Saturday, May 18, 2024

One Eye


I had a discussion with my Father while we watched mother earth spring forth, leaves of green unfurled on trees, out of the earth sprout things to eat, and Cardinals danced.

This discussion was a serious one, space and time and God. 

"Oh one eye Odin don't you See all that which worries thee. They mock where they should dread the touch of your hand across their head."

With thoughts long and hard i did ponder walking all your yards. We need to teach better with actions and ways, prodigy for children instead of envy and weak dread.

Like a sway back and forth I expressed to him where I was wrong to correct a course.

Object destination. 

For so long I thought what I was taught and understood their folly in their path. They make no more excuses just pander and play. No I say ive heard the please a correction must be made. And then i joked to end with flair we cant have death with out the Destroyer.


I sit at his left hand

Be still and listen 

One day I'll tell you a story 

Our Father, does he hear you?

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