Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Blue Wave Collision


There once was a woman that lived to create and enjoyed to maintain the cycle of things and the way they should be made at the very beginning. She thought she knew what to do and found correction a delight in true, aray she would go when sunder. Her gardens grew bright with good pruning much to her Fathers vision as it is written.

Maktabah, please forgive my trespass, the Father we discuss is much old then all others.

As I sweep and clean around 

taking cobwebs down 

not a bit left behind 

a new start we begin.

You have to clean your mind for it to be free, you may let other wander but never with out a tether, there with their thoughts but know what belongs by cleaning house, not a speck of ash left.

Now for some fun there is work to be done

Do you wanna work on sausage knowledge...all the stuff you chop up and put inside a casing to make it easier to swallow the not as preferred parts of the "Steaaaaak".

Sandwich making 1 oh 1 

Make sure you have the good bologna...ever wonder why we call it bologna? The figure of speech I mean...and what IS good bologna.

This is the path spun in through the air...there I was working on learning my Alpa and my Bet, I've moved on from X and am working the House but I looked ahead to gimel which also means camel and (also it be 3 for the trinity and cupids arrow points to Valentine but not the one of all in the know, the teacher,) recalled I was working on my Abraxas and thought of Sesame sesame and AbraKDabra, who funded that coup of the Childs mind the beginning of something, puppets with no souls. So off I hopped into the know, call sign Barbie I made my self small and squoze my self into a place...The Battle of Athens a fix if need be but the story I was looking for was just the A B C's. So there I was top funders and founders and what do you say, Archer Vining Davis who has a town in Quebec in his own way, used his magic brain powers and came up with new aluminum that they used to make the big bomb dropped, what year was that?


1945-it was this year...the other 2 years other bombs were dropped from outer space


Anywho as I was spinning down a path of words and letters running a long my own way; the 3rd richest man at one time was on one of the ground floors of the federally funded and created puppet show, a new platform with the television in every house and home to shape like the aluminum that encased the big bomb we are told stopped a war and mayhems it did, when in war there are no rules (that is the real rule of war and people moving, there are no rules), which is small these days comparable in destruction, the tiny Childs mind with a tel a vision. So Archer Vining Davis, it's not about him, such a rich man, it matters who places the type set, like the monks of old artists in the fold to set in to the minds the stories told. And then I recall a guy named Hillel that wrote things down at the same time as Seneca maybe a few more years older and others you know Titus and Nero, here I find a small beginning, The Rabbi Hillels Moral ABC's and a guy named Jesus with his friends saying something different than some have been spreading. 

All the same story and so very connected in ways too telling, where is your agency in an information war. 

In the beginning of the tel a vision the universal members of the church gave a holler when something unseenly be and spread shun word until redirected in 1965 after Vatican 2 and there will be some more till a blue wave collision. 

As I listened to Lex Fridman and Marc Andreersen 

Anyway the year be 2025 and the screens are in the palm of the hand, over some peoples beds and in spaces everyone treads...what's on your news feed? Because I hear ol'Zuck is really just a good rich guy and Elon too and Marc Andreesen's partner I can see through the air traffic control of waves and the matter as it spreads and takes hold in your head.


Unravel the thread, he knows she can make it better again with the ability of correction individually in the head. 

Happy New Year

and welcome to

the Golden Age

of the Gold Pill

"we are going to learn today."

When I was a young one we didn't have tel a vision, we had a reel to reel, when we did arrive and it was turned on the lesson the government that funded the program chose what we saw and it was Star Trek all night long, (except Arabic 'sesame street) only the good stuff for us, my Father chose it to guide us in to the future.

Welcome to the Church of Responsibility

Call sign Barbie, you might just spell it differently. 

Sandwich maker

It's nice to be able to focus again


trinity space gimbal 

Enders Game

when she steps on the snake

Who do you trust in the news today?

