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Great day for a game?!!! |
I’ve done a good job keeping my mouth shut at the games with a new understanding that…
...“boys will be boys when it comes to baseball”…and I’m not talking about the 7 and 8 year olds on the field…:/
LoveBug wasn’t excited to go to his game today…
…”When we win the Coach says, ‘You did ok today.’ When we lose he says, ‘You guys did horrible out there.’
We know I have no love for the Coach…The assistant Coaches have grown on me. I like they way they are with the Children when the head Coach is out of town…It’s a much more fun and an easy learning environment.
Today the weather forecast was bleak. I kept on waiting for the canceling of the game, as was my Ex.
Note…Many of you that read this might be unaware that I have been a 'Soccer Mom' for years. I have nothing against sports although it may look like it from past blogs…My problem is…
I don’t like it but will sit through rain (sprinkles) and yucky weather, cold and wind…all the while feeling bad for my Children as they play through it.
I draw the line at lightning and bad weather.
I know our weather is hard to predict… ask any weather man here!…But when it’s obvious and in your face/over head…can we be reasonable? please?
I get to the game at 11:28. We are to be there 30 minutes before when we can. The game starts at 12:00, supposedly.
Via their, Colorado Springs Little League, face book page this is what/how things went down…
All the times are estimates…but you will get the drift…
3 Hours ago… (around 11:30)
Warning! ) Lightning Strike 15 miles for Colorado Springs Little League. Lightning strike alert for CSLL. Lightning.
3 Hours ago… (around 11:36(ish))
Note…I’m gonna paraphrase…I feel lazy…
The call to evacuate the fields, lightning within 10 miles.
12:16 (ish)
The all clear is given to “Play Ball!"
The teams that WERE playing FINISHED their games as we stood around…
Another lightning strike….
Another 30 minute wait…
We waited…My Ex joined us in my Cool Mini Van…You have to go to your vehicle…you can’t stay on the field. (I get this…I’m not one to play with lightning…that shit will find me!)
I wasn’t leaving. I wanted to as did EVERYONE ELSE. I’m the pariah though…This bitch is sticking around. I’m not gonna leave the team with one less player….
What if our schizophrenic weather with a crack addiction and a side of ADHD decided to change it’s mind?…It wasn’t though and that was obvious…
30 minutes later and the game is back on.
The Coach had to leave…a Birthday party. I understand that you schedule things expecting them to be complete at a certain time…this is Little League not a Cricket game. (Cricket can go on fooooooreeeeeeever.)
We get out of my Cool ride and head to the field…
Where intelligent Men stood. Yes, I said that.
They realized and understood the weather was what it was and neither team wanted to go through yet another delay…So they cancelled.
The Little League representative was on the other field…ignoring that which was over head and the obvious?!…
There was a few more posts after we left…
There was another lighning strike warning…
Then a…
…a delay
Then a...
…”Please be patient as we are trying all we can to get these games in today.”
Then finally.
…”All games cancelled today."
I must say now that there is a Little League Mom that doesn’t like me because she doesn’t know me or understand that to me…
A game is a game and at the ripe old age of 8 my LoveBug won’t be picked up by the pro’s tomorrow…I’ll support my Children in the things they love with the understanding that a proper schedule and a loving (and yes, stern) environment will help them succeed in life. Life’s not fair and if anyone knows that my Children do.
My Children are well rounded and they are CHILDREN…and I will let them be so.
It’s not about ‘the times’ it’s about COMMON SENSE.
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