Thursday, August 8, 2024

Specter, Under The Crescent Moon


"What kind of war is this...?!" Said the one that just woke up.

First We begin here, they tell people God is not to fear as they make excuses that maim and mutate, some strange guise of forgiveness they give to one another. Those that are horrified at what Josef Mengele did are having an absolute inability to gather into their minds that sewing phallus' onto girls is hell. Just pray for their souls. You can not make an excuse for this, for any of what they have done. Those that allowed it...What happens to all the psychologists that pushed poison into peoples minds, teachers, mental mothers, the federal government, the state that insists or they will take your child. Where if you don't coincide you are not in the community. 

Where the murder of babies is glorified

now do you See 

the dilemma you have 

as We bury you in sands of time

"It's good against evil." 

Have you asked what is being cleansed yet? As you look around and See who hates ye, thee, and shall we travel to Pherae?


From one mount to others from under ground rivers she whispered on bones of the dead, she called all her friends the time had begun for the beginning of the end. 

Silver wraiths and golden winged Hercules, Utte and all of ye Vulcan minds connected at One, the pinions spin on the top of deaths mount where they gather. Please of quickness were sounded by some, a separation of mass was just ahead. The Cardinal had called the Mother of all was coming in for a landing.


She landed with a bump, black and white oxfords tied tightly around her feet, grounding her to terra even while in flight. The time had come for the welsh cardigan show, the colour green of a small oak hidden in the shade, draped across her stern back, head held high, she moved the ground from under her feet, pushing time where it needed to be. The quicker she moved the more she could do, leaving waves and wakes others could not defend.


Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story

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