Thursday, October 17, 2024

The Golden Rule


Morals ethics values; I woke with those words in my minds eye to focus upon before the morning star

What do these words mean? In truth for them to mean anything they would have to matter and have a solid core for all to understand.

We don't have real conversations about how we should treat one another, or talk about one another. I hear, "Golden rule" which is to treat others as you would like to be treated.

This is mostly to those that have hijaked my name source and called it their own and pollute the true ways of God's goodness.   

Question..."Why do we not point out behavior that is morally corrupt? 

Question..."What are morals?" 

Answer, "What do you value?"

Death comes for everyone.

Question..."Why are you here?"

Answer..."God gave you life, so you could worship Him, so you could love Him, so you can make more that worship and love Him.

"Exercise! Exercise!" 

a hollowed out sound 

from the loud speakers 

several miles away 

floated through the air. 

Trucks with heavy tires rolled down the busy road,

 one by one 

as normal everyday people

 went about their business with blinders on 

When you raise children that are excused for bad behavior

You raise adults that excuse their own behavior

For what ever rhyme or reason they give themselves. 

Pray tel

What is your own system of belief? 

Question...if your system of belief excuses your behavior because you believe you are loved and can have what ever you want?.

Multiple choice...

a, "will there be consequences from other people when you take* or do something to someone else?" 

2. what kind of trust does it build in a family or community when their is no trust?" 

III. I saw a Vguys joke this am and wondered how many people wouldn't get it. 

Be still and listen 

One day I will tell you a story

This is all about application, self reflection, and how to teach and why we teach this way.


Positive feedback is bad in the world of the EE

Angels Take Flight


Into the clouds 

watch them go by

battle of ages right before your eyes

Into the clouds 

watch them go by

may they shade your way

on sunny days

let their water quench your thirst

there is one God

above those clouds

Master of all

children below

take haste and uncover your head

let the clouds seed you

the moon and stars will show the way

the sun will nourish your soul

Be still and listen

One day I will tel you a story

application is the key

Tuesday, October 15, 2024



The morning sun

Vesta calls

Names painted in the past

Do you know the story of Elizabeth? 

Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story

When we speak of a moral compass you go out understanding you actually don't know what's next but after you woke up not only did you live under Gods eye it becomes a language in your minds eye.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Voodoo Queen


Here she comes 

you better run

nowhere to hide 

she has eyes all over her head

deep in the dark 

way high up in space

she spins her tale and weaves her thread

golden orb

she wakes the dead



It's not rage or anger you should feel when you are corrected.

How does one unknow something? People do it all the time and I have never understood the why? Some might think I'm beating a dead horse but in truth I'm riding the pale horse in. 

I'll use an example of the Food and Drug Administration and the Center of Disease Control...side note, I walked through my home today to look for all the spots where there were no eyes that could see me through lens' we ignore. Would you like to read those titles of those massive bureaucracies that we pay for with our tax dollars...blah blah blah...can you hear me? 

I'll pull a digit from thin air, 70 percent of Americans know that the jab isn't good to some extent, there are actual different levels of knowledge of harm but for this exercise it's just that the jab does harm and 70 percent of Americans are aware. You will hear people aware of Collins and Fauci and what criminals they are and how Pharma and all have a revolving door. I think this is common knowledge but I'm not sure, I assume though for this exercise. I am unsure of the amount of people that will admit that our governments together created a virus to attack humans and released it; it's not a theory, they tell you they did it. Why do people still get the flu shot or the nose thing? Why do we let them still walk around? It's because regular normi everyday people have to pretend that the government is not poisoning our children and that you should unknow or turn the other cheek. They have poisoned generations of children all over the world...and yes, they all matter too.

What planet is this that I have landed?

Why do people still listen to any of them at all in regards to anything? 

Why would I have to say more than that; they tell you they did it and you still don't believe them. They tell you there are too many of us and you still listen to their advice regarding your health and what you eat. 

The doctor you see for your cancer...are you sure when they did your biopsy and the needle broke the prophylactic skin of the tumor, releasing the cancer virus...they call it metastasis.  

We joke about "cutting out the cancer" of bureaucracies 

be still and listen

one day I will tel you a story

Everything you thought you knew is wrong, down to the atom and beyond. Nothing is what you think it is. 

Who pushes all this mental health to drive insanity and why? What does it really do to help the masses? If you are in therapy you are a victim if you a victim its all about you if its all about you are a ... 

When someone forces their will on another, through action or threat, what do we call that?

Sunday, October 13, 2024

The Narrsassitic Movement


What parent sends their child in to the world telling them they can do what they want and there won't be consequences?

Be still and listen

One day I'll tell you a story

On this day years ago an apparition as a ball for all to see in a little town in Portugal where Mary appeared and fed 3 children 3 consequences and one very big truth.

She's here.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

As above So below


Moth guts on my fingers times past lost in mind

"who are you to say anything after all this time..."

There was a teacher that was a man that liked the children. His hands did move towards pleasure for himself, insisting the child wanted to be with him

There once was a religious instructor, a woman that had been forgiven for her sins, with whom it was easy to dance, her words were smooth. Her knowledge thin, a brew of one book, flavorless and lacking dimension of real things and that which is unseen, the hint bay or a tearing of sage for advice. 

There was once a witch woman an old crow with grey at her sides...

I shall continue... her tongue was sharp

Her black and white oxfords tied tightly to her feet she wandered the clean marble floor of the great empty room clad with gold on the outside. There she saw all the thoughts in the air and she whistled her tune to no one in the room

"When I was but a young wolf pup 

you sent me into the world 

a changling with many names 

from many places

a vector of chaos to put it all in order. 

To travel through time and space 

with grace to learn the ways. 

I sing for you today a tune 

of sunshine, love, and a truth 

to be told one day of a small world

filled with beings caught with lies. 

In order I do put it by the will of God, 

forgive my trespass."

Be still and listen 

One day I'll tell you a story