Thursday, April 25, 2024

The Left Hand of God

"How do I explain this one" I asked the wind that blew by and the chimes did ring.

"Let me have your fingers sister, and let us fire away."

"If your God is a vengeful God then He is not my god. This is what I hear from the unknowing."

"God is the Father of All, Good and evil, placed by His hand." 

"God only gives you that which you can handle, I also hear though I know that is interpreted in correctly."

"Yes, sister, God gives to us, takes away from us, and challenges us. How you walk in this world is what He Sees, what you truly believe is how you walk."  

The left hand of God is His heavenly host of justice.

It's serious lesson time kids. May I call you kids, I know some of you are just sheep; who's herding you?

Kids are goats: goat is delicious. We think it's just the sheep (lamb also delicious) we have problems with but it's the goats as well which must be handled.

How often have we heard stories of old filled with terror we can not comprehend of Gods fury on His children? 

Here we are in a space and time where I plead with man kind, yet again and some more to take heed and hear; hark the herald does sing. 

When you are dealing with evil by any name know it is God that put it there.

I saw a man angry he was being vilified by a system he created, with Gods will of course as all things are. When man claims all knowledge and a hierarchy of his choosing with out the lessons of the past the future is dead, he goes into the nothing for eternity. 

Justice is a strange look from outside eyes and discernment in the moment is the key. 

"I'll give you a take so you might See that all things are Gods creation sent from Him to thee and how you move, not what you say, will show God who knows all if you have lost your way."

One line

"And deliver us from evil"

"When evil knocks at your door do you welcome it in and let it have your children?"

"When evil knocks at your door..."


I step on the snake in my path 

Under the shadow of the cross

You will find my river sticks 

The answer is sum Zero 

Your faith is your authentic self

Have clarity of site

What you believe, soterology, is your true story.

Under the star we will find the truth

to save our children

Be still and listen 

One day I will tell you a story. 

as the sun hits the leaves of the Oak tree, the leaf above shades the leaf below


Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Charismatic Song


She tied her shoes tightly to her feet, black and white Oxfords. Work to be done before the time of the great shun. Garbed in dark sky blue she changed a tune. 

She stood on the moss covered ground where the weeds had popped up, young seedling sprouting here and there, crushed under her feet. The ivy before her covered the door, wet with rain falling. She moved forward unnerved and willing, pushing through time as her hands pulsed, the ivy moved to the side and through the arch she flew.

A charismatic song could be heard in the space around her as she entered the room. The lights were muted stars of times of old ready to be brought foward to brighten the way. The floors she now walked on were marble and cool, glossy with wear of time, indents of steps from the past to show the path.

Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story

Monday, April 22, 2024

Heavenly Host


In to the smoke I go

as I am told

to reach a ground

where others can See

the birds flock before me

as the sun does set on this day

73 colors of green in front of me

The left hand of Our Fathers heavenly host 

has harbored their boat

get up and get ready

it's almost time to party

Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story

Friday, April 19, 2024

3. 2. 1.


I'm gonna use my Fathers 3 2 1 method modified 

Quick reminders


   3. The State of Colorado wrote a law that they could write and talk about law making over you behind closed doors with no minutes, the Governor was quick to sign that. (Open meeting Laws were being ignored so they decided to make a law they were allowed to hide 'stuff' from you.) 


    2. The National Guard aimed their weapons at citizens on the command of whom? as they surrounded the Capitol for the installation of an easy to control, demented, grotesque old man. 

        It's federal policy to neuter, maim, and poison your child. It's is also Federal policy that the tax payer pay for genital mutilation surgeries.


    1. The Children of Israel are home, they arrived from the four corners. 

        There were Two Bishops of Rome at the same time.

        There are schisms in almost all Christian religious sects.  

All those #1 things

 should mean way more than you think, 

way, way, way more.


Isaiah Chapter 2, more fun though is line 6 and on.

"Zion, the Royal City of God

2 In days to come,

The mountain of the LORD’s house

shall be established as the highest mountain

and raised above the hills.

All nations shall stream toward it.

3 Many peoples shall come and say:

“Come, let us go up to the LORD’s mountain,

to the house of the God of Jacob,

That he may instruct us in his ways,

and we may walk in his paths.”

For from Zion shall go forth instruction,

and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.

4 He shall judge between the nations,

and set terms for many peoples.

They shall beat their swords into plowshares

and their spears into pruning hooks;

One nation shall not raise the sword against another,

nor shall they train for war again.

5 House of Jacob, come,

let us walk in the light of the LORD!"

These are heavy matters for heavy times. Times have always been heavy though; there has been no peace since Eden. The raping and pillaging, the slavery and barbarism of always other cultures or just's un-human we can all agree and yet so human it has not stopped. 


