When I started blogging I thought that only my Facebook friends would read it. I had hoped though that others would find it, read it, get my sense of humor and be entertained by my witty point of view. (I just tooted my own horn and called myself witty;)
I can track what posts are most popular, what time of day they are read, what countries they are being read in and by what links people are using to access it. I don’t know which individual is reading them though…so don’t worry, your anonymity is safe.
I have readers all over the world. I know most of them.
There are several countries I don’t know anyone in though: Croatia, Slovenia and Russia to name a few.

I told my Ex about this and he said…
…”You know who’s in Russia? Spies.”
He was serious.
I live in the shadow of Cheyenne Mountain.
…but I don’t think any spy could retrieve any useful information from me about our National Security. That is actually laughable.
Although….some have said I have Mata Hari tendencies, but I think they are referring to my love of being in front of the camera in costumes.
The United States and Russia just signed the new START treaty. (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty)
My synapses’ fire differently than a normal person. So in my mind, I have this reader whom I think is in Russia. The START just signed, Iran just declared themselves Nuclear capable and North Korea is threatening the South…
The known countries with Nuclear capabilities are as followed: The United States, Britain, Russia, India, Pakistan, France and China. ‘We’ also believe that Israel, Iran and North Korea are in the game, as they say.
I must blog about this…
I would like to begin my one sided dialogue about Iran. (I don’t want it to be one sided though.)
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is the tyrannical, oppressive leader of Iran. He is off his rocker.
The Iranians I meet call themselves Persians, I think they are embarrassed at what their country has become.
There was a time that Iran was trying to Westernize itself. This was under the leadership of the Shah of Iran. I’m not gonna tell you he went about it the right way though. He used the power of the SAVAK, the secret police, if his foes defied him. He tried his best….his best wasn’t good enough though.
He was ousted from power…
I was in Iran in 1979. The country was as beautiful as the people that live there.
In 1979 numerous events took place in Iran. The Shah is sent into exile, the Ayatollah returns, the Islamic Republic is proclaimed and 52 Americans are held hostage in the United States Embassy, not to be released until after 444 days.
The day before my birthday in 1980 the Iran Iraq war started.
The Saudi government, the King of Bahrain and a plethora of other countries in that region are concerned. They realize there is enough contention in that region.
They have asked the United States to step in and, ’take action’.
….and into to the spiral of a horrific abyss they continue…with Nuclear weapons…
North Korea, The Big Bad Bully of the Pacific with a beastly case of acne…that everyone can see but them as they are blind to it because they refuse to look in a mirror!

My middle son is South Korean born. He goes to Korean school on Saturdays to learn Hangul and to speak Korean as well. He is my son and he will have all the knowledge I can impart upon on him to live a full good life.
We talk about South Korea often as he is proud of where he is from. I love Korea: the food, the people, the country side…We also talk about North Korea. I have shown him what the North looks like at night from satellite imagery…not a light in site.
The people live under circumstances not of their choosing but that of a brutal despotic government. A government that thinks Communism is working for them while their people waste away into oblivion and they, the leaders, live in state of excess that shames me.
Communism is about a totalitarian government that controls all social and economic good and disburses them as...I’m guessing here…as they see fit.
As a Capitalist I think Communism sucks ass.
Lately North Korea has been rearing it’s ugly head and showing it’s ass.
In March the North sunk a South Korean ship and killed 46 Sailors.
In November the North shelled the island of Yeonpyeong, killing 2 soldiers and wounding 17 and 3 civilians were also harmed.
The North is now making threats of a Nuclear attack on the South.
President Lee Myung-bak is finally taking a stance I admire, but that which I am frightful of.
“Fear of war is never helpful in preventing war.”
“If we are firmly determined to brave any risks, we can fend off any emerging threats.”
I like what he says but will reiterate that it frightens me. It frightens me because sometimes when you stand up to a bully they just see themselves in the right and go head on, like a bull, and then blame the consequences of their actions on everyone else.
The consequences would be dire.
…And now onto to the Russia and the good ol’ U.S of A…
The new START signing entails both countries to cut their Nuclear warheads in half. Even if they do this they will both have more nuclear warheads, each, than all other countries that have Nuclear capabilities combined!
This treaty doesn’t stop the US from our uber cool plans to build a missile defense in Europe. I’m all about a good defense.
I don’t however think the world needs to worry about either the US or Russia. They both made it through the cold war unharmed-ish.
(I’m not blogging about Russian politics right now…and that I believe Putin holds all the power and Medvedev is his puppet. Or that the FSB (the KGB replacement) has a heavy hand and is awfully busy with its heavy hand. Or that I think it’s a bit squirrely that Putin, a KGB veteran was appointed as the head of the FSB, then became president…yada, yada, yada…I’m not gonna blog about that stuff at all.)
I left out Japan and the fact the the US obliterated Hiroshima and Nagasaki…that really IS for another day…
I’m thinking politics is no longer a career option for me.
I can track what posts are most popular, what time of day they are read, what countries they are being read in and by what links people are using to access it. I don’t know which individual is reading them though…so don’t worry, your anonymity is safe.
I have readers all over the world. I know most of them.
There are several countries I don’t know anyone in though: Croatia, Slovenia and Russia to name a few.

