When we moved back to the good ol’ US of A I was introduced to boxed ‘kraft’ mac and cheese. I hated it. There was nothing complex and had no dimension to it…Flat, bland and out of a card board box with some un-holy, before there was Snookie orange, orange powder…Add milk and butter…whatev…
I took that box as a teenager and made it a great tasty snack that Gwen;), Laura, Jane and I would eat after school…
Make said box of Mac and cheese…sans (that means without) milk or butter
In a pan heat up 2 Tbs butter
1/2 chopped onion
1/2 chopped green pepper
saute till limp(?) about 3 min on med high heat
1 can of diced tomatoes, juice and all and cook for 3 more min(ish)
Add to mac and cheese, grind pepper to taste in it and eat it up.
I still eat this to this day. It’s easy and quick.
I grew up
Keeping in mind that my Mom didn’t make homemade Mac and cheese…I taught myself by reading books and shiz…
I came up with something that’s a cross between Mac and Cheese, Alfredo and Carbonara.

What kind of pasta you use is important, it needs to hold the sauce and the solids you put in your sauce.
My favorite is Campanelle. It has a place where a pea fits perfectly, ya know about the size of a Child’s nostril.
Make your pasta according to the directions on the box, drain and cool off with water and sprinkle with olive oil so as not to find a sticky situation when ready to add to your sauce.
I implore you…grate your own cheese!!!
#2... It’s cheaper…
#1…Cellulose is what keeps your pre-grated cheese from sticking. Cellulose is powdered wood pulp. Now, I’m not a girl opposed to putting some wood in my mouth (my choice of course).
…skip the wood till after dinner ladies.
Grate/shred your choice of cheese’s…I like a variety.
Parmesan, gouda, cheddar…mix it up and get crazy.
Make sure you have 3 Cups worth.
Reserve 1/2 cup for the topping.
Yes, vegetables!
Butternut squash… It adds a sweetness and also nutrients to something already delicious and full of fat…my-as-well try to make it semi good for us.
I grate/shred it…There is a reason why I do this…it’s harder for my LoveBug to pick it out.
1 cup.
Garlic…1 clove smashed and chopped.
Onion…1/2 finely chopped.
Peas…frozen please!
1 1/2 cups.
Bacon or Panchetta.
It depends on who I’m making it for…for my Children…Bacon.
2 slices cut up and browned and drained.
It’s not imperative to have the meat in there…but it’s better with it.
Now that I have said my piece...on to the recipe…
I’m hoping you have your mis a plas (I think that's French for all your shit together and ready to go).
Hopefully you have made your pasta and set it aside.
2 slices bacon or panchetta cut up, browned and drained.
Put to the side.
Saute in pan on med high heat…for about 4-5 minutes.
1 Tbs olive oil
1 Garlic clove...smashed and chopped
1/2 Onion... finely chopped
1 cup Butternut squash…shredded.
Remove from pan and set to the side.
I’m assuming you know to clean out your pan.

In pan melt
3Tbs butter
then add
1/3 Cup of flour …
add a pinch of salt and 3 or 4 grinds of pepper
Cook on med heat for 2 or 3 minutes (you wanna cook the raw flour flavor out)
3 Cups Skim milk
Stir with a whisk until thickened about 5 to 7 minutes…keep a watch on it so it doesn’t stick.
Add your 2 cups of cheese and stir in…this is a good time to taste for salt.
The reason I didn’t mention salt above because it depends on the cheese you use…different ones have different salt contents…Parm is saltier than cheddar. So taste and add salt to your liking.
Add your veggies you sautéed earlier and set aside to include your peas and bacon you already fried up in a pan.
Stir that shiz all together…with your pasta...
Put it all in an oven proof dish...
In a sperate bowl add 1/2 Cup of Panko (you can use regular bread crumbs if that’s all you have, Panko is better though) and your 1/2 cup of cheese you set aside…per these really jacked up, very long, wordy directions.

Bake @350 for 15 to 20 minutes.
Seriously good luck and I hope you read through this several times as I made it confusing for sure!