Tuesday, February 28, 2012

My Tattoo

No, I didn’t go out and get some ‘Ink’ although I would like to one day…I’m just apprehensive, I’m judged enough.

My tattoo is my blog, my blog is my tattoo.

Ya know how people judge someone because they have a tattoo? Yeah, it’s a shame I know. The beautiful art that people display on their bodies is that, art. They wear it as a badge of…
…”This is me. I’m not a delinquent.”
F (holy shit I’ve lost track of my numbers)…
My Painted Lady…has THE most beautiful tattoos, you can only see them when she allows it. She hides them for work.
My Spanky, he over heard some woman say to their Child, “He should get a job.” He has a career and is a successful business man and GREAT Dad.
My PoohBear, he loves him some tattoos and is a teacher and a great Dad, to his cat.

I have heard that tattoos limits options.
It limits their options because so many people judge the book by it’s cover.

My tattoo is my blog, my blog is my tattoo.

I’m not ashamed of my tattoo/blog. It does limit my options but I also know it expands them.

Once in awhile someone will post something on Facebook, instead of some long reply, I will post one of my specific blogs in their comment area ‘cause I all ready wrote my opinion about said post. It sometimes gets deleted. (more often than not)
I’m the friend with the blog that embarrasses some people.
I’m the friend that has a tattoo, it’s just an on-line site.

I have a few friends that have actually shared my blog on their walls for their other friends to read. Not embarrassed because of something I have written and hoping their other friends won’t look at one of my controversial blogs where I swear a lot or talk about blow jobs…

My blog also hurts my hiring ability and I am well aware of it.
It’s like I have a big tattoo on my face that says “Fuck you!” (I don’t and that’s NOT how I feel but for someone that doesn't know me…they have a tendency to judge.)

It’s part of my message…
…STOP JUDGING PEOPLE…look at yourself first.

It’s still a tattoo, on my face. I’m the only person in the WORLD (that I can find) with my first and last name. Yeah…”We are all unique, just like everyone else"….except I actually am. It IS detrimental and it’s also fabulous.

I do discuss sex, divorce, dating, my issues with my bones…I review restaurants and talk about food…
…I run the gamut.
My life I do not live on line, you just think I do ‘cause I share so much, because I would be judged even more than I already am.

I love my tattoo…it’s my art.

1 comment:

  1. It is unfortuntate that so many do form opinions about others based on relatively little pieces of that person (ie., tattoo, piercings, tattered jeans, etc). instead of taking the time or making the effort in seeing more of that person' s pieces.
    Folks that judge a person's reputation on such little data miss out on what's really important with that person - and that's that person's character.
    You're of good character - a good person overall...and I'd say relatively strong in that you're you despite what others may think. You've got a nice tattoo going. 84
