Friday, August 20, 2021

Selected Diversity


Everyone knows now that Biden is a corrupt, senile, a disaster. 

They will use The Taliban threat as a way to push through terror acts...all over the world. They will be a guise to spy on every citizen, with the ok of the scared out of their minds mass mob that is frightened of their shadow...probably because a deamon lurks there... that is linked. Add that to your Covid... if you don't understand it is with us forever and they are experimenting on you and have no idea what they are doing...but they know enough how to add a new avenue for viruses to reach humans that never could before...I hope you are beginning to understand now. Covid is a new path money making machine because they don't have an endless unjustified war to wash their's a twofer. Do you know what the other is? It's not to help all humans...I don't trust people like's ok if you do. I hope you had informed consent.

When he steps out of the picture...

Here in the US they will be mass unrest. No one voted in a selected diversity choice...and a bad cop at that...Black, White, no matter what colour...she didn't receive one vote. 

She knows she didn't get there on merit. Can you imagine to be smart enough to know you didn't get the job because you earned it...but because you are a bully. Think of the kind of person that is a bully, a real one, not one that hurts your feelings because you misunderstand something said. One that puts action behind feelings of inadequacies and projects them on others...with the power of Tyranny and a jaded view. If I'm wrong I'll admit it...

There are so many games they are playing on your mind...covid here, Afghanistan there, masks and jabs, racism and's a pot of alphabet spaghetti and it's finished cooking. It's all sticking to the wall.

Be still and listen

One day I'll tell you a story

A story you wouldn't believe it sounded like such fiction. 

We live in a country that celebrates the death of babies...experiments on their tiny organs and limbs that were cut from their body. Not by there choice. When it gets bad ask how you rolled through this world. Did you finally find your way or are you still blaming others for shit that just happens...because you have hate in your heart and are completely unaware of reality. Do you think if God came down from the heavens or St Peter at the gate or Anubis...would reach their hand to you in welcome? 

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