Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Who Do You Think You Might Vote For?

I’m a Republican (?).
I’m also a Wiccan…
…which some people may not think makes sense.
I’m not the girl who votes party lines as I feel like the Republican party went askew somewhere in the last 30 years.

I have no love for the Republicans, the Democrats or the Tea Party.

I’m fiscally conservative unless it comes to buying shoes.
I’m socially liberal and I like guns.
I believe in States Rights.
If a State wants to legalize Marijuana they should be allowed without interference.
If a State wants to legalize Marriage for ALL people (adult people) they should be allowed…
…If the people of a State vote for something the Federal government should not interfere if that’s what the ‘We the People…’ decide.
If you don’t like it…move to another State of like minded People.

Keep Religion OUT of Politics.
Something has gone terribly wrong.

Note…People who say our country was founded on Religion…it was…Religious FREEDOM, for all, not just a select few.

Note…My regular readers know I love and respect Religions…all Religions, unless they degrade, look down upon others and/or wish to cause harm.
…and please…don’t push your beliefs on Me and I won’t push mine on You.

I feel bad for Mitt Romney. I would never vote for him but I still feel bad for him. It’s gotta be hard being a Mormon. I wonder if JFK, the first and only Catholic to be to be elected President of the US, felt like Mitt when his Religion was attacked?

Note…I once had a Protestant in a small Georgia town once say to a Catholic…
…”Oh so you’re not a Christian?”
Probably one of the dumbest and uneducated things I have ever heard.

So now to…
…’Who are you gonna vote for?’
Is it to early to ask that question?

The field of candidates is piss poor as far as I can tell.

I liked Herman Cain, kinda sad to see him gone.

There seems to be no, “Middle of the Road ‘Guy’”.
There never is though is there?

Those of us that are reasonable, middle of the road and not enveloped by some Religious fundamentalism have to pick the lesser of all evils.

Note…Yes, I said Religious Fundamentalism…
Anyone that thinks that someone else’s belief system is wrong and pushes it on another is a fundamentalist to me.
…And they are in most cases hypocrites.
Higher and mightier but behind closed doors they do that which they preach is wrong.
…and when I say that which they preach as wrong…
I mean…
(The above is how I feel…I really don’t care what other people do, just don’t be a hypocrite.)
…Or even someone that thinks others are inferior.
If you would like to know what I believe you can read the blog below…it might be different than what you think…and I pray everyday to have the patients to endure that of the Religious right that thinks I need to be saved and that I’m wrong or just plain off my rocker.

I’m NOT a fundamentalist, and I sure don’t want one as my President.
…As far a Obama is concerned I have no great love for him either.

What are we normal average middle of the road people supposed to do?

1 comment:

  1. I like Rick Santorum. She says it like it is, no bullshit, no pretentiousness, honest, open, aggressive and to the point. He's the kind of guy who looks nice but you really don't want to fuck with him. With that said, I think he is fair and opened. He has my vote.
