Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Locusts Spin


A head so small crowned with cone surrounded by flame that seems contained

Six wings of fire spread with Gods desire

a body so large filled with more 

a pattern of life you have seen before

Round it's held, 3 eyes looking back

Spreading a seed whisps far out

Giant furns of green like wings from a tree

in your dreams you thought were smite

a truth to be hold

Another there around the bendpool

A head peering out no body in site

The cherubs do carry and dance with merry a vessel of life for those to not bury

geese bark vector direct south west

Locusts spin sand does not warry

Eyes that spit fire to set a blaze

A key with prongs forked of 4 red and silver unlock the door

Mothers might hand comes a smack

With Fathers Grace don't look back

His patience worn thin

Children mutated 

Evil in the guise of kindness 

Our Holy Mothers womb filled

Be still and listen 

One day I'll tell you a story 

They stood unbound from heaven 

Grounded for life

Till the lamb was slaughtered

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