queen story hour...grown men dressed like whoreish women reading stories to children. Great idea morons

This is how bad it is...6 people were murdered at a school in Tennessee and the killer is being called a victim by the mentally deranged. They say "take away guns!" because that is what they have been taught. It's classic abuser/tyrannical behavior; they* kill people, we see it and say it, they become the victim because they are afraid someone will hurt them in return for killing people so they throw a temper tantrum because children throw temper tantrums.  

It's leftists youngins', The Red Guard that put you through a trial of contrition and the rainbow hand condemns you. You know I'm correct. The saddest part is that they have no idea they are being used and will be tossed away when no longer needed.  

What a mother knows the child does not. When the mother controls, the child will rebel. Free will with clear guidance and boundaries that expand with time and learning. 

The big problem is actually easy peasy to fix. I have the ready for this...

you are in control of you

you are not an automaton 

you actually don't have to follow the path of bad behavior lest you be judged

World domination is a heavy theme but in reality it's just as heavy as a feather or a ton of bricks in space, because that's what it is. I believe world domination can come when people see themselves for who they are and find their self correct code. 

I'm going to repeat myself with different choice words...


I wonder how many of you know that we are actually in a battle of good and evil? You need to see it and stop denying it.

Discernment is rare. 

If you can't discern the truth, fact, goodness and beauty before your eyes vs a lie, rot, ugly or danger, or a half truth right before your eyes then you might want to start opening your eyes. This strange Protest-ant culture of yours that has no tradition to hold on too was easy to take over. There are no consequences for your actions, or haven't you noticed that about your belief system. He gave himself so you could be free but you don't live under his Fathers commandments, yet you worship his son, a man. You do not kneel before the alter and you should. You wear jeans and a t-shirt in your holy sites because God should respect you? This is basic, from time eternal. Peter and Paul at Antioch.

You can't discern that a person in a lab coat might mean you harm as they say, 'no you can't get your paycheck until I inject you with this substance that will most likely cause you harm in some manner to which ever degree your body sees fit'. "I'm in lab coat, it's ok." "I'm a Doctor, I know what I'm doing"-many doctors don't know what they are doing...I don't give a shit if I hurt your feelings because you thought you knew what you were doing and I pointed out you don't. Modern medicine is doing more harm to society than Disney...but go give them your $'s.

I actually don't think people know what is really happening. 

You deny beauty and put on the pedestal a lie and worship it. 

the celebration of death

a life never lived

the wind did spin through time 

and on the bed did the lie meet them self

 the naked truth

If you are reading this and are not speaking up because you are will get worse if you don't. Staying quiet and not talking about what equity really means and how diversity is not what they say it means is dangerous. You can't pretend it's not in your company. There are wars on our doorstep. An asshole would call me paranoid for saying this out loud because they are scared and powerless and that is how they want you. You are not powerless. The plan is not one of peace. Climate change is happening but climate does not mean earthly it means the climate of economic order. 

When you stopped buying bud light because they hired a dude in a dress to advertise you didn't hurt anyone. This is called the destruction of capitalism. 

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