Now some serious questions and you should want congress and the senate no where near any of the 'finding the answers'; most of them bought and paid for scum, we all know this.
Who allowed Joe Biden to be installed?
Who allowed and or/was responsible for the political prosecution of those that spoke against their government?
The people that out right lied about Russia, all that Clinton crap and the Obamas and the Bushes...and their minions and their makers...what about all of them?
Every special interest that 'tax dollars' go too...that should end, people need to learn what the word government is supposed to mean.
The district attorneys that lets violent criminals on our streets, what about them?
The judges?
The schools and the teachers that paraded children through halls repeating communist slogans.
The administrators and teachers that allow and allowed men in drag, most of whom are sexual predators, to read books to children...someone check on the librarians too.
The psychologists and doctors that have made monsters and frankensteins of mentally ill people. Did you look up the word Shamash yet?
The corrupt mayors and city council members, that are purchased by land developers and/or funnel your tax dollars into their pockets, their friends pockets and their family members with their 'special projects'...oh you thought it was just the Biden's et dear friends...this is how the sausage is made.
Now back to the names, like Fauci you know...what about the doctors that were so weak they knew better and went along, how much money have they received to give *vaccines* that we are just now finding out how much poison they have sold. How many millions of people has the pharmaceutical industry killed and harmed for $$$ bills while they actually make you sick. That Pharma person know and put that money right in their pocket anyway...Ramaswamy and that Alzhimers drug...the false hope is criminal.
The military psychologist and such that experimented on that Navy Seal, or was that Navy Seal an experiment on you, paraded on Joe Rogan, Beck is his name. What happens to those head fuckers.
There was a killing outside the grocery store off Powers in the Stetson Hills area, the one I shopped at regularly and often went of my way, when we lived in Colorado Springs. I know Chris, 'Cisco, and Wendy at that King Soopers. There is a gate when you come in and cameras, if you lean over the gate to get a picture of said cameras for a blog an alarm goes off, true story. I think I have pictures of rows of carts upside down having a 'special' wheel that will stop rolling when it reaches its geo(?) fence, that was in Castle Rock, I think that was winter 20/21. When I would go to the King Soopers on Academy I thought the comparison of them having an armed guard and the Stetson Hills, just, having a gate with an alarm meant one was 'safer' than the other. They added an armed guard months ago to the one on Stetson Hills. There are staying near the elementary schools and shootings on a regular basis in that area now.
Now I shall be odd to you but I know the truth
And Ute did spin now keep your eye on the ball
Be still and listen
One day I will tell you a story
All the faces and names of people that committed heinous crimes, the Fauci, the Generals and Intelligence 'officials', the Biden's et al that were not just complicit but implemented a coup d'etat while they made the dollar useless by printing more as they shoved it in their pockets...for each of them there are 1000 more 'hey neighbors' that showed what tyrants in truth they are every time they told you to cover your face...
Say something early
I'm your friend
Say something late
never trust again
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