Tuesday, February 28, 2012

My Tattoo

No, I didn’t go out and get some ‘Ink’ although I would like to one day…I’m just apprehensive, I’m judged enough.

My tattoo is my blog, my blog is my tattoo.

Ya know how people judge someone because they have a tattoo? Yeah, it’s a shame I know. The beautiful art that people display on their bodies is that, art. They wear it as a badge of…
…”This is me. I’m not a delinquent.”
F (holy shit I’ve lost track of my numbers)…
My Painted Lady…has THE most beautiful tattoos, you can only see them when she allows it. She hides them for work.
My Spanky, he over heard some woman say to their Child, “He should get a job.” He has a career and is a successful business man and GREAT Dad.
My PoohBear, he loves him some tattoos and is a teacher and a great Dad, to his cat.

I have heard that tattoos limits options.
It limits their options because so many people judge the book by it’s cover.

My tattoo is my blog, my blog is my tattoo.

I’m not ashamed of my tattoo/blog. It does limit my options but I also know it expands them.

Once in awhile someone will post something on Facebook, instead of some long reply, I will post one of my specific blogs in their comment area ‘cause I all ready wrote my opinion about said post. It sometimes gets deleted. (more often than not)
I’m the friend with the blog that embarrasses some people.
I’m the friend that has a tattoo, it’s just an on-line site.

I have a few friends that have actually shared my blog on their walls for their other friends to read. Not embarrassed because of something I have written and hoping their other friends won’t look at one of my controversial blogs where I swear a lot or talk about blow jobs…

My blog also hurts my hiring ability and I am well aware of it.
It’s like I have a big tattoo on my face that says “Fuck you!” (I don’t and that’s NOT how I feel but for someone that doesn't know me…they have a tendency to judge.)

It’s part of my message…
…STOP JUDGING PEOPLE…look at yourself first.

It’s still a tattoo, on my face. I’m the only person in the WORLD (that I can find) with my first and last name. Yeah…”We are all unique, just like everyone else"….except I actually am. It IS detrimental and it’s also fabulous.

I do discuss sex, divorce, dating, my issues with my bones…I review restaurants and talk about food…
…I run the gamut.
My life I do not live on line, you just think I do ‘cause I share so much, because I would be judged even more than I already am.

I love my tattoo…it’s my art.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Life As A HotChick

I had to go to the DMV today. I didn’t dread it.
I left my house and started on my way realizing almost half way there I had forgotten my paper thingy so I could renew my plates.
Some people would be angry or pissed. I laughed at myself. 5 minutes out of my life was not going to end the world.
I was in and out.
My friend sent me a text when I said I was done.
…”Life is easier when you are a hot chick.”

I don’t believe that.

Life is easier when you are grateful for all you have.
Life is easier when you treat people with respect.
Life is easier when you can laugh.
Life is easier when you set your priorities straight.
Life is easier when you acknowledge all the love in your life.

Life is easier when you are grateful for all you have. (I know I said it twice.)

We all know my life isn’t perfect and some of my blogs I let out my frustration…but that’s what I do… I let it out and don’t let it back in.

F2 has told me…”Not everyone can be like you.”
She’s right they can’t. I want each person to be themselves. The world would be like an episode of The Twilight Zone if everyone was like me.
What I do want people to do is look at the big picture.

My bone structure has nothing to do with my happiness. That’s a joke.

I take care of (in no particular order) my face, hair, body(sorta), friendships, family (this is my reminder to call my sister in Miami).
I treat strangers with respect. I look them in the eyes and when I say…
…”How’s your day going?” I mean it.
Sometimes they look at me perplexed and then ‘get it’…
…I care.

When my friend sent me the text…
…”Life is easier when you are a hot chick.”
I smiled…and took notice of my life.

I failed at marriage but succeeded in divorce.
I miss my Children when they are at their Dads but have discovered I’m a better part time Mom than a full time one. (As a Mom, that was hard to admit out loud.)
I have all these injuries that can’t be seen from the outside but I know they will get better.
My Besties KNOW my life is not perfect but I usually find a way to laugh things off.

…But...my life is easier than someone who does not take note of all there is to be grateful for.
The best looking person in the world can also be the ugliest.
It’s what’s on the inside that counts.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A Letter For The Piss And Drop Line

Dear Parent of young child/children,

         Your lack of knowledge as to how the ‘Kiss and Drop’ line works has many of us other parents now calling it the ‘Piss and Drop’ line because we get so pissed off at your above mentioned lack of knowledge.

