Saturday, February 27, 2021

Free Speech

This is an aggregate of goings on of late... You might be aware of much of the information so I highlighted points of subject matter so you can skip around;). I want to help you look at the world from a big picture and see what's happening in your own back yard as well. I believe it's time to start saying no and to stand up again authoritative's 2021 and you do have a voice. 

"They got states to change voting systems and laws and helped secure hundreds of millions in public and private funding..." "like a paranoid fever dream–a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information. They were not rigging the election; they were fortifying it." Read the whole thing, help yourself...

Our Capitol is surrounded...and we don't know the reasoning behind it...there should be some massive credible threat to take such an immense drastic course...

Nuclear codes...This is one of two things, either the house wants more power or they don't trust their own President. Almost 13 dozen democrats signed this letter. Democrats stick together like they took a bath in Gorilla Glue...this isn't a good sign...If you read the story and follow the links you will find the letter... try it, it's fun...

There might not be a State of the Union by the sitting President, it's where he put's forth policy for the future and an agenda to the people...

Rep Swalwell, Intel committee...he had an affair with a Chinese Spy...

Hunter Biden, this story was quashed by big tech and the media before the election. He literally took Air Force 2 to China, received forgivable loans...from a Chinese company. If it's a Chinese company it's run in part by the CCP (Chinese Communist Party), that is how their system is set up. This was not allowed to be covered by MainStreamMedia before the election. Can you imagine if it was? Now you know the son of a sitting President is beholden to the CCP....

Diane Feinstein, Select committee on intelligence. Her driver was a spy for the CCP, for how many years?

The incoming President of 2016 was literally spied upon by the Obama the FBI for political points that didn't exist...

Media..."media outlets are parroting the authoritarian government’s propaganda, even in the midst of an outbreak the CCP worsened through a cover-up. Many of those media outlets have financial ties to Chinese companies with intense oversight from the CCP."...

Big tech like to join the frying pan... 

This story is several in one. If you consider that they censor the sitting President of the United States then they are telling other countries they can shut down communication lines if they any moment. (They shut down government sites...and that was not an accident in this atmosphere.)

Epstein is still in play, except so many other issues get in the way... Epstein was not allowed to be covered by the MSM before the election...

This story is just bad media optics... "Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost is demanding that President Joe Biden and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) reinstate Operation Talon, a nationwide operation to remove convicted sex offenders who are in the country illegally...

In regard to the election there are strict rules on some platforms concerning what you can and can not say...which stops discourse and learning... Some of you may get your news from a scripted show on mainstream media and not be aware of this. 

Riots that have been excusable as they set fire to federal buildings...with people inside and people being murdered in the open... ...

B of A releasing name of people that used their credit cards to the FBI...Everyone that banks should say this has to stop...

Vaccine unknowns, covid levels, mutations, numbers, test rates...? No mask, two masks...

Hate speech...Try to be less white. Dividing races with the intent of creating racists? 

Congress members being investigated by FBI, for political purposes.

Only one person killed Jan 6, 4 medical emergencies and 1 woman shot in the neck police. Intel not shared or acted upon...

Oh...I guess they just missed the memo...

The media got on live air and lied to the American people... (some more)

Free speech... the last Free country we are able to speak of any matter we choose. It is not the right our government gave us. It is OUR right. 

Closing down business then saying they will give federal aid to BIPOC (black, indigenous, people of colour...I think) aid to start business, which you aren't allowed to say is racist. 

They let mobs in some downtown areas to be smashed to pieces, others the local governments closed down with their covid mandates (a mandate is not a law) and they couldn't operate and make money...Wallah....don't help those that lost their businesses...give that space to someone else now.

Schools, teachers not going back, education loss of two years, the dumbing down, the indoctrination of children that they are a racist because of their skin colour. I believe most people see this for what it is...except businesses are training their people on this post modern idea based on nothing but another persons feelings. You have to say no to this one, simple as that. All people should say no to this concept. 

Trans science and the fate of girls and women alike...

Lets not worry about the economy and our Federal reserves printing money we don't have, taken from the people they are supposed to be working for...

UN doesn't work for the good of the people of earth...

CCP dissidents turned in by the UN via request of the CCP...

WHO...sub category of the UN....

Here is one of the great Agendas by the UN...

Scotland SNP ...this one is just for fun so you can see how jacked up other countries are too...

Australia protests and lockdowns...


India which is next to China and they are not friends...

I think if you use the term, 'useful idiots' to describe a certain group of children it is perfect in this context... Who would have the best out come if a civil war started in India? 

This is where they are now in terms of border dispute...

The great reset... sounds nice doesn't it?...until you look at the details... "Shopping? I can't really remember what that is. For most of us, it has been turned into choosing things to use. Sometimes I find this fun, and sometimes I just want the algorithm to do it for me. It knows my taste better than I do by now." "Those who got upset with the political system and turned against it. They live different kind of lives outside of the city. Some have formed little self-supplying communities. Others just stayed in the empty and abandoned houses in small 19th century villages." "Once in awhile I get annoyed about the fact that I have no real privacy. No where I can go and not be registered. I know that, somewhere, everything I do, think and dream of is recorded. I just hope that nobody will use it against me."

