A real life one.
I’m a solitary eclectic practitioner. (That just means I follow my souls needs and desires as God/Goddess guides me and I belong to no coven….I don’t like others dogma attaching itself to me.)
Some Wiccan’s (That’s what we are also called) may not think me a ‘real’ witch because I don’t practice the same way they do.
Here is a ‘little' history lesson of The Church…not in order ‘cause then my blog wouldn’t make sense.
In 1517 when Martin Luther published his Ninety Five Theses the Protestant Reformation was born. Since then Christians have been branching out and interpreting the bible to suit their own needs. (Actually they have been doing that for 2000 years;)
Do the very fine differing points of each sect of the Protestant religious groups make the others not true or real?
I sat here and typed out a whole bunch of stuff about Emperor Constantine but deleted it all as I think I am the only one interested in all this stuff sometimes…So I am sparing you…Thank me later.
Note…I later did type all that stuff on the big bad Emperor and I posted it.
There is a time called the Ante-Nicene Era. This would be the time before the meeting of the Council Of Nicea. There were a great many of Religions and belief systems actively engaged in the Roman Empire. Christianity, several Pagan religions, Judaism and more…People were tolerant of each others Religions at that time, mostly. This was the beginning of the Christian movement though and wasn’t looked on highly. The Christians were being persecuted by the Pagans.
April 17th 6 BC is the date many scholars believe Jesus was born. The reason we celebrate Christmas on December 25th was so the Christians could disguise the celebration of the birth of Christ under the shadow of the Celebration of the Winter Equinox/ Saturnalia / Yule…what ever name you want to give it.

It’s ok…you showed us big time with the Malleus Maleficarum and all those awesome Witch Trials…
I get many questions regarding what I believe AND questions about World Religions. I love the topic of Religions and Belief Systems, sociologically and anthropologically it fascinates me.
I believe in Heaven and Hell but I believe they exist in peoples hearts and souls.
I think the reality of our souls future we create in this life time plays out for a while when we pass on and then we come back here to grow and learn from our lessons of past lives.
I believe in the same God you do.
I don’t care what you believe in or if you are Hindu, Christian or Muslim . I believe we share the same Creator. We just all interact differently with our Creator.
Catholics pray to Saints, not just God. Buddhists and Hindus have multiple Gods they pray to. I think there is an Energy in beings and names and we use that Energy to manifest whatever it is we need/want.
The Norse, Greek, Egyptian, Celtic, ect…Gods/Goddess carry an Energy as well and I use those Energies on a daily basis.
God is in each and every one of us.
Religion is very important to me as is my belief system.
We also have a 3 fold.
For every good you do it will be returned to you 3 fold. For every harm it will be returned to you 3 fold. I have been delighted to feel the fold of good and horrified by the harm on others I have inflicted and felt the 3 fold there as well. Not a pleasant experience.
I came out of the proverbial ‘Broom Closet’ years ago. My parents know, my children know, as do my friends. Some of my best friends are Born Again Christians. I think they pray for me a lot!
My Children like to guess what my secret powers are…the other day it was burping and we all had a good laugh.
I can’t read your mind, don’t worry. I can read your body language though.
I don’t have X-Ray vision but I see your Aura.
Those things aren’t secrets...
I love a good Spell. A Spell is just another word for a prayer.
I do them for myself and for others if they ask me. I won’t make a Spell to harm another or to make someone do something.
I take time everyday to be grateful and thank God/Goddess for everything that surrounds me, the tangible and intangible.
When I send ‘Love and Light’ to another I am sending them the Light of God and all my Love, of which is very powerful for I am filled with the Love of God/Goddess.
I respect your reality of what you believe, and hope you are educated not just by the words in a book but by history.
I pray you respect mine as well.
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