Monday, May 6, 2024

Star Date: Five, Six, Twenty Twenty Four



I've been building out of stone of late, a path of rose, a wall that curves, and stairs that go up and down. 

What is this free flow its not the same as the others, yes yes, I know my mind has been busy in the know, gaining function here and there. No one seems to know what to do. Do you think you can stop a war? you can not. Kristin war theory 101, no torture, just complete annihilation, leave only 10% if you want them to florish. They will be fine in the after life if they believe, you do know that? My BrownNut called me horrified the Israelis were bombing Gaza. I answered her as a true believer, "Those people, the mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, cousins and friends, are fine. They don't just believe, they understand. They are in Gods hands now, sorted, into nothing for eternity, or risen to through the gates." In truth I have a healthy respect of Benjamin Netanyahu. Who ever is reading this...this is a very strange time...The authorities in Saudi Arabia are arresting citizens for speaking out against Israel. It's happening here too. Florida did it, so did Texas, people are really stupid morons. Meanwhile a modern day sacking and raiding is happening in cities run by people that never read 'give a mouse a cookie', as the mice complain 6 months food and housing isn't enough. Stop it, Do you know who really says stupid shit like that? The NGOs that are pilfering your pockets with the help of politicians, church groups too. I still am having a hard time wrapping my head around the United Methodist Church and the many others. Do they not realize what they have done? They created something out of whole cloth. The Catholic Church is shame on a pedestal, something once looked at in horror now worshiped and preached. If the Bride of Christ awakened in true what do you think it would look like? My grandma, Helcha, had a saying she often used, "To hell whicha then." Recall this is free flow it's where I go. What generation warfare are they using, how many fingers am I using? A holy war for sure, I can't understand how people can not see it all in front of them. I wonder how many Christian's* (what does that even mean any more?) have no clue that Israel promotes queer theory and the rainbow guard. I'll repeat that...they promote the rainbow, it's Federal Policy. Any whoooo most people don't know the good guy from the bad guy or is there even one? Everything seems evil from the American diet approved by the same group of people that said, "safe and effective this jab is", all the corrupt District Attorneys and Attorney General's, do I need to go on? Every space permeated with disgrace, disdain and disingenuousness. So much talk about who was responsible for the crucification of Christ is actual subject matter on the internet webs. Did the Jews have the Romans do it? so many nuance when they shouldn't and don't when they should. People have set themselves a blaze, a sacrifice before all so you might hear their call. We dismiss them as crazy because you know only a crazy person would do something like that. They believed in something so much they set them selves a blaze with all the hope of a future where you finally heard them, their message was that important, the now did not matter. We really are in a holy war. Meanwhile I'm waiting for Putin to take Kiev so we can be finished with this mess. It gets old and I know there is a move. The Queens gambit, does she step upon the snake. What generation warfare is this again? There is an election this year and the Department of Justice has told alphabet that they are only prosecuting voter suppression...don't let that get lost on you. I really thought they would have made a change by now in the American administration, I guess whatever they want is in the bag, and yeah, Trump as president again would be fabulous for some more up roar. (Don't act like he had power before, he didn't, the President can cause trouble but the president is just a figure head, we all must know this by now, it doesn't matter who it was, is, or is going to be.) 

A magic carpet of earth and stone I'll make so when God looks down I hope he sees the beauty that I see with gratitude he has placed it all before me. 

The crystal balls before me remind with the reflection of the light that will shine and dim, shoots through the night still flys the electrical arch where 2 become one a third to take the light and call. I don't know what else to say it's getting brighter and brighter as I look at it. It's beautiful what I see, blues, oranges, pinks, sparkling, then two figures walking, I can hear the chatter a dark cloud gathers. This is exactly as I see it in front of me at this moment. The cloud still hangs, the light is dim. 

It really is an interesting moment in time if you step back. It might help to put your thoughts in proper order and start moving on this planet like God is watching you and he's none too happy. 

Now to go with my freeflo and thoughts of God and Holy wars I wish to say something of forgiveness; not everybody deserves it and some people do, it's only your choice if the trespass happened against you.

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