Saturday, February 11, 2023

Anno Mundi


So, serious questions I've woven in to this brainstorm mess for you to gander through...

You know the FBI is in control of all social media now right? They don't care that you know it. This includes Spotify, you saw the deletions of old Joe Rogan episodes in real time, please do not forget. Recall Robin Hood shutting down because it was told to, that was your money.  

You know the FBI spied on a President of the United States of America now right? If you think for even an instant that it doesn't matter because you didn't like him for what ever reason you do not fully grasp the implications. 

You all know that the banking systems we trust our life not really savings with worked in tandem with the State to see who was in Washington D.C. on Jan 6. It doesn't matter why you were there, it's nobodies fucking business. You all know this correct? Why are they policing free people with real concerns for the future? (The draft for females is around the corner again, be wary, why would we need a draft?) You are aware that the United States via speech and policy of late are calling for regime change in Russia? Why would that be a goal of the Empire? Who's UAPs are they that shoot up around and seen from above the ground by the weather men in Ukraine? Is it such a thing? Have you heard of it? Is the UAP thing even real?

You understand that changing laws with mandates under the guise to keep people safe* gave whomever an easy in. If you can know anything I implore you mail in ballots are not safe and effective unless you want an outcome of your choice and not that of the people. Then with creative judicial acrobats that can make a sane person lose their mind, put a stop to an actual legislative process. You all know this correct? 

You grasp they are saying on the boobtube and with language policing you can't question the election...don't be an 'election denier'...That shut a many people up. You know this right? "Don't be an Anti-Vaxer", don't be and 'anti'...whatever. Call it what it is, language policing of the communist party...what name are they going by these days? Ayn Rands, 'Atlas Shrugged', was one of my fathers educational tools to show us a what system breakdown looks like and how they make it happen. Please keep in mind, no communist has ever done well for their community, just themselves. As air traffic control and pilots become diversity hires, and yes, this is what happens and how it works...nada to do with anyones race or sex, it has to do with ability and to give some else a chance? A chance at flying a plane? over someone with qualifications and a proven record? Or did the competent quit because they were being asked to do something they were against? "This has been happening through time!" yells the moronic feminist in the middle of the room with her knowledge of true womanly power lost on her boring personality because all she did was listen to what other people said about other people then repeat with no original idea so not to get out of line. "We go slow yo with important things" We are discussing a system that when put in the hands of those that actually are not competent the ramifications are real lives. Have you noticed how they don't care about lives, at all. They don't give a shit about you and it's about high time people get that sticking in their minds for root. That's why you should* have Good rules from God. That's why it's God first. I ask this question often, "Who rules over you?" If you are an American citizen you do not have a ruler. Where do your rules come from? I would agree we aren't 'free' but we are as free as free gets these days and we should pull that thread. Take power back. Your vote doesn't count because the President is actually not in control of anything. You got that now? The Governor of Pennsylvania is who? The Governor of New Mexico is it? where there have been shenanigans of threats of prosecution if some one didn't vote a certain way...but yeah, it's all good folks, just wait till 2024. 

Do you understand the ramifications of the above flow? 

Real quick like here is a run down on who has what power and what I mean. ...and no I'm not paranoid, and yes, it will come for you in time. 

Hard Power is the Second Amendment; the United States Federal Government is to have no hard power against the citizens in which it is here to protect-this is how it is supposed to work. (You know we have killed US citizens correct?) ..."give a mouse a cookie", "give a bum a $1", "give the State a power". The Federal Government can not legally enter a State with it's military force pointed towards the people unless invited and like the vampiric culture it is making blood slaves everywhere it goes. We have military installations in how many states let alone countries?

Soft Power is our Judicial system and intimidation via language usage and threats of unemployment termination. 

The Capitol Police answer to know one, they can go anywhere, they, like congress are not subject to FOIA requests (you know that stands for Freedom Of Information Act? Also the Federal Reserve is not answerable to anyone. You know they are a private bank right? (hmmmm...I wonder what the biggest bank in the world could afford to do to keep its place in standing) I'm not trying to be an asshole, it's ok if you don't know, I don't know all sorts of stuff. What I do know is that it's time to start paying real close attention. Any armed agency with DEI in any literature and training, this includes all the Armed Forces are controlled by whom? I mean the earwig of cult mentality...When you are in a cult you don't know it, at first it's all love bombs and then the moment you step out of line in comes the shame and correction, most fall in line, this is a cult of infiltration. Does the President really have any power? (most know the answer but to truly grasp this is incredibly pertinent) The FBI spied and smeared a sitting President and not for the first time in history either, stop with all naiveté, the ramifications of '11 past heads of Intelligence agencies all agree Trump is a Russian asset' or some such shit is just as thoughtful as 98% of all scientists believe in the consensus of climate change or what eves, news flash from above, there is no proper climate for terra, you think a bunch of buraracratic scientists will fix the Earth? You idiot, the Earth is not broken, people are broken. Governors have use of their National Guard and State Patrol...then cities with local police forces. Back to Jerome Powel and the Federal Reserve, awhile back he said if "you want interest rates to go down We (note, I don't know if he said we or I and would it have been a Royal We? the outcome is the same) need to see more layoffs"...then one by one you hear of more and more layoffs, that's someones job, who decides who gets hired and fired? 

