My surgery was at 7am finished at 11am. Before we left for Surgery I took a long hot shower, knowing it would be till Thursday till I could have my next one. It was an out patient surgery and my Dad dropped me off so he and my Mother could get my children off to school.
I get there, meet one of the many nurses and she says to me…
…”Take off everything but your panties and put this on, ties in the back.”
Back story, I don’t wear panties unless I have a reason to take them off…ya know what I’m talkin' about…
They leave panty lines and I don’t want to get my panties in a wad!
Anyway…When I got dressed that morning I didn’t put panties on…thought about it, and decided…
…’Hmmmm, maybe I should just for good measure.’
So Panties on, I tell her as I laugh and tell her my little story.
It was first thing in the morning and I don’t think I have ever heard a woman laugh so hard at 6:15 in the morning!
I’m sitting there with this not very style conscious gown in white and blue tied behind me. No bra and I hate not wearing a bra…My Boobs are real, not perfect and I’m a little sensitive to their loose-ness (Sing along with me, “You can tie them in a knot, you can tie them in a bow…”) At least I have my panties on. To get my mind off the uncomfortable situation, no bra, I’m getting cut open, I’m all alone…I post my panty status on FB and laugh at my ridiculous-ness and can’t believe I have just shared this with all my friends.
The Anesthesiologist comes in and explains some things and sticks me with a few needles to get some groovy drugs into my blood stream. I’ve agreed to a nerve block and this Bitchin’ Wiccian is goin’ under!
He injects me and I feel the lovely high that is shared by those with medical marijuana cards and Shamans. I told him to let me feel it for awhile…he was nice and did…I reminisced out loud;)…I remember all of this. Later I found out something else…later in the blog I will share…
I wake up several hours later, ready to go. No nausea, nothing…just ready. My Doc. comes in and tells me what he did.
This is something I have NOT shared yet on FB or anywhere else yet. I asked for a miracle on the night of the Full Moon. I prayed/wrote a healing spell. My meniscus, and MCL had healed on their own. I have no idea how to up load the before (MRI) pictures and the Surgery pics (semi after) so you can see yourself, when I do I’ll put them on here. My MCL, that was completely torn from my femur reattached it’s self. My Doc was more so taken aback with the healing of my meniscus…it is a beautiful site now, appalling before. My ACL has been replaced with the help of a donor…a dead person’s tendon. Not a big deal, but hey…I’m thankful for the organ donor card now more than ever.
My parents aren’t there yet but show up a little bit later and attempt to get me home. Because of my nerve block I can’t move or feel the lower right hand side of my body. If I don’t pay attention I will be dragging my right foot behind me and have no clue.
I decided the best way for me to get home is sitting in the back of my MiniVan. I had had my Father remove the middle seat thinking I would sit in the way back with my leg stretched out before me. NO…that was not happin’. I sat on the floor.
When we got home I scooted up the stairs on my butt. Safest easiest route I could think of. I got on the bed backward by pulling myself up from behind like a paraplegic. I don’t ever want to be a paraplegic. I didn’t want help though. It was very important that I could do all this myself…there was/is/are many things I need help with…enough that I want to do what I can on my own.
Blah, blah, blah…
I slept, took drugs and had food served to me in bed. On Tuesday, F1 and F2 came to visit me with flowers, pasteries and chocolates from all the CSRM’s…I couldn’t have been happier!
Yesterday I started walking around without my crutches. It wasn’t really walking though…but I was putting all my weight on my leg, no crutches.
My Doc. called and asked me…
…”So how’s your pain?”
Me…”I think I’m just the biggest pain. I’m kiddin’ I’m doing really well, I just popped some pills.”
I love these pain killers but I jest about the amount I use them. I take less than the average and more infrequently than I want. I take them when I AM in pain. I just wait till I can’t take it anymore. However last night after a day of waddling around my house I WAS in pain and took some pain meds and my Mother and I ‘cheered’ with a glass of wine. I texted one of my friends…I told him I would apologize later. I still haven’t apologized, probably won’t….I meant every word! ;)
Today I got up made my Children breakfast as I was tried of laying around. I’m an active kind of gal. I got them ready for school and sent them on their way. Their Grandparents drove them, I still can’t drive. My post op was at noon and I was anxious to see my Doc.
My Dad drives me and we are sitting there waiting talking about Egypt…
Another blog…
I see my Doc and he tells me…
This is what I found SO FUNNY!
…”How are ya?”…a little small talk then…
Doc…"You scared the S*** out of our Anesthesiologist!”
Me…”Really?! What happened?”
Doc…”He told us that after he put you under you started talking, even more, and you told him you were a Witch.”
Doc…”He was so scared and I told him people say crazy stuff you know that. He was adamant, you scared him and I had to reassure him you were normal.”
Me…”I am a Witch.”
Doc…”Stop it.”
Me…”No seriously, tell him I would never harm another though. Hundreds of people know about me, it’s ok. ”
Doc…”Only you.”

I got an A+++ from my Doc. I think he is a little afraid I will push to hard. He doesn’t know that I want to heal quickly yes, but most importantly, perfectly!
I skipped all pain pills till 1:00 today and haven’t had any since….I also got to take a shower, a long hot shower with ClingWrap wound tightly around my leg and wounds.
I’m not sure if this is my last blog about this part of my journey or not…I will see and decide as time sees fit.
Now that I have said all that about ME. My journey is nothing, not a drop in the bucket compared to the fights and perils that others go through.
I’m a little embarrassed about this…think about others before yourself. If you want to think about me, think of my vanity and say a prayer/write a spell for me;)
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