Wednesday, September 21, 2011

FaceBooks New Crappy News Feed

I woke up this morning at 5:30am and turned on my MacBook…1st things first…FaceBook.

You can now FaceBook while you FaceBook…the top right hand corner is your immediate news feed…The big shit in the middle is the crap that some Asshole that should be fired has determined presumed via 1’s and 0’s (programing) what is YOUR ‘Top Stories’.

By the looks of things people like this shit just as much as they liked the ‘new coke’…They don’t make 'new coke’ anymore.

Note…I usually roll with FB changes just fine but not this one. Yes, I realize that FB is free but they ARE making money as we waste our day hanging out with each other…
I loath this change.

Some of you may not have noticed the security issues with the new top right, lets call it “The Rolling News Feed”…
Scroll your cursor over something that a friend of yours has commented on…it has to be someone that is not a friend of yours as well, a stranger…or as in my case someone that de-friended me.
Depending on their Account Settings you might be able to comment on some strangers post or picture or what have you…
Friends of Friends
Just Friends
…and my favorite…

Nobody can even see what I comment on…all that shit is automatically deleted as I don’t think you need to know that I commented…
…”You are a dumb ass!”
…"Mmmmmmm…tasty”...and it’s a picture of a half naked Man, or maybe something you just threw on the grill.
…"You’ve been posting that you haven’t feel well lately, a lot really, ya know for the past year…I think you should go to the Doctor now.”
…"Bheeaaatttchhhh is in de hoouuuuusssssssssssssee.”

So please spread the word and fix your mother fuckin’ Account setting as I am being tempted to comment on STRANGERS posts...

…"just took a dump”…Me...”Was it runny and messy or hard…and if it was hard did it hurt when it came out or did you like the way it felt?"
…”Had a crappy day at work” …Myself…"be happy you have a fucking job.”
…”It’s ladies night and we are gonna party like rock stars!…I…”no you are not because I will not be there and nobody knows how to party like a CSRM!”

This is what I would post on someone’s pic that had de-friended me…a family pic…
…Me…”Wow, you’ve been really liking the borrito’s lately…packin’ on the L.B.s…not lookin’ so good lately…you should put the Borrito’s Doooowwwwwnnn and get a slimfast.”
…Me…”Hmmm, so you are puttin’ It in That now hmmmm…better than with a blowup doll I’m sure…"

How do you fix this problem you ask me?
…ok it’s ME with the problem but I don’t want to see all this shit and be tempted to piss even more people off than I already do…

The arrow at the very top right…
click it
go to Account settings
make sure its just ‘Friends' and not ‘Friends of Friends’…

Now with that done go to your own page…
See where it is says you commented on some boring ass very important post of one of the many people that have de-friended me…or a stranger…whatev…
Scroll your cursor to the right till you see delete post…
It will NOT delete the comment you made on someone’s boring ass very important post but just delete it from your page…it will also give you the option of having them automatically deleted I did it so long ago I don’t remember the exact wording…sorry…

Oh one more thing…
I didn’t repost that status up date…
...”99% of you will not repost this but I know who will no you don’t . If you are against cancer NOBODY IS FOR CANCER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! knows somebody who has fought and won…Blah blah blah”
I got one for you to copy and paste…and I dare you…no double dog dare you to repost…

99% of you will not share this post. I know who will though (You really have no clue you just, copied and pasted this from some psycho chick, The Un-Holy Trinity, with a multiple personality disorder. I only know this because Me, Myself and I typed all this out…all three of us!) Please copy and paste and get the word out that The Un-Holy Trinity is going to start commenting on random strangers and people that have de friended her Posts if they don’t fix their Account settings! Let’s keep this going!

1 comment:

  1. This is one of many reasons I moved to Google+ Of course I'm back to facebook because none of my friends use Google+ :)