         If you are coming from the South please proceed into the ‘parking lot area’ line. DO NOT hold up traffic by waiting for someone coming from the North to let you into the ‘curb side’ line. There are a great deal of other parents waiting to drop their own child/children off that come from the North.
There is a responsible adult/teacher helping them get across said ‘traffic’(?).
If you do not trust that your child/children cannot get across safely please either figure out how to come from the North or transfer your child/children to a different school because the person that gets your child/children across said ‘traffic’(?) is responsible for your child/children’s safety during school hours…just sayin’.

         If you are coming from the North please obey the laws of the 4 way stop sign intersection. LOOK around and see if you arrived AFTER someone else. That someone else has been waiting for THEIR TURN. Don’t just go because you want to.

         Please also do NOT park your vehicle or get out of it. Do not wait for the teacher to come get your child/children. If you don’t think it’s safe enough, find a PARKING spot either on the road or in the parking lot and then get out to walk your child/children to the school grounds.

Thank you,
The parents of other children that you inconvenience daily.

Note, this letter is not sanctioned by SRES.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A Rock And A Hard Place

I’m afraid to be looked at as a hypochondriac. You know that person that thinks something is always wrong with them and they blow it out of proportion?
When I blew out my knee I wanted to believe I was just over reacting and it would be fine…it’s still bothering me…over a year later.
When I broke my arm (the left one in two places) I looked down at the instant preternatural swelling thinking…
…’This just looks bad, it can’t be THAT bad though.’
When I broke my wrist (the right one) at the same time as my left arm I dismissed it thinking I had just sprained it…plus I needed one ‘working’ hand/arm.

My right wrist is jacked up. We (ok, I went along with my Doc) tried to inject a tendon in my wrist where my scaphoid was busted. I have this welt(?) on my wrist to a bit left of my thumb…It hurts like someone took one of my craft hammers to it, all the time, it hurts worse when I move it. My thumb hurts as well, the base of it. I don’t even know how many dishes I’ve broken from dropping because of the pain.

I waited 4 weeks to see my hand/wrist Doc. Hoping everyday it would just right itself. It didn’t and now…
…I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place…and not cause I waited.
Live with the pain or have surgery.
My eyes glazed over as I tried to listen as he explained the surgery…
Remove my tendon, shave my thumb down and reattach it with new ligaments(?).
Sounds fun.

Given my 2 choices I’m gonna see how long I can hang in there and turn myself into a masochist I guess.
I love a challenge.

As I left his office he said…
…”Don’t use the good china.”

I see my knee Doc tomorrow. I miss him and I’m sure he missed me too. Sadly I’m gonna tell him no matter what he says about the condition of my knee that we will have "to stop meeting like this."

Saturday, February 11, 2012


My Daughter, BrownNut, was sent home with a letter the other day from school.

“Dear Parents,
There was an incident yesterday with a child in fourth grade. Students may have heard some real inappropriate words and some were upset and scared by this.
We want to asure you that all the necessary steps are being taken to ensure the safety of all the children. Adults have been available to talk to the children and the parents who are directly involved have all been contacted. They are taking the appropriate action with their children. Consequences are in place.
We are unable to discuss specific detail with you, but please be rest assured that all precautions are being taken. If you have not been contacted directly, your child is not involved in the incedent. Fell free to contact us with any additional concerns.”

I asked my Daughter if she knew about the ‘incident’ and she told me about a fight she had seen the day before. 

There had been a story in the news about a Child, a 4th grade Boy, that had written a “hit list”(?). The Child had been removed from school and all the Parents of all the Children involved were told about said incident. 
I’m assuming here but obviously this letter is the generic-ish form and has nothing to do with a fight she described to me as the letter coincides with the news story that was on that night during a news segment.
I have to go on hearsay as my Child was not involved.
I’ve heard that the Child involved was being bullied by these other students. Do I know if it’s true? No. Does it open another avenue of discussion with my Children. 'Yes', does not even cover it.

Here we are as parents, most of us doing the best we can to raise good human beings…
We send them off to school 5 days a week for 7 or 8 hours.
We can not control everything they see or do.
My Daughter said to me…”Mom, you can’t protect me from everything, not even death (or swearing).”
She has a valid point.
I/We can however give knowledge of real world events that can guide Her/Them, to make good choices.
I/We can take little moments as learning lessons…

Who do we blame for an incident like this?
Is it the bullies we blame?
Is it the Child that wrote the list and threatened said bullies to blame?
Is it the parents of the bullies?
Is it the parents of the child that was bullied to blame?
Is the school to blame?

Not everyone on the list is to blame totally. Almost everyone though should take some part of the blame.