From where do our intelligence agencies get their memos?

You may be wondering why I'm pointing this out because you know all of the above right? You clearly understand that all this the last years (how far back does it go?) shined a light on to a whole heaping of truth that your vote actually means nothing at all. I truly admire great coordinating skills, from the logistics of the Roman military, to a party planners timing, to an illusion of the National Guard having to come in to support a morgue in TX during the pandemic, all created from a test that was positive and all those that came in contact work for 15 days...You actually have no idea if anyone is even sick...just tested positive. You don't believe them still do you? I'm not saying people didn't get really sick. You can not believe anything at all on any social media site or any media...can you even believe me? I don't know what it's called but it's an information bubble net code. They actually have one over you. I have one draped diligently over me. The net filters information to certain people, the internet is not web sites, it's all the knowledge that lives in the digital space, yes, you know this, <are you grasping that you might not be under the influence of free will?>. It's not wholly the algorithm. They can do more than cut off a system, this is common knowledge, they filter it, I know you are aware, I'm reminding you. They don't filter out the harmful to children, they filter your voice. Do you find it all happening quickly? From the use of your first AI as you asked it to make something for you, be it; art, a paper, it did the work for you, it did more then answer a question. When you understand the significance of the cotton engine to the machine/system, similar to the printing press and in time the elimination of...fiver? Writers? It's endless. Can it be good, yes, in time. Can it be bad, yes, always in modernity the new is not as good as people want to believe, they like the easy way, the hack, the lazy no work give me a hand out way.  

There is one more power, the power of the platform, that your voice be heard even if others do not agree. The language patrol is the intimidation from the cult members, please do not pretend it is not that. We need to be looking at reality and the reality is that our federal government wants to unseat a nuclear power. "Hello?" The same federal government that thinks giving a 13 year old hormone blockers that will change them forever and keep them tied to what?

Looking back, when you hear, someone insisting there is a consensus or not to question...that's one of the tel tale signs you start looking under every rug and from above. Do you know the story of Pandoras Box? Who she was married to? Who her brother was? The significance of myth can also teach a story. 

Be still and listen 

One day I'll tell you a story

Questions for the smart people. 

How do you fix a system out of control broken on purpose

Who are the smart people? Who are the Good leaders we should look too?

You know that the vaccine passport is a done deal? You are aware they changed the definition of the word vaccine? That means they can mandate that if you want to leave your 15 min city bounds you have to show your pass. If you don't believe any of this is going to be implemented you are fooling your self, when they changed the zoning rules they opened the door to your mandated future and the G20 and WHO (the UN) has ideas for you. You didn't vote for this...your vote does not exist. 

It's going to take an epic coordination of regular people and smart people around the globe to acknowledge that there are groups that are managing destroying our future and they have no care for anyone, not race, nationality, or creed. 

When do you say there is a right way and a wrong way and you are doing it the wrong way? They never want to tell you the Truth because then you will know they are not that smart, they just think they are because they have obviously been put in a position above you so they must be better. 

How many paychecks does the federal system pay out? 

How do we go back to the drawing board and erase the Bill of Rights? I have all the Rights God gave me, the government gives me no rights. 

Your vote doesn't matter, it's an illusion like the value of your currency. You must acknowledge this or it will never get fixed.  

Has it felt like almost the greatest made for drama saga weaved in a story you had ever watched/read...the whole shebang. The absolute absurdity of all of it from peaceful protests with buildings on fire, to drag queen story hour, and when you look around to see who believes it, who talks about it, did they care? Do people know that the internet is reality now, in total she just gave birth. Did you notice?

I see people fighting the good fight, the James Lindsays, the Jordon they educate the masses to the disturbing truth of reality...It's time for the Masses to stand up. 

You have to stop be scared. You have to talk about it openly. The United States Government has been taken over. Sounds like hyperbole...did you read the above? 

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