Monday, September 20, 2021

Black Hole

The Overton window moves to accept something you would never accept under circumstances before through making the abnormal...normal...the abhorrent to acceptable through excuses, and vilification if you do not follow the line. I like to use the example of abortion. It went from wrong (the killing of a child in utero), to being told they would be infrequent and for rape and incest, to 'my body my choice', to 3rd trimester abortions to let's cut the spine of a baby in the birth canal with scissors, to where they celebrate the death...that is a perfect example of the Overton window and how they moved it so your thinking would be acceptable and if it wasn't they would vilify you...and they have done this with Trans, on a different level. They have used trans people as the ultimate intersection of identity politics to push an agenda. They elevate the trans community as the ultimate victim status and use it politically. Much like late term abortion laws that exist not for the health of the mother but the health of our pharmaceutical companies that need organs from babies to do their experiments (yes, this is the real reason for changing late term abortion laws). The difference in the Trans's the normalization of pedophilia, not outwardly. It is not a process that can be done over night. In Virginia and California they have already put proposals on the table for lowering the age of consent, for medical reasons, sex ones, voting ones as well.  In California they passed a law where a 24 year old can have sex with a 14 year old. In many schools they won't share with the parents of the Child that the Child is calling themselves Trans and a different name.   They are making the children sexually vulnerable by introducing sexual private acts for adults as behavior they should emulate, because that is what children do...The GayBC's is a great example, it's a real book they sell all over, even in gift wrapping shops. Being Gay is not enough...'Super Gay' (it means a man that only likes men-yes, it's a trolled slang definition) is wrong because, "love is love" that is a saying in the pedophilia means that it doesn't matter what age someone is if you love them you can't help it, "love is love". They have taken that language and applied it...where if you meet some one that is trans and don't want to sleep with them because they are the opposite of what you thought...then you are transphobic. "Love is love"...everyone should have the right to love anyone, even against the wishes of the intended. Which an adult knows that this is not the way human nature works...which joins the vicious circle of victim hood because you may not hurt feelings with the truth. 

The safe space is necessary to not hear things you don't like. I am not a safe space.

There are many stories of people after they have had mastectomies and hormones, genital mutilation (that is the correct terminology)...there is no way to change the sex of someone...every intelligent person knows this to be a is 'Hate speech' to say so now...the Overton window...The stories of de-transitioning people and how they felt forced or too young to have made such a drastic change to their bodies...and no longer will have the same experience of their body because the doctors altered it is the price these individuals face. Often after transitioning suicides take place...when they finally understand that there is no way they can be what they thought they wanted. The Children are the people that they sacrifice as political pawns. 

The cult behavior used in the intersectionality mindset is that if someone speaks out against their faulty belief or refuses to comply they are shunned or condemned. Much like that of scientology or any cult. 

We hear about suicide in the trans community as a big problem because it is. These are people that have mental health issues, mental health issues that have been propped up in schools and communities of people thinking that all any one needs is love...'Love is Love', we need to accept the truth that the world isn't perfect and kind.


Transgender teens are similar to anorexics of the 80''s a trend that is dangerous...but worse today it's a political trend where children that want acceptance and purpose have to find as many intersections with which to identify. Intersectionality creates an illusion of acceptance in a group where you find your identity through victimhood at as many intersections you can, white cismen need not apply. A trans person cuts through the red tape as the ultimate victim. 

The medical community and psychological community prop up the intersectionality position by dismissing the physical and mental health consequences long term. In turn they promote hormones to placate instead of helping. The long term effects of hormone treatments are absolute. The mental anguish the children go through thinking they are one thing different then what they look like is torture for them, because of what they have been told by others that do not have their best interests in mind. The political atmosphere is 'acceptance' ... accepting someone is one thing...helping someone with a disorder (which we are not truly allowed to call it as that is 'hate speech') now called transphobic. 

Why would they do this? It's certainly not for the health of the Child. They are making them into victims of their experiments. The Children can't see it, they don't have the life experience to know what's happening. 

You can stop it if you can acknowledge it. 

You do not have to play a game of pretend. 


The Overton window is a black hole.


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