Sometimes words are like diarrhea for me and my keyboard is my toilet. You best have laughed at that analogy, it’s funny!…of course I know some people think my writing is shit…so it makes it even funnier!
Yesterday afternoon I was standing on ‘The hill’…’The Hill' is what we call the school area. The Colorado foothills can be windy. I’m not talking about a breeze….we have gale forces that can reach 70mph unexpectedly. I’ll put it out there that ‘The Hill’ is ALWAYS windy!
The wind on a cold day can make some women bitchy.
So we are standing on The Hill waiting for our little people to get out of school so we can collect them and I got in an argument with F?…Holy crap I’ve lost count of my friends numbers…I really should make a list so they can make note that I have used them in my blog ___ times.
I have been very argumentative lately…
She has been bitching about having computer problems for the last few months.
I had some sage advice for her…
Me…”How much do you want to spend?”
This was a stupid question I now realize…no one want’s to ever spend $ on something.
F?…”Around $400."
Me…”You should go all the way and get a Mac.”
F?…”Kristin!”…in an absolutely exasperated voice…
F?…”All I do is write papers and check my e-mail, I don’t have a $1000 to spend.”
Me…”How much is your time worth though? How long has your computer been crashing on you?”
F?…”I’ve I had a bad week and now you are gonna give me shit about the Mac again?”
The bell rings and tiny little humans escape their confines of the elementary school…
We all say our good buys…
I’m not worried about F? reading this and getting her panties in a wad ‘cause she doesn’t have a computer right now because she won’t take my brilliant advice!
I woke up wondering what she thought I did on my computer and how much I LOVE MY MAC!
I am not a genius. I don’t have tech support in my home. I need something that is smarter than me and that won’t leave me frustrated all the time.
I KNOW that MacBooks are expensive. But really…
…How much IS your time worth?!
When I was married I argued with my now Ex about getting a Mac whenever we were having problems with our crappy $500 Dell.
He would be so pissed, and then I would get all mad and frustrated.
One day he decided to listen to me.
Everyone should listen to me…Mensa may not be knocking at my door but I am NOT an idiot.
$1000.oo is a lot of money.
The year was 2009, 4 days before Christmas at about 9 pm, my MacBook decided it was going to have a glass of Shiraz. It couldn’t handle it’s alcohol.
I grabbed it and shook it upside down like an abusive Mother would do to a baby…to no avail.
I cried salty tears of sorrow at the loss of one of my best friends.
The next morning I show up at the Mac Store, computer in hand and my thumb drive that I have backed up all my info on…Yes, I had saved all my pic’s and crap long before I lost my friend.
I didn’t have $1000.oo in cash. This was the ONE time I shelled out my one credit card…I don’t like debt. I don’t want any other than my mortgage. I don’t even have a car/MiniVan payment.
I could have gone on E-Bay but I didn’t have a computer and I didn’t want to waste any time. It is not a waste of money though…My time IS worth more than $400, frustration and a crappy computer that crashes all the time and has more chances of getting a virus than a porn star.
My MacBook makes me feel like an idiot savant!
I wonder what F? thinks I do on my computer?
This is a list of things I do with one of my best friends… my MacBook.
I get on Facebook.
I use Scrabble Cheat.
I Tweet when I remember I have a Twitter account.
I check the multitude of E-mail accounts I have.
(I don’t know why I feel like I have to have 10 E-mail accounts but I do.)
I pay bills.
I google…Folded Jeans for a laugh.
I up-load photos.
I download music.

I had to have my friend over to show me which InPut to use on my DVD player…before that I would watch DVD’s on my MacBook. (This is ME…I can change a tire but electronics cofound me.)
….and I blog…obviously!
I haven’t even scratched the surface of what I can do with my MacBook. F2 got one, finally, several months ago and she is always telling what she just created with hers.
All you have to do is plug in my bad bad boy and turn it on!…and shit just happens from there, AWESOME shit!
On Tuesday when I was at Re-Hab for my bum knee one of my favorite ‘Gingers’, and my personal Physical Terrorist…walks in while I am cycling…In his hands he has his MacBook…
I look at him like he might be one of the smartest men in the world.
We discuss our love of our MacBooks and how they can’t handle alcohol…his had decided to have a Fat Tire one night.
Mac users know they are smarter than everyone else. We are smarter because we know we have limited knowledge and abilities. The moment you become cognizant of this and that your time IS worth money…you become a genius!
If your Dell can handle it’s alcohol please let me know. (I know that there are covers I can put on my Mac…I just haven’t gotten one yet.)
Once you go MAC…you never go back!
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