Tuesday, February 16, 2021



I lived in Okinawa when the tsunami hit. 

When the earth shakes under water it disperses the ocean out. Slowly it makes its way, swell after swell, back and forth... Eventually a wave and when it hits the earth nothing can stop it. 

Have you ever been caught under the waves, turning and spinning? 

How long can you hold your breath? ...in the waves as they push and pull at you. Do you let the water flow waiting for an ebb? Do you push it all to the sides and kick assaulting everything around you? 


You have a shit storm tsunami headed your way, you've only felt the earthquake as of yet. The institutions of government and schools are in crumbled pieces. Our Children have had 2 years of their education torn from them. Breaking them down; no friends, no fun. The teachers have dumbed down the students to an 8th grade level and have declared people racists, it doesn't matter what race you are. 

No one is going to bear this burden but the future. None that were responsible will pay the price of locking people away and muzzling them in every way they could think. Meanwhile voices are being pounded into submission by marksists, leftists, communists, democrats, what name do they wish their church to be called? A virus didn't remove a year from your life, a government agency did and the mob of hysteria push an agenda they don't understand into our children, erasing our future away like a wave. 


When I lived in Japan I would run along the sea wall, it was concrete dotted with graffiti. Looking over the sea to the horizon my view was often interrupted by the occasional surfer. We got a few typhoons, and inevitably someone stationed there would stand on the edge of the sea wall to watch the storm come in. A few soldiers died watching those storms come in.


'14 days to slow the spread'... 

Where are we now a year later? 

Our Capitol is being guarded by Soldiers. 

Fauci won the Dan David prize of 1 million dollars. He made this happen and that is his reward. 


I've discovered the lot of you can hold your breath for a long time...eventually you will drown if you don't fight the flow or the wave will take you with it.

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