Thursday, October 27, 2022

Genetic Fallacy

Caveat: I was once one person and then another, and still many more, but always one the same. Where with each breath we take and moment we discover we understand that we didn't know before and with the wisdom of that knowledge we know there is more.

Mis-information is information someone else doesn't like 

this isn't rocket science

I read the phrase     'genetic fallacy'     the other day. It was in bold. On its own     it whispered loudly look at me and then I did look and see genetic fallacy all about me.

Truth and Lie were by the waters edge on a warm day.

Lie says to Truth, darling take your clothes off and let us bath in the cool water. 

Truth always wary of Lie dips her toe into the water and it feels refreshing on her skin;

even though she does not trust Lie she decides to take a chance. 

Both Truth and Lie undress, leaving their clothes on the ground and wade into the water. 

Truth dips her head under water and Lie jumps from the river. 

Lie steals and dresses in Truths clothes and runs into town. 

Truth, furious, chases after Lie into town naked for all to see who she is. 

The town folk look at Lie dressed as Truth and Truth standing naked in front of them she tells the town folk what happened at the waters edge and how Lie stole her clothes and is pretending to be her. 

The town folk seeing Truth naked shunned and mocked her. 

People still look at Lie to be Truth because it's easier to look at. 

and then I did look and see genetic fallacy all about me.



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