Saturday, February 11, 2023

The Inflation of Puffing


The bird song was loud and clear, sang with great import. Did you hear this morning? 

We went to a 'Crime Stoppers' meeting the other evening. They had a panel on a low stage consisting of the  El Paso County Sheriff, the police Chief, the super-attendant of school district 11, a DA, and a professor (he actually said the one truest thing, "it starts at home"). Our crime has sky rocketed in late and we decided we would see what they were gonna say. They were each introduced by the attractive game show host news lady and said a piece here and there. 

Car theft has risen here, why? The Chief of Police advices to help stop car thefts is that is for regular people to stop puffing. (Puffing is turning your car on and letting it run while you finish getting ready for work on cold mornings.) These easy to take rides are used in the pursuit of crimes he tells us. I wonder if he thought we never heard about carjackings in Briargate, they don't just happen around the Citadel Mall or Airport and whathaveyou intersection. 

I understand these 'crime fighting/prevention' positions are difficult and complex, not with standing this heightened atmosphere. It was appreciated they took their time to talk to those in the community that came out...that said...The theft of $2000.00 in Colorado is a misdemeanor, that is a culture problem.

When you are at a gas station in town and a bum (not homeless) approaches you and wants some cash, 'cause ya know, he's a bum, what do you do? Your tank is being filled so your vehicle is attached and you are in a vulnerable position. The bums runamuk here in Colorado Springs and people keep giving a mouse a cookie. The other night we saw a bum banging on cars windows at the intersection of Academy and Voyager, I guess he wasn't getting what he wanted. It's not just relegated to downtown areas, it's spreading like one of our famous wild fires, that are almost always started by whom? Enter search..."How do most fires in Colorado Springs start?" 

The super attendant of D11 starts his schpleal and says something to the regard, schools are where kids should be loved or feel loved or something about love...His word choice usage was a tel. A school is not where a Student is to receive love; the word, 'love' should have not been used at all. Our schools graduate students with out the skills we hired the teachers to teach; how can you blame the teachers that went through a corrupt institution that is the university system that actually didn't teach them how to teach someone how to think on their own while being managed by a, not hyperbole, a communist organization. It's so stupid, get you kids out of public schools, find instructors that haven't been polluted by the ideology of speech is violence and community over self, and please remove God, like your shoes at the front door of their Church they call School*, they don't want that filth violating their sacred halls of 'splaining'... Do you read sarcasm? How can teachers teach when Children know no discipline? How can teachers teach if teachers know no discipline? Did I just use generalizations and you don't like them? I don't mind. If the shoe does not fit then why do you put it on?  

They finish all their stuff and its question time. 

Three men are standing in line.

The man ahead of me asks if the task force is working with the FBI and they say hear me out. this guy is worried about crime and hoping our community is working with an FBI, we have cartel here in our lovely hamlet. (The FBI was supposedly created to stop organized crime. Our State laws are all different and this way the federal government would have the ability to prosecute whom ever they desired.)

Forgive the rant but I find people forgetful. This is also that FBI that spied on a president and smeared him, hads a proverbial field office at Twitter not to mention other social medias, all to censor inconvenient truths: Hunter Bidens lap top, where the virus came from, bio weapons, money laundering and Victoria Nuland, questioning a farce of an election and then told it's un-American to question not to mention all that I am not mentioning. Rot begets Rot 

There I was waiting as patiently as Ralphie wanting to talk to Santa (it's the best illusion I could come up with, I do not believe any of the men on the panel will be bringing me gifts or answers)...

The other 2 men have their turn, one talks of mental health issues and suicides and I don't recall the other. 

Then it's me up...

In a basic incoherent middle-aged mess I say something similar to "the children have nothing to live for and you are worried about puffing." (Yes, I did conflate schools and carjacking.) I can't even write a straight proper paragraph with out at least one runon sentence, can you imagine it out loud? I was seriously stupid. I don't mind though, at least I said something but when I sat down this is where I really felt like Ralphie, I wanted a do over, maybe not for that crowd. 

We have a great deal of legislation that hinders are freedoms in this state and they are doing their best to increase your limits on freedoms. They created a lawless society by getting rid of punishment for crimes committed. How many shootings have happened at the Havana Grill?...but make sure every intersection has cameras to catch 'red light speeders'. think those cameras are there to catch criminals? The best way to stop crime is make it so people don't want or have no reason to commit crimes. 

What is a crime? 

What is punishment? 

What is rehabilitation? 

What is a culture of okayed violence and theft?

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