Until you forgive you can not ascend; not forgive your self for all the dreadful things you do/did to other/s people, you should acknowledge those and then stop doing them (you can't continue bad behaviour if you want real change and it's you that must change your behaviour.) Most people don't even know they have done something wrong in truth, it's not an intolerance because of standards but because of a nature to not want to be around those they can not control. <ask Why?> often. 

You will trespass on others, so you pray they will find it in them selves to forgive you, for you and for them. When you know you know, and you know it's not always easy; sometimes it takes time, others will walk in uncomfortable shoes and you should pray they make a neuron connection and see the humanism of it all and then find their sense of humor, quickly. 

I believe in making the world a better place but humans are going to human. It's always the end of the world for someone. When your heart and feather are weighed will you be obese and diseased with Envy, Blame, and Hate? There can be forgiveness but there are still consequences. 


So any way I was thinking, I've been praying for world peace my entire life, wishing on eye lashes the whole time knowing... 


did you see me fly through the sky the other night in broad day light

human nature,

So I've sent the Pinion on it's way, Hercules has taken flight, and Uttu with her green eyes does watch and See all through her hands, you can think you are as silent as you think you should be... 

...across the seas, rivers and all the lands by the Grace of Gods Good Hands. 

"So we've only begun, so many roads to choose."

Be still and listen 

One day I will tell you a story

Wings of Pan


And then I did wake with fright

the clouds before me then did open

to a circle of gold

and there the Angel Gabriel before thee

a message for a depart

into a land where star fish glow

a phosphorescence in the sky

a golden hue with green below

a river flowing blush with life

where the donkey bray

on the wings of Pan we take flight

Under the watch of Odin's eye

In reality how deep do you believe all this really goes, how far stretched and reaching does this really go?

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Crystal Pigs


Last 24hrs

Whom ever, "Wut's Mei male to woman like you blond to brunette the human hack male to to to vagina." X 

Me, "when crystal pigs fly"

Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story

What makes me laugh the most is that there is an obvious pattern and then it gets scrambled, it actually exists. I don't think I'm reading it correctly and know this, I have an actual Quest to go on and will have to move on from this side Quest. The above is the pattern language I can see at the moment.  

Harking In Mid Air


The aroma of sweet basil drafted through the entry when the double doors made of thick wood and huge brass pulls in the middle opened for her. The path was one of wrong turns and asking questions no one knew the answers to, with men that could send fright around every corner, and boys with trays of tea running to and fro. There were heads of goats in bowls in different states of preparation for a great stew on tables set to the sides. The ground was dusty but tidy, the buildings made of nahit stone that held against the weather of time were close together, making the path narrow, the roof tops close to greet a neighbor hanging laundry. 

She felt more at home than she had in years. She understood each person she pasted by as if she had known them before time started, she was a stranger to them though. Everything on the outside of her was foreign to them, from her hair cropped short and practical and her shoulders and legs covered but still in a style accustomed from where she came, but as soon as she greeted them in their language with her smile filled with joy, their eyes squinted a bit, head cocked a tad to the side and their lips would turn up inevitably, and others sometimes quickly to greet with welcome a stranger, but knowing she was their sister.  

Going through the double doors she ducked her head, she could taste the salt in the water when she tasted her lips. In to time and space she went. She stepped down a few stairs and the temperature dropped a few degrees. She was greeted with a fountain before her surrounded by basil bushes in every nook and cranny and all the open places. There were lemon trees with fruit on the ripe and iridescently bright pink flowering vines embracing keyhole arches going to other spaces. 


They will make it seem like a space anomaly you are lucky to see, because the event happened 3000 years ago. They made an eclipse feel like an end of times event when it's just our regular season of spin and rotation.  

They have permeated an absurd amount of paranoia in to every culture across the globe, this is undeniable. They created famines, and plagues all right under our eyes. They don't war and destroy to wipe out evil, they war and profit and maim and torture them to death slowly. They mutilate children and inject poisons in to their bodies while some sacrifice their babies so you can get a stem cell treatments. 

They will tell you it's a nothing. It is most certainly a something. 

I'm harking in mid air, what you will see is very special indeed, if I shout from here what I hear can you hear me down there?


I went in to the truest oldest holy sites, I covered my head and knelt upon the ground and prayed to God Our Father. There is a story to behold for our future and our children. 


Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story

Why can't more people see that there really is a Holy war before them? Or do they and it scares, 'the be Jesus in to them'; sad they don't know him like they should, a warrior, a man of his word. A man that knew he would be sacrificed because the Angel Gabriel told his mother, who was perfect and chosen to raise Him. 

I was wondering if I could get a patch through.