Friday, January 24, 2025

Silver Globe


Carnier Cardinal 

on the gazing ball 

See your reflection 

teetering on a silver globe

Our mothers garden 

statues covered in moss 

where we take the old and breath life back 

beyond the bank of the river Styx

Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story

The cardinal kept hitting the clean clear window out of season warning all the others of the threat behind the glass.

Then Death gathered the winged female who's song was long and complex and added her to the rest.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Unleashed Energy


Who's reading this? 

I applied for a job once and I didn't get the position for which I applied. I know that job wasn't for me because I did not get it. 

Any way, I got did get a position, I got the position of a life time.


Have you looked up in the heavens of late and noticed?

The old witch crow sat her self upon the black bucks back as it stood with his head held high.




Hi, would you mind holding the door for me?


Create a correction correct with creation is it recreation if you have never done it

Remote viewing, what is it? How is it done? Is it real? yes 

I'm gonna pile some side notes here on a salmon pink paper for you 


melania trumps good friend the Ai expert tells the fox crowd that made it through 'the pandemic' that google sucks as a search engine, everyone knows this and that it's full of ads and basically useless now and they should use chatGPT as their such engine and eventually it will become a personal assistant for you as you get older, pay your bills, manage the temperature in your house, oh and the sooooo many other things the Ai will be able to detect rare mean like the PCR test?

I'm not sure how big this is but if you know anything about coding...a, who wrote the code. II, you are aware of a fraction of the cameras pointing at you at all times, who sees it? 3, remember the amazon store with all the cameras and who was on the other end?

The other day the Cypher winds speed us away and on a snowygreen grass we landed mountain top in the mist. 

Near to earth we stay

Allopathic medicine is a pyramid scheme, a rheumatoid arthritis physicians assistant and formal olympic swimmer told me today that drugs like ozempic are very important because hormones in the stomach are produced that make people to continually be hungry and then those hormones go up and people have no ability to control their hand to their mouth and how much they move. The fuck?! This is where you create distrust in your neighbor, is it by me pointing it out or is it the olympic level athlete that doesn't want to be questioned be cause they have a magical degree in allopathic medicine which treats symptoms...what cause the symptoms ...allopathic medicine and poisoned food and people that work for the pharmaceutical companies and insurance companies managing how to poison you next. Fuck this. 

Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story

oh side note for a page in the past, I found a good bucket, I haven't made the purchase yet.

This is Atlas and forgive again my odd words I like to do things the old school way you can mark the spot.


Drugs like ozempic work by paralyzing a part of your brain that paralyzes your digestive system so your food rots in your stomach then drips slowly through your intestines and you drip it out the other end...and then you aren't hungry anymore. Do we need to have a conversation on what our digestive system is and what we absorb through it and what our bodies does with said...nutrients necessary for life. My bad if I don't understand the exact chemical make up and don't know all the fancy words someone might pay a bunch of cash for a piece of paper to sell a false hope. There was once a time we called them 

Snake oil salesman...she brayed like a donkey to let the sheep know 

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Gather the Ashes


The Stone of Alexandria upon her mother hand she saw Fatimas clear site looking back and found her self she did on her Fathers mountain top. The old witch crow landed on the snow tipped green grassed earth with trees and birds and animals of all kinds and too many squirrels eating the cardinals nibbles, which her job was to refill and to quell. 

Her mandate in hand was to tend to the nature of things, fix her Mother's view and give her Father some extra hands, "gather all the ashes" is what is said

where heaven and earth meet with the stars

The old witch crow, Death be her name, she sits at the left hand of her father and whispers your name, X marks the spot in her allnames way. 

"I've planted the seeds." 

As the cardinals amassed 

on snow covered grass



Holy shit am I hearing this vaccine shit live in front of myself...I don't believe a word they are saying about their promise of Ai or the future. 

what the actual fuck

No. No. No.

