Thursday, April 20, 2023

She Will Come For You


 spin you here 

 spin you there

twist the sounds

till you can't bear

I may be a witch but God is my Father. 

You may think me Pagan because I see and know of Angels and Saints, Demons and Devils by many names; I know they are all the same given a perspective knowledge. Yes I do believe in all of this...before Rome, steeped in smoke, gathered on the steps of Antioch to the Children of God Our Father while others played a dangerous game. This was long before Jesus enters the picture. To understand the foot steps of man that walked in those paths and all their beliefs of time beyond; then you find out time is mbendable it's history that is not.   

My God says I'm responsible for my own actions, good and bad; there is no reward for doing just do Good...but bad the 3 fold comes for you; scientific karma...the consequences of your actions today have rippling effects in time. 

I worship no man.

I carry no mans dogma. (I am not sworn to carry your burdens...that is a Skyrim joke, a biblical one, and a don't put your racism on me joke.)

Believing in God Our Father does not mean you have forgiveness for all sins.

Wanna know a really great PsyOp? 

This all sounds retarded to someone that doesn't know we are in a religious war and it's fucking crazy balls. How I grew up is pertinent to the story...My religious back ground simply put is...the Sultan of Oman requested allowed a Priest from the Vatican to educate us in an absolute Muslim ruled land where we had the freedom to practice our religion under the guise of the Sultans birthday (Christmas). It was against the law to have pork products and we had armed guards on our compound roof our parents fought communism. We were schooled in Ayn Rand and tested on it. On a whole other side of the Grandmothers taught me the ways, one of the Earth the other of the Spirit. Fyi...I don't think I'm the crazy one.

Our government is literarily ...I fucking despise using that word anymore... shoving communist bullshit down your throats and insisting you swallow it. You have to deny God when you use someone's 'preferred pronouns"...I can't believe I have to fucking explain this to grown all focus on the 'bible' and not the old book where the lessons got half a story gathered by those who in all the well intentions gathered what was convenient for them You can enter the protestant reformation here too...and we know this now. This is like theories taught in school as fact but in reality a failed mumbo jumbo...and it's ok? Communism is the removal of God from your life. It's you a slave to the State. They don't teach this in schools because this is their 'soulution', always get the kids away from the parents and turn them against the parents. I still can't believe I have to explain this. They want your children to be wards of the state. Some parents can see this, some can not...the same comparison in a current era theme would be, 'Do you want a daughter or a dead son?' pretending those are the only options...go along with the sterilization of your child or we will encourage your child to kill themselves because we have them intertwined in a cult mindset. We are talking about someones Child that has had their mind captured, and they think it's funny that someone like me says this stuff but I know the children are only used as long as they are needed from a State stand point...I hope you know that too. That is the truth. You can not affirm* something that is not true or you are lying. Oh, that's right you took those 10 rules given to us by God Our Father's so much more awesome when you don't have to 'play' by those rules...but those rules are a necessity to a good ordered society, one where you can be free the Golden Rule requires a Golden Rod. This is a Utopia, we all know Jesus died on the cross so you could be forgiven for all your sins...does your skin itch yet? So you can do what ever you want... heaven awaits you...and revelations is around the can feel it in your hallow bones riddled with diseases from the poisons you ate. Too much? Super judgey? Maybe, just maybe you don't judge well at all or you are weak, if you are weak there is no getting out of the way. 

Where do I say God is a God of vengeance? I keep hearing of this God of Love, Jesus, that preached forgiveness and ate at the table of the sinner and forgave everyone he came across...they would have you believe he partook of sin...this the most perfect man I am told born of a virgin birth so you should not worry yourself about someone else's doings...Accept everyone for who they say they are, oh, can you affirm* them out loud so your God can hear you denounce Him? Make sure your house of worship has the correct flag flying...for all that was holy...was it really ever holy?...or was it all an illusion? When you find out will you shun this because you don't know the difference between right and wrong, good and bad any more? Mutilating Children is wrong, everyone knows this. It's State policy...Federal and Colorado. Don't worry though...if you don't accept this behavior and affirm* it there are a multitude of avenues to come at ya..."Survey says?!" What was that big tax fight He had with the Empire? "I say Empire you say ____"? How many peoples did God Our Father command to be completely flattened because of exactly what is happening now?...I'm not spitting truth or dropping a know what you see before you is blaspaphy and you don't have a fucking back bone to say it. Hook, Line, and center through the Overton window they threw you...or did you jump thinking it was safer and your God of love and forgiveness for direct sin would have no probs with you sterilizing the children?..."..."Go forth and multiply." If I'm correct, "Sterilize you Children" is the opposite...and here is this one... I think it's fucking crazy hilarious to hear, 'christian' woman discuss fucking blows my mind, an easy, 'yeah, I'm just gonna kill my offspring because I got knocked up doing what everyone else is doing and it doesn't matter, if it's early there is a pill if not at least I know I'm safe while they kill my baby.' How many futures murdered? Oh your company will pay for it? How sweet of them. You think some State employee is going to treat you well at the home you get put in when you can't wipe yourself? You are a fucking moron...Oh...a robot? That might be over the top plus they want way less people on the planet if you haven't forgotten and...they want complete control. 

Spin spin spin 

some more

twist the words

to tell the tale

Meanwhile when will the third temple be built? 

They really did insist you cover your nose, even smart people did it...I'm the zealot because I understand particle size? 

The teach this religion in schools.

The Christian Right believes that given all likely hood the end of times is near so there is no need to fight back. This is where the teachings have been used against you, they do it all the are super weak minded, most of the Lot of you. It's easy to get you to follow...

 the donkey brayed

the lion roared

the cobra reared her head into the sky

Meanwhile in Gujarat's Rajkot district in India a faithful couple have properly and successfully made their offer for Shiva to rise. 

...but what do I know...

Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story

...and a please I hope you understand what I am saying in the fullest.

When in Rome we do as the Romans. How far does Rome reach. Is Rome a place or a way? At our core of our being we always know who we truly are what robe that covers us in a style of a place does not make us what we are. 

Spinning back into the machine the wind blows you

South Africa is one model

Romania is one model

Cambodia is one model 

France is a model

East Germany is one model

England is a model

Scotland is a model

New Zealand is a model

Australia is a model

Canada is a model

You think your vote counts?

What is your dollar worth?

Does the State seem there to protect you or criminalize you? 

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