Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Sun Source


Spin with me here

Flow with me there

Feel the rush of the tide

The numbing cold will go away

Dive in to the wave

There is a path deep down

You will see a light

 it's west of the red corral 

The star fish will guide the way

When you get to the cave hold close to the wall

There are no more screaming people running hither to and fro

They are gone now from time of old

The walls still bright under the ash of time

Instructions for the future in the floor below


The wind is strong today 

the might of the Sun is coming your way.

I hope you weren't lazy and you got this far, there is always something in the words I send to space if you can pick it up. 

When I think of the wind I see every molecule you don't whipping at me and engaging with my skin. Beneath my feet I feel the worm doing its duty enriching the soil. 

I enjoy solving a problem. Alas I can only solve my own. I might be able to solve yours too, but you have to start with honesty then move forward with Truth and conviction. 

My Mother has had three shoulder surgeries. A friend of ours fell and broke his dominant arm...he couldn't sign something...and then I had a thoughtful moment that would confuse an average person, #1, my hand writing is atrocious, maybe I can do better if I learn from the start, not for fun, but with purpose. Your dominant hand is a choice. Right handed and left handed is a choice. I'm a solid believer I am in control of me and how I move through this world. So I started thinking. If I can aim my toothbrush from inside the shower, over the top of the door and land said tooth brush into the tiny hole of the four holed toothbrush holder on the bathroom counter perfectly several times...then bam. I can do anything.c 

So...I'm checked out on deboning chicken thighs, 12 for a good solid practice. Deveining shrimp is easy peasy 2 weeks in; brushing teeth I hardly ever stab myself anymore. Knife work is my fun work where I am better than average with my expert hand. I'm now just average with my left hand and with practice I get better. Digging in the garden is an odd feel, stranger than knife work, more foreign I would say. Eating is no problem; I don't care to eat like an American so I don't, left handed upside down fork  so I don't shovel food in to my mouth, although, once in awhile I do as they do here to fit in...when in Rome, this isn't Rome. I'm a no go with chopsticks, but I've only tried twice and my third time is my charm in my discipline.

It takes reminding a great deal for when something becomes a habit it becomes easy. When we practice though it becomes habit. It's called discipline. 

So...We practice that which is healthy and intelligent for our body. In Truth we should teach how we control our self and body that Our Creator made for each of us and how to work it the best of your ability. Western medicine in mostly retarded, I added the mostly for the undisciplined normie in the back of the room...I'm PMS a bit, I was hoping I was done, but God says not yet sweetie. 

Let me explain, I know I'm going to come off as an asshole but really, think out of the box, and swim through the neurons of your mind. Your brain is in your body and no one else can get in unless you let them...don't let the cunty pill dolling Psych major in or you will be a slave of their retarded system (advertising and psychology are the same schools, when you see them coming at you, turn your back, don't be Lot's wife). 

Your universal political healthcare is poison. Food is medicine and they poison that. I hear the normie in the front row, "What about penicillin"... and think you are nuancing...you are retarding the conversation because you are lazy and don't want to do the work. Oh, did I say that out loud? Let me nuance for you in my Wiccan way, when you eat the bread that she made with whole ingredient never touched by the foul hand and it had a specific fungus on it she knew how to grow would you call it magic or ...food is medicine. I popped those pills, I know that way. Start early, don't feed your babies sugars because it's unhealthy...it's not addictive, that's an excuse. I can hear it, "that's not fair to say! I'm addicted!" That is an excuse. It's not me being mean...It's me actually showing you how to do something and it's usually not that hard...and when you begin a new habit, not a diet, a diet is that which you consume, it can last a life time...so choose your habits wisely.

We used to say, "What's for dessert?" and in reply, "the table!" 

Think of sugar and how you desire it so, the man in the box told you you were not in control and you were addicted to it...put it down, it's not making your life better. I believe in you, they don't. Do not put this shoe on if it doesn't fit. 

Most people don't think about how they walk, they just put one foot in front of the other to get where they are going, shoulders vaguely slumped and their tummy relaxed and free, no judgement from me but if you believe you are intelligent then you would practice something if you knew it was Good and the rewards potentially reaped would be many fold compared to stagnation. Many years ago we would actually teach young ladies how to walk, tall, straight back and head up. Good posture practice becomes habit and your body, hopefully barring accidents and illnesses will bare better with its time. (The pills you take from your doctor that make you sick so they give you another pill...stop eating shit. Food is medicine and for fucks sake don't over dose on that either...you control your hand to your mouth and what you put in it.)

If someone can walk from Ethiopia to Liberia I can do this.

A while back I was lost.

I was having a difficult time managing my Self.

I had forgotten who I was.

Then the Earth shook beneath my feet

 I arose

I put my cage around my neck

and put the ways of man behind

When I dot my face it will be for battle

till then I will show you the way

Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story

She rose from the depths of the waters and flew through the sky, it was similar to swimming for her because that was what she was doing with the molecules magnetized around her. 

Through the ether

though the woods 

through the air 

she was bare

 in a ring of smoke

you didn't even wink an eye


As I walk through the garden of the valley of death, and yes, in a future this is the Valley of Death the thoughts hit the air and I say, "My desire is not to prove something to you, I already know it's the Truth. I'm just showing you it's you that has to do the work with a conscious free under Gods eye or you will always be a slave." 

I don't put my Standard on you, that is mine.

What is your Standard? 

Who rules over you?


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