I told my Ex about this and he said…
…”You know who’s in Russia? Spies.”
He was serious.
I live in the shadow of Cheyenne Mountain.
…but I don’t think any spy could retrieve any useful information from me about our National Security. That is actually laughable.
Although….some have said I have Mata Hari tendencies, but I think they are referring to my love of being in front of the camera in costumes.
The United States and Russia just signed the new START treaty. (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty)
My synapses’ fire differently than a normal person. So in my mind, I have this reader whom I think is in Russia. The START just signed, Iran just declared themselves Nuclear capable and North Korea is threatening the South…
The known countries with Nuclear capabilities are as followed: The United States, Britain, Russia, India, Pakistan, France and China. ‘We’ also believe that Israel, Iran and North Korea are in the game, as they say.
I must blog about this…
I would like to begin my one sided dialogue about Iran. (I don’t want it to be one sided though.)
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is the tyrannical, oppressive leader of Iran. He is off his rocker.
The Iranians I meet call themselves Persians, I think they are embarrassed at what their country has become.
There was a time that Iran was trying to Westernize itself. This was under the leadership of the Shah of Iran. I’m not gonna tell you he went about it the right way though. He used the power of the SAVAK, the secret police, if his foes defied him. He tried his best….his best wasn’t good enough though.
He was ousted from power…
I was in Iran in 1979. The country was as beautiful as the people that live there.
In 1979 numerous events took place in Iran. The Shah is sent into exile, the Ayatollah returns, the Islamic Republic is proclaimed and 52 Americans are held hostage in the United States Embassy, not to be released until after 444 days.
The day before my birthday in 1980 the Iran Iraq war started.
The Saudi government, the King of Bahrain and a plethora of other countries in that region are concerned. They realize there is enough contention in that region.
They have asked the United States to step in and, ’take action’.
….and into to the spiral of a horrific abyss they continue…with Nuclear weapons…
North Korea, The Big Bad Bully of the Pacific with a beastly case of acne…that everyone can see but them as they are blind to it because they refuse to look in a mirror!

My middle son is South Korean born. He goes to Korean school on Saturdays to learn Hangul and to speak Korean as well. He is my son and he will have all the knowledge I can impart upon on him to live a full good life.
We talk about South Korea often as he is proud of where he is from. I love Korea: the food, the people, the country side…We also talk about North Korea. I have shown him what the North looks like at night from satellite imagery…not a light in site.
The people live under circumstances not of their choosing but that of a brutal despotic government. A government that thinks Communism is working for them while their people waste away into oblivion and they, the leaders, live in state of excess that shames me.
Communism is about a totalitarian government that controls all social and economic good and disburses them as...I’m guessing here…as they see fit.
As a Capitalist I think Communism sucks ass.
Lately North Korea has been rearing it’s ugly head and showing it’s ass.
In March the North sunk a South Korean ship and killed 46 Sailors.
In November the North shelled the island of Yeonpyeong, killing 2 soldiers and wounding 17 and 3 civilians were also harmed.
The North is now making threats of a Nuclear attack on the South.
President Lee Myung-bak is finally taking a stance I admire, but that which I am frightful of.
“Fear of war is never helpful in preventing war.”
“If we are firmly determined to brave any risks, we can fend off any emerging threats.”
I like what he says but will reiterate that it frightens me. It frightens me because sometimes when you stand up to a bully they just see themselves in the right and go head on, like a bull, and then blame the consequences of their actions on everyone else.
The consequences would be dire.
…And now onto to the Russia and the good ol’ U.S of A…
The new START signing entails both countries to cut their Nuclear warheads in half. Even if they do this they will both have more nuclear warheads, each, than all other countries that have Nuclear capabilities combined!
This treaty doesn’t stop the US from our uber cool plans to build a missile defense in Europe. I’m all about a good defense.
I don’t however think the world needs to worry about either the US or Russia. They both made it through the cold war unharmed-ish.
(I’m not blogging about Russian politics right now…and that I believe Putin holds all the power and Medvedev is his puppet. Or that the FSB (the KGB replacement) has a heavy hand and is awfully busy with its heavy hand. Or that I think it’s a bit squirrely that Putin, a KGB veteran was appointed as the head of the FSB, then became president…yada, yada, yada…I’m not gonna blog about that stuff at all.)
I left out Japan and the fact the the US obliterated Hiroshima and Nagasaki…that really IS for another day…
I’m thinking politics is no longer a career option for me.
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