Are you raising a bully?
How do you treat your spouse? Is it with respect or is your child pulling a 'Monkey see Monkey do’? Your actions behind closed doors when you have Children open a window for us to see in.
I see some couples whose marriages are fraught with actions of disrespect as one treats another as a door matt. It’s sad. I then see the Children treat other Children the way the abuser does to the abused.
You think it’s submissive…it’s abusive.

Do you as a parent not encourage your Child to open up to you? (Not on purpose.)
I think it’s the first 5 years of a Childs life they are molded into who they will be. If you open and Keep open a trustworthy line of communication You and your Child will have a better chance at understanding and knowing what’s going on in their life.

Everyday I have my Children, and I know their Father does the same thing, talk about…
“Good Parts, Bad Parts.”
They tell me about their day, the worst part, the best part and the in-between.
Most of the time it’s done at the ‘old fashioned dinner table’. Once in awhile our evenings are so busy I have to do it as they lie in bed. It get’s done though, not as a chore, but because I/We care what is going on in their lives and have set a ground for which they can blossom and grow.  
I/We have 10 year old Girl and 7 and 8 year old Boy’s.
They are young and malleable still. They still look up to Me/Us and not just ‘cause I’m taller.
They talk to me because they know they can.
They say to me…
…”Mom, can we talk privately in your room?”
It’s usually never earth shattering in the big scheme of things but that doesn’t mean it’s not to them.
They are SOOoooo young I hope and pray I’m doing it right now so I don’t have to ‘right’ it later.

Should the school have noticed something sooner?
If anyone wants to blame the school I would stand in front of the Administration and the Teachers to defend them. They did what they could and handled the situation (in this case) plausibly.
Yes, the students spend a majority of their day there, I know this, but a Teacher has how many students? Are they supposed to know all the subtle nuances of EACH Child?! Be realistic. They are not a Childcare, they are there to TEACH…NOT PARENT.

Did you notice I didn’t put it on the Child?
Parenting is some sketchy stuff. 50% nature, 50% nurture.
As the Mother of Children that were adopted I know this so far to be true.
We have to be a better Parent.
If you are married you have to be the better Spouse. If you are not married you have to make friends with your Ex so the Children can see two people get along that didn’t once.

Whose fault is this debacle? It’s the Parent’s, every last one of us.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Faith Promise

OOOoooooooo Doggy I just got my panties in a wad! Not really I don’t have any on.

Several of my friends posted this on Facebook…

Almost…a great read…but this is NOT AN EPISODE OF GLEE. This is the real world.

This is the part I have a problem with…
"Be the husband you want her to have one day.  Enough said.  “Enough said”…then STOP HERE! Is it difficult?  Yes.  Does it mean sacrifice?  Yes.  Is it worth it?  Yes. Obviously enough was not said  I watch my husband daily making changes to be a better husband and dad.  He’s amazing.  He demonstrates for our daughter the kind of man he wants her to marry one day."
 …I know this is a religious site but

Divorce is gonna happen almost 50% of the time and sadly Children will be involved.
Life is not all daffodils and rainbows.

First off there are TWO parents involved (usually). In this little site that has been shared, read and commented by many…(I didn’t read all the comments)…I did read that many Christians have a hard time receiving ‘Gays’ Yes I used the word ‘Gays’…again life is not an episode of Glee... (even their own Children) into their lives. I’m not goin’ there though, this time and pissed me off not for myself but those Mom and Dads that are happily divorced!

Divorce is NOT a bad word.
…The religious right is so wrong sometimes.

Note…Some of my closest Friends are BornAgain/Baptist/Christians and are what I would consider the epitome of the teachings of their Jesus. I know others that are not.

How about this scenario…One spouse is done, male or female, I don’t care which. Obviously (sometimes denied by one) something was wrong in the marriage. The spouse in denial comes to their acceptance(?) and “gets it”… The “get’s it” part is who is/are the most important person/s here…
This is what we can teach them…our Children that are more important than us.

We can teach them how two people that once loved one another can MAKE IT WORK even though their relationship has moved forward, done and changed.
“Is it difficult? Yes. Is it worth it? Yes.

I know great single Mom’s and great single Dad’s that are fantastic examples to their Children.
This is a shout out to YOU! Fuck all those judgmental types.

Be the Parent you want them to be!
And please stop watching Glee…as much as Politically Correct people fuel my fire of fun;) it’s getting Reeeeeeeeeediculous.

Some of you will read this and wonder why I found it offensive (?)…
…It’s a slap in the face to those Parents that made a very difficult decision.