Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A Rock And A Hard Place

I’m afraid to be looked at as a hypochondriac. You know that person that thinks something is always wrong with them and they blow it out of proportion?
When I blew out my knee I wanted to believe I was just over reacting and it would be fine…it’s still bothering me…over a year later.
When I broke my arm (the left one in two places) I looked down at the instant preternatural swelling thinking…
…’This just looks bad, it can’t be THAT bad though.’
When I broke my wrist (the right one) at the same time as my left arm I dismissed it thinking I had just sprained it…plus I needed one ‘working’ hand/arm.

My right wrist is jacked up. We (ok, I went along with my Doc) tried to inject a tendon in my wrist where my scaphoid was busted. I have this welt(?) on my wrist to a bit left of my thumb…It hurts like someone took one of my craft hammers to it, all the time, it hurts worse when I move it. My thumb hurts as well, the base of it. I don’t even know how many dishes I’ve broken from dropping because of the pain.

I waited 4 weeks to see my hand/wrist Doc. Hoping everyday it would just right itself. It didn’t and now…
…I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place…and not cause I waited.
Live with the pain or have surgery.
My eyes glazed over as I tried to listen as he explained the surgery…
Remove my tendon, shave my thumb down and reattach it with new ligaments(?).
Sounds fun.

Given my 2 choices I’m gonna see how long I can hang in there and turn myself into a masochist I guess.
I love a challenge.

As I left his office he said…
…”Don’t use the good china.”

I see my knee Doc tomorrow. I miss him and I’m sure he missed me too. Sadly I’m gonna tell him no matter what he says about the condition of my knee that we will have "to stop meeting like this."


  1. Get the operation done and be over with it - and quit being your own worse critic. You're not a hypochondriac and you won't be looked at as being one, or someone who can't suck it up - you need to get yourself in one piece for your kids and yourself... Then - get back to training and working out and being your one-of-a-kind self. 84

  2. Im gona push through. I don’t know if I can emotionally take another surgery, plus it’s expensive and my insurance (that I pay for myself) just raised my rates…yeah me!;)
    Miss ya.

  3. Man P -
    take care of yourself. 84