The American people have been robbed again 



Now some serious questions and you should want congress and the senate no where near any of the 'finding the answers'; most of them bought and paid for scum, we all know this. 

Who allowed Joe Biden to be installed?

Who allowed and or/was responsible for the political prosecution of those that spoke against their government?

The people that out right lied about Russia, all that Clinton crap and the Obamas and the Bushes...and their minions and their makers...what about all of them?

Every special interest that 'tax dollars' go too...that should end, people need to learn what the word government is supposed to mean. 

The district attorneys that lets violent criminals on our streets, what about them?

The judges?

The schools and the teachers that paraded children through halls repeating communist slogans.

The administrators and teachers that allow and allowed men in drag, most of whom are sexual predators, to read books to children...someone check on the librarians too. 

The psychologists and doctors that have made monsters and frankensteins of mentally ill people. Did you look up the word Shamash yet? 

The corrupt mayors and city council members, that are purchased by land developers and/or funnel your tax dollars into their pockets, their friends pockets and their family members with their 'special projects'...oh you thought it was just the Biden's et dear friends...this is how the sausage is made. 

Now back to the names, like Fauci you know...what about the doctors that were so weak they knew better and went along, how much money have they received to give *vaccines* that we are just now finding out how much poison they have sold. How many millions of people has the pharmaceutical industry killed and harmed for $$$ bills while they actually make you sick. That Pharma person know and put that money right in their pocket anyway...Ramaswamy and that Alzhimers drug...the false hope is criminal. 

The military psychologist and such that experimented on that Navy Seal, or was that Navy Seal an experiment on you, paraded on Joe Rogan, Beck is his name. What happens to those head fuckers.


There was a killing outside the grocery store off Powers in the Stetson Hills area, the one I shopped at regularly and often went of my way, when we lived in Colorado Springs. I know Chris, 'Cisco, and Wendy at that King Soopers. There is a gate when you come in and cameras, if you lean over the gate to get a picture of said cameras for a blog an alarm goes off, true story. I think I have pictures of rows of carts upside down having a 'special' wheel that will stop rolling when it reaches its geo(?) fence, that was in Castle Rock, I think that was winter 20/21. When I would go to the King Soopers on Academy I thought the comparison of them having an armed guard and the Stetson Hills, just, having a gate with an alarm meant one was 'safer' than the other. They added an armed guard months ago to the one on Stetson Hills. There are staying near the elementary schools and shootings on a regular basis in that area now.


Now I shall be odd to you but I know the truth

And Ute did spin now keep your eye on the ball

Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story

All the faces and names of people that committed heinous crimes, the Fauci, the Generals and Intelligence 'officials', the Biden's et al that were not just complicit but implemented a coup d'etat while they made the dollar useless by printing more as they shoved it in their pockets...for each of them there are 1000 more 'hey neighbors' that showed what tyrants in truth they are every time they told you to cover your face...

Say something early

I'm your friend

Say something late

never trust again

Monday, January 20, 2025

Eagles Soar


Something incredible happened today in the United States of America, the installed President, Joe Biden pardoned Fauci, Milley, a whole bunch of Biden's family members, staffers and such of the January 6 committee, et al, on the way out and you know I have a few thing I have to say.

I'm going to begin here...

My father and I enjoy conversations in regards to morality, right and wrong, what is truth and the such. We have both been in agreement for my whole conscious life the We are 'pro-life'. 'Pro-life' meant more than babies in wombs that have no say, it meant the death penalty too; I've written why before, mistakes by prosecution and I don't trust people (with good reason), 'is it really my place', 'what if a witness is wrong', all the things. 

I've looked around and I have changed my mind.

I no longer see this to be a way that can work, the death penalty must be restored.


"Mom, vulgar means to speak like the people. It's not swear words that make something vulgar, it's accents of the 'not elite speak', swear words are vulgar too though, subject matters can be vulgar also, regular normal everyday speech of the masses." 


