Thursday, May 23, 2024

Hear the Call


On this day, 

this full moon morn

I wish to say 

happy birthday

for once in awhile 

its not me

I no for not who you be

looking back in time

forward too

we See a moment in the blue through the purple hue

crystals clear the winged bat nears

don't hide your eyes

or fear the dread

when you hear the call


there will be no end

  1. End you scream
  2. It's all you want
  3. Watch the tower of bable fall apart

Hear the old crow that sweeps the skies there is nothing they can't get by. This door and that, a window through there, time and matter are just a word or two just for you. The river is swift and off the edge you will fall, into the nothing was it worth it all. There is still time I'm told to say but not much for you to change your ways. 

The Daughter of Christ is here for your stay. 


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