Sunday, February 21, 2021

Thoughts of 2/21/21

Almost 100 years ago Lenin and Stalin worked to remove the intellectuals from society. Sending some away at first, others off to the far regions because they were dangerous...then as time went on they just killed them out right. You couldn't have people thinking for themselves. 

They tell people you shouldn't think for yourself and then remove intellectual voices from the conversation. There can be no discussion except that deemed approved by the state. This is really happening. 

Meanwhile big tech ups things a few notches and says..."Hold my beer, we want to show you how powerful we really are. We will control all speech and shutter the rightly elected leader of the Free world." Then crushes the smaller voices one at a time with the help of the mob of useful point and declare those that question to be the enemy. 

I was a restaurant the other day and there was a sign for an app so someone would with greater ease...snitch on the business if they didn't follow the rules; or they would get their liquor license taken away or closed. That is a threat to livelihood. 'If you don't follow the rules we will take your ability to feed your family.'

Businesses are telling employees they will no longer have a job if they don't take the jab. If someone is forcing you to put something in your body, that is wrong. They haven't done years of research on these vaccines...or did time stop and I don't know it? The question is, 'Why are they stopping all dissenting voices in regards to the vaccine? 

The amount of poor mannered behavior is frightening from the left. People relishing in the death of another. Nobody should be surprised, these are also the same people that think life can be thrown away in a bag, in a dumpster behind the clinic. Years ago my dad was teaching me to refinish furniture. We would hang out in the garage, saw dust and varnish striper in the air as we listened to Rush Limbaugh through his golden EIB microphone. He was 100% right about the feminazis. 

Meanwhile I'm 'trying to be less white'. I refuse to throw my Uggs away though. 

Don't forget...Our Capitol is surrounded by armed guards.

Up shoot thought, we have a helicopter on Mars. That is sexy.


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