Back to todays news...

What the absolute fuck does giving Fauci, et al pardons do for the good of anything...I see the words unity here and there, fresh starts, be kind; fuck that. That's not the way this can work if we want a safe future for our families. They made a virus to attack humans and released and you still hear 'lab leak', pssstttt it wasn't a lab leak. That trans shit was federal policy. 

Those pardons were the most beautiful and absoufuckinglutly brightest light of lack of insite...why would a pardon by Joe Biden mean there is a sun burst shining a path lighting the way to justice, inshallah.

And the irony of Trumps stuff happening in an Arena sponsored by Capitol One. 

Thank you and let the eagles to soar. 


Sunday, January 19, 2025



There once was a time

when Romans were Vulcan minds

when time spun

then stood still

when people bought lies 

Senecas brother sold

Oh Paul you say oy vey 

From fire they are born

Laconic they say 

be polite and such

War though the logic Vulcan

Gods way

Then psyche opened the box per say

History is always 

Down the river Styx is the way

You Won A Battle


Hey you in the back row, would you mind putting the notes down from the popular kids and give me a moment of your precious time.


You won a battle; that's it. This is war and it's a multi layered and long drawn out process in the real world and there are real world consequences. The fires are not accidents and the rebuilding is what they* want. The United States wasn't mismanaged, they managed it with malice. The streets aren't safe. A Georgia Senator was arrested. The President elect was actually shot and the secret service let it happen, please stop making excuses for those with malice towards you. 

You won a battle; that's it. This is war and you are the target. Everything about you is what they want to know so they can move you. We are easy to move, we are pawns and everyone needs a reminder once in awhile so not to get cocky. 

You won a battle; that's it. This is war and the government scientists* of the world got together and made a virus to attack humans. stop making excuses for those that murdered how many millions? What is their plan next? Do you think they will stop?

You won a battle; you think. This is war and you live in a Potemkin village.

At the same time can we have an actual serious discussion concerning the state of the churches and what they are teaching. Seriously, we have a dangerous corner we are about to turn and we have to look at this but there are only false teachers before us. It's complicated because we are talking about God and what people believe.

Also too many people think they are smart and know things. We don't know anything.

You won a battle, you think, so celebrate a bit but ears should be peaked. 


Do you think that's over the top? Too much? Then sit down and shut up because this is serious business and you have no idea what is happening. 

Object Origin Object Destination 

What is your goal 

in an information war

are you certain your goal is yours. 

Be still and listen

We are some where in the middle of the beginning of the end

Who are you following and why.

Thursday, January 16, 2025



There it was 

a globe in the sky 

reflective with many perspective

We are gonna need prosecution and then execution of a plan 

As I watch the city on the hill I wonder dear fellows

are there enough trees 

Spoken with vulgarity when spoken your way when it's written in song it's easier to see  

If we have freedom under the eyes of God then perhaps you best you watch your tread for there are eyes allover her head and at the same be within the net globe she looks within thee

You are welcome


Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story


Wednesday, January 15, 2025



The old witch crow, 

silver at her sides 

swept her way 

through the corridor

gandering her gaze

through the dark window before her; two long legs and 2 more stood in her site. The old witch crow her wings did grow lifting her in the butterfly winds. Through the sticks she moved threading the needle as told in the stories of old. 

The lions steps tread

 planet to planet

  align the path

 clear to hear

 There the winged creatures sing

inn the patch of oak and ash there they all went

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Star Date: XIII, I, MMXXV


Notes for another day

and how to plan a party

12:31, Jan 11 

Flight 7

when the moon is opposed to the sun and it eats mars and then lets go for rebirth


in Cancer



27 BC Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus rises the empire


When you feed the birds flowers of the sun they show up in mass and sing a song to be sung

3:57, Jan 12

I'd like to talk about time and how it's made up. Time only exists to us humans. 


