By now I'm sure you have heard of that Pizza shop owner and their outrageous call to not serve gays...
The RawStory headline read, 'Backlash is swift and furious after Indiana pizza restaurant brags about 'no gays' policy'.
The Huffington Post, 'Indiana Memories Pizza reportedly becomes first business to reject catering gay weddings'.
The Daily Beast, 'No pies for gay weddings.'
Barbaric and humiliating those homophobic villains...
Some think it was a publicity stunt by a small town pizza place...
Did you jump on the hate bandwagon?
Did you head to Yelp to read the repulsive 'reviews' and laugh?...did you share them with your friends?
Are you an intolerant simpleton? (I'm not calling you one....I'm asking you if you are one...look deep.)
Did you research any of this story or did you take the word of a 'journalistic' on-line rag looking to garner your hate to force an agenda that you don't even understand?
I'm going to tell you what really happened...
Lets start with what was happening, the RFRA was under attack..but there was no attack that the left could use so they had to create the perception of a vile Christian denying a same sex couple service.
This story was NOT a story until a news organization created one out of thin magic.
ABC57 had to hunt down a small town business (the business didn't come to them) and ask them a few questions...Please...check it out yourself.
They were not denying anyone anything.
They did not discriminate against anyone.
They did not call anyone repugnant names.
They did not wish others dead.
The next day that same 'news' organization updated the story with remarks of hate by lefties bandwagon riding fools (I'll call them names).
...and the viral hate spiral spun a web of nefarious myth.
There is a leftist mafia that doesn't care about the truth.
They have a Marxist agenda.
You may not have free speech unless it's the speech they decide that is acceptable.
You may not have free thought unless it's the free thought they find acceptable.
If you do not agree with their agenda you are intolerant.
If you do not tow the line of what they have decided as 'right' they will destroy you with shame and humiliation.
They have an army of brainwashed Cretin that they are able to deploy via the net at any moment.
...and deploy them they did...
Are you one of them?
There is more to this story, after so much hate posted on-line on various sites, after death treats and after fire bomb threats they had to close their doors.
They didn't have to close their doors because they did wrong to someone, or were selling bad pizza and were being punished.
They had to close them because of the lefts intolerant and scornful might had made them fear for their lives and those they employed.
A gofund me page was started and over $600,000 has been donated to Memories Pizza.
There are resentful comments regarding the donations made to people that did nothing.
Now that you know the story...
Who is the fanatical bigot?
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