Friday, September 3, 2021

The Scale of Right vs Wrong

We have a problem...a prestige problem..."world wide, world wide, world wide"...And (emphasis) it's in your home, here...all around.

I have a few things I'd like to state. I'm scared for the future in the most profound interpretation you can imagine. On the big scale and the little. I do not fear though I walk through the Valley of death. I'm scared for our grand children. I'm scared of the new mandate they will pass that will control our movement, our livelihoods. I'm using the royal plural, We the People, We the Sovereign. That poem..."first they came for..." it's right now...and they will come for you in turn.


I'm not calling anyone a 'name' when I say idiot...let me give you the definition of 'idiot'... someone that doesn't know better and harms themselves and others with their actions- this is my be clear it's the old way of defining it. 

Censorship of words was the first sign of this problem. When we can not accurately convey a message with proper comprehension on the other end we have miscommunications. Then people get their feelings hurt...and act a two year old might do when they don't get their way.


Everyone needs to open their eyes and look around at reality. Turn off your tv shows and corporate news stations. There are people that think if you are not vaccinated you should not be able to earn a living and they are implementing these policies in companies and throughout businesses-you all know this and some know the dangers but some don't... This is fucking with peoples lively hoods and it will push them over the edge. There are policies being implemented that will put people with out the vaccine with out medical care, jobs, transportation...ask yourself if you think that is good policy then see yourself what kind of person you really are. Australia, Canada, Scotland, England, Wales, France, Italy...Ireland...

The idiots don't realize the harm they are causing with their actions, they fear their neighbor because they've been told they are the reason for the situation they are in. Be it the death or illness of a family member they have someone to blame. The vaccinated are the ones spreading the just as true and factual as the unvaccinated are the ones spreading the virus. Ergo porque?  

Children change rules in mid game...can you see a comparison with what is happening these days, be it with covid, the vaccines, masks, definition changes and constantly calling people names. See above where I'm not calling them a name, I'm using one word to describe a behavior pattern.

Behavior pattern is where I connect the blame of one group that have done nothing to harm others but are told by media/propaganda blitz of epic proportion to stop a revelation of a rare revolution...that your neighbor is a bad person when you know they are not but told over and over and start giving it credence . It happened in recent history but they didn't teach the consequences, communistteachersunion has it's reasons, I think they are noticeable now and I don't look like I'm spouting's been going on for sometime now, they just hit the thruster to max. It's almost like they have taken their masks off...wouldn't ya say?

The mass media/propaganda blitz has told you who to hate for the misdeeds of themselves, we call it projection.  

They are pushing people over the edge on purpose...the idiots think it's a good idea because they are either dismissing the consequences or can't see them. The government is creating hysteria to move a situation where they want it. The United States is still a free country...there is only one thing stopping them here.


You are not an empath and if you are a real one then I feel so very bad for you. What you really are is someone that was not taught to control their feelings; emotion is separate. You might have walked a path similar but we all have different obstacles and shoes...we are not all the same but we will all have the same outcome at the passing of our bodies. You were also not taught to not fear. This one is actually easy, the truth shall set you free and you know longer fear; think big scheme.

I believe in you


I heard the man that took the oath of office said something about not forgiving or forgetting what happened to the 13 Marines in Afghanistan... We occupied their land for 20 years and we tell them 'we will not forgive'?...holyshitstormallaroundpakistaniranafghanistan the rise of Persia right after Assyria was wiped off the map. Just because you don't know the history of another nation long before your time doesn't mean someone else doesn't know it. To top that off it doesn't help to know that they were sacrificed knowingly by the top brass.

We don't teach in-depth recent history or as much as we can infer with the oldest written languages. If you take all the books and stories, ALL of them, we have a fairly decent political view of some interesting points in time. This goes to the censorship, that has also happened in the past and we have discovered a great deal from the finding of old texts in caves, hidden away to hide the truth; that didn't fit their agenda. 

This is not a story

They are not doing this because of the covid virus...this is the virus of communism and it is a pandemic. This is your social credit score (where the rules always change to fit an agenda) and passport to move freely and do commerce. They have started implementing these passports all over now. If you are in the 'club' of the vaccinated how long before you are not keeping up to their standards? How much will you let them force feed you pills and needles to live freely telling you what you can and can not say? What is your line? How much will you take? What punishment does the evil person think should be done to the ones they blame for their fear? History anyone? 

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