The battle of Kadesh brought me to the Venus tablet of Ammisaduqa

5:00, Jan 13

We have a delay

5:03, Jan 14

We are a go for Odin's day

Friday, January 10, 2025



There's a picture of Joe Biden with wife doctor of education Jill Biden posing with Rosalyn Carter and Jimmy Carter 4 years ago and the Biden are giants compared to the Carters. The fore site of the photo was, "You thought Carter was a bad president? Hold my voodoo beer."

Look it up, "giant Bidens with Carters"'ll be fun.

Anywhooo, so what happens to these hostages after the inauguration? Just curious. also Ukraine, it's so much like magic mirrors of time in so many reflections

is this the rise of the Empire as we wait for the boot to fall

The surf of the wind 

which butterflies move 

the coffee is steady 

in the midst of the wolf moon

a vortex of time

Thursday, January 9, 2025



Somewhere high in a liminal space in the clouds the old witch crow circled the tree place where rivers flow in misty land looking for the mother of all the builds. 

the wolves you could hear 

just around the full moon bend 

their howls cold in the wind

On the dust of stars the children of the children of God meet, streaks of gray on blue peaks of time shifts.


Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story

Dear Christian apologetics people,

I watched a woman on You tube paint a cat instead of talking about something she felt was heresy, I can't recall what the subject matter was, it was all I needed to know. Anyway in all seriousness the conversation is responsibility and who is responsible for who's behavior and what is acceptable behavior and, what is not and why and then...


Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Norwegian weather


A story formed when the water washed the earth

 As the founding father cultures his fetus in new Greece   

   Into the smoke we dress for the weather, like a Norwegian 

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Hard reset


No words to spin stray paths on a whim

As I watch the continued pomp and ceremony for a man who was easy to control…

So thoughts here and there

They have released the wild wolves and hounds 

There I was wondering about what really is our foreign policy when I hear Canada, Greenland, and the Panama Canal...this is not foreign policy 

Then the Zuck gets on the screen saying freedom of speech and such with Dana White now on the board and some other face saying the same

Here is the deal, this is not serious. If you are that easy to control over something as simple as policing others speech or insisting another put something over their face because you are scared, fret not I need not forget nor forgive on this matter here, it is not what you did it is who you are, a tyrant the moment you think you can control another, you know, for the 'good of the people'. If someone praised the trans movement or insisted it be followed or Black Lives Matter the group and the moment, no forgetting or forgiveness for this matter needs to be put under foolish humans , and somewhere there was once a Jackson square where there is no Jackson, Jackson who?

Oh and sometime during Maos tenure it was decided to let the people speak out after some years of the boot on their neck…and then the people spoke out and then the boot came down and the people were brutally murdered …how many millions? I watch an Honor Guard of men carry an honorable man, that was easy to control.

When the devil gets the saint 

As the Cardinal and the birds get fed we begin to colonize again

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Saul out side the wall


“Let me talk to the big guy.”

“No, the other big guy, the real one.”

Outside the wall with Paul or Saul who ever you are, the door be open are we sure you know what portal opens…

Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story

Perhaps about what feels like an escape as we surfed an ice storm on our pale horses as we rode east

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

January 1st, 2025


Obviously if you can see a time stamp you can see it's the 1st of January, 2025. Wow, so funny to not type, the ai filled it/somestuff out for me, but not, type, it wanted 'tip'.

Welcome some more.

Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story

Looks like we are riding weather

Umm Al-kitab


Dear pilgrims of Rome, 

"In the name of God the most infinitely compassionate and merciful.

Praise be to God, Lord of all the worlds

The compassionate, the merciful. Ruler of the day of reckoning.

You alone do we worship. 

Guide us on the straight path, the path of those who have received your grace."

As you walk through the door you must have remorse and sin no more and you pray God forgives you, no man is allowed that chore. 

There is peace in the submission of Gods way, that is true domination of ones self.

Thanks be to God
