Here are some random notes and letters'; much like Paul with bits of Thomas braided through, and completely different too.
"If the shoe doesn't fit, don't put it on." We have retards walking in shoes that don't fit and then they complain their feet hurt, maybe their shoe choice is wrong...=you are doing it wrong.
It also means
"If the shoe doesn't fit, don't put it on." We have pretend empaths that get their panties in a wad when ever they hear someone point out bad modeling, if you are not the bad model don't be vexed.
Dear good christian (?what does the word Christian mean today?) woman neighbor,
It's irrelevant that you believe you have been abused in the past, or even if you were, that does not give you the right to not feed your children properly. You have become the abuser and someone should point it out. Your children are more important than your feelings, those are the past, get over your self. There are actually some people you can't fool and still a few others that don't put up with manipulative bullshit because you are lonely, or worse, envious.
You are a problem maker in society.
If you are on SSRI's you might want to do a bit of research on the actual side effects they have on you and your family as you walk around as a numb mindless automaton.
And stop thinking you can police others word choices, my goodness you have no idea what bitchy brats you look like.
You may say you have a past, they always do. It's been bad modeling for sometime now, of everyone telling others not to judge someone's poor choices, that's retarded, you teach your kids that trash?
Two faced people aren't trust worthy; and women that make their priority the killing of offspring or the spading and nurturing and such are certainly not trust worthy to have a say in society.
Dear good christian man neighbor,
Your house is not in order because all you care about is playing with your dick or not judging others for doing so. Women are not meat. I know many of them are disrespectful cunts and hateful bitchs that only worry about themselves;I get the struggle. "on guard" abusive men are trash as are women that lie about their husband being abusive because she's hateful, some of you men I See are just as hateful when called out on piss poor behavior. The majority of you don't know much about what you say you believe as you call your selves teachers as you lead the sheep to poison pastures of lies and excuses.
All ideas are not good, all teachings are not good, and you can tell the difference with discernment, then you look at it with judgment if harm is done.
Dear adults, (real adults)
If you support retarded pronouns or even entertain them you are a problem. You can fix it. Stop doing it. Here's the deal though...We can't trust you to make intelligent decisions. You are...untrustworthy.
You See, we know you are a weak liar. I've been saying this for a long time now, weak Saaaaauce is bad sauce, fake sauce is bad sauce. We throw out bad sauce.
I am very well aware of the poison that was fed your children. Here's an old Chinese phrase my Mother taught me, "We don't kow tow."
Forgive my trespass spiritual gurus, are you being honest to Gods laws in your X, Praise God. Beit, life. Gimel, teach.
Here my river Styxs flows under two feet of snow. A deluge to come a garden of death for some. Into the ground it will go for all to know and grow.
Be still and listen
One day I'll tell you a story
Sing it with me...
"...she's got the whole world in her hands, she's got the whole world in her hands."
And one more
"She'll be comin round the mountain when she comes..."
Don't fear the reaper there is life after death
I'm gonna need more cowbell.
If people are serious with concerns to peace, it's work that's worth it.