…And I’m gonna help you…and as always I like to put my absurd Un-Holy twist on things.
In general it’s cheaper to buy ‘health like goods’ at drug stores than your local grocery store.
Toothpaste, makeup, cough medicine and feminine hygiene products and such.
Note…I HATE how they call them feminine HYGIENE products…like we are dirty…Oh, some of us are dirty alright but we shower regularly.
I love Walgreens.
I love their inserts.

I love coupons.
When you get your insert for Walgreens sales peruse it vigilantly and have your coupons ready to compare.
If you look closely Nivea body wash is…
Normally $5.oo each
On sale for 2 for $7.oo, or $3.50 each. If you cut out your coupon (I had 1 coupon for each of these product)
I got mine for $2.50 each…
…Plus I received a $2.oo coupon for my next purchase on almost ANYTHING in Walgreens. It’s kinda like Kohls cash for those of you that shop at Kohls you will know what I’m talking about.
We women need Tampons once a month, well, most of us do.
This is easy math…this fashizzle doesn’t go bad…
Normally $5.28 each
On Sale 2 for $8.oo, or $4.oo each
I had a coupon for each box…
$1.oo off
So my two glorious boxes of tampons came to…
$3.oo a box each= $6.oo
….And I received $2.00 Register Rewards…
When doing this kind of thing make sure you only buy what you will use and compare advertisements from other stores.
My total savings on things I NEEDED and USE…
Walgreens coupons: $2.55
Walgreens advertised sales: $31.81
My own coupons: 45.25
I spent a total of $44.61 cash, molah, bucks…
My Rewards cash I got back was $19.00
Some little secrets you need to know…
Walgreens doesn’t double coupons…most grocery stores do, so do the math and read the advertisements.
Lets say you have 10 products and you have 10 coupons…AND you are getting ready to use some of your register rewards (think of it as a coupon, a ‘jack’ of a coupon…a free for all…)
You may not use more coupons than you have products…but if it’s worth your while pick up a pack of gum for yourself and a Chapstick if ya have to. Then you would have it all covered.
Does that make sense?
If you are gonna use your rewards cash let’s say it’s $4.oo
…and the item you are buying is $2.50 you will not get back $1.50
One last thing…those retired people with nothing but time on their hands will clean off the shelves if something is a really good deal…
…shop early...
Shop smart!
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