Monday, September 6, 2021

Above The Ground


This is not a secret. Secrets you don't share. 

The powers that be have hard and soft power at their ready. They don't care about your safety. They don't care that you protest. It won't stop them. They have a one track mind...a...commune of minds masked as something might infer. 

You do know the world is not just changing before your eyes but it will not have a positive outcome...regular people (that know) just hope it will. Our children's children will live under constant monitor; they will grow old never having actually lived. This isn't a pretend will be the future, everyone (left) under control of one government. You won't have a say at all about anything that happens in your region. No shit...this is the plan. 

There is only one way to stop it. Not reverse...hyper drive into the future with a moral compass. 

It would take all the people, the citizens of every country to rise up. At the same time. The logistics are so many you would think it impossible...

The underground network would have to be many's up in the air how they could do it.

When the underground is above ground the truth Flys overhead.

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