John Kerry, the environmental Tzar; he likes to play two sides of the coin, "Kerry’s intimate Iranian connections and his interests in foreign matters are a matter of public record. Taken separately, each incident may be considered harmless. Viewed together as a pattern, it seems that Kerry has a history of operating in areas where he has a conflict of interest, putting aside his beliefs. This should raise questions about his judgement."...


Pipelines matter...they are energy sources...–Iraq–Syria_pipeline Let me emphasize Iran-Iraq-Syria...

Abraham Peace accords... "deal opened the door to other peace and normalization agreements among Israel and the Arab states — much to the irritation of Iran."So let's cancel part of it in good faith?... ... "But President Joe Biden reversed that decision on Monday, claiming “imports from the U.A.E. may still displace domestic production, and thereby threaten to impair our national security."

These are the groups in play, China, Iran, US, the World Economic Forum/Davos (the aristocrats). The UN is just a tool, mainly for banana republics and dictators to steal western monies for themselves, everyone knows this, it's a multi task tool though. Russia is not in play unless provoked. 

Europe needs energy. You can not make the world go around with out fossil fuels, and I'm seeing a trend where Nuclear power is not to be discussed, I guess it's also a forbidden topic. 

The only free nation in the world, The United States of America, is in the midst of a civil war. Something they all wanted, so we fall. They want their power and can't have it with us being strong. 

I hate to be the barer of bad news. I know it's easier to keep your nose to the grindstone as you make your world turn but the world is turning in a different direction now, some of you have even had your grindstone taken away, through mandates. 

Welcome to WW3. Wars are always fought not the way you expect them...and they always end up bad for the normal guy. 

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Thoughts of 2/21/21

Almost 100 years ago Lenin and Stalin worked to remove the intellectuals from society. Sending some away at first, others off to the far regions because they were dangerous...then as time went on they just killed them out right. You couldn't have people thinking for themselves. 

They tell people you shouldn't think for yourself and then remove intellectual voices from the conversation. There can be no discussion except that deemed approved by the state. This is really happening. 

Meanwhile big tech ups things a few notches and says..."Hold my beer, we want to show you how powerful we really are. We will control all speech and shutter the rightly elected leader of the Free world." Then crushes the smaller voices one at a time with the help of the mob of useful point and declare those that question to be the enemy. 

I was a restaurant the other day and there was a sign for an app so someone would with greater ease...snitch on the business if they didn't follow the rules; or they would get their liquor license taken away or closed. That is a threat to livelihood. 'If you don't follow the rules we will take your ability to feed your family.'

Businesses are telling employees they will no longer have a job if they don't take the jab. If someone is forcing you to put something in your body, that is wrong. They haven't done years of research on these vaccines...or did time stop and I don't know it? The question is, 'Why are they stopping all dissenting voices in regards to the vaccine? 

The amount of poor mannered behavior is frightening from the left. People relishing in the death of another. Nobody should be surprised, these are also the same people that think life can be thrown away in a bag, in a dumpster behind the clinic. Years ago my dad was teaching me to refinish furniture. We would hang out in the garage, saw dust and varnish striper in the air as we listened to Rush Limbaugh through his golden EIB microphone. He was 100% right about the feminazis. 

Meanwhile I'm 'trying to be less white'. I refuse to throw my Uggs away though. 

Don't forget...Our Capitol is surrounded by armed guards.

Up shoot thought, we have a helicopter on Mars. That is sexy.


Tuesday, February 16, 2021



I lived in Okinawa when the tsunami hit. 

When the earth shakes under water it disperses the ocean out. Slowly it makes its way, swell after swell, back and forth... Eventually a wave and when it hits the earth nothing can stop it. 

Have you ever been caught under the waves, turning and spinning? 

How long can you hold your breath? the waves as they push and pull at you. Do you let the water flow waiting for an ebb? Do you push it all to the sides and kick assaulting everything around you? 


You have a shit storm tsunami headed your way, you've only felt the earthquake as of yet. The institutions of government and schools are in crumbled pieces. Our Children have had 2 years of their education torn from them. Breaking them down; no friends, no fun. The teachers have dumbed down the students to an 8th grade level and have declared people racists, it doesn't matter what race you are. 

No one is going to bear this burden but the future. None that were responsible will pay the price of locking people away and muzzling them in every way they could think. Meanwhile voices are being pounded into submission by marksists, leftists, communists, democrats, what name do they wish their church to be called? A virus didn't remove a year from your life, a government agency did and the mob of hysteria push an agenda they don't understand into our children, erasing our future away like a wave. 


When I lived in Japan I would run along the sea wall, it was concrete dotted with graffiti. Looking over the sea to the horizon my view was often interrupted by the occasional surfer. We got a few typhoons, and inevitably someone stationed there would stand on the edge of the sea wall to watch the storm come in. A few soldiers died watching those storms come in.


'14 days to slow the spread'... 

Where are we now a year later? 

Our Capitol is being guarded by Soldiers. 

Fauci won the Dan David prize of 1 million dollars. He made this happen and that is his reward. 


I've discovered the lot of you can hold your breath for a long time...eventually you will drown if you don't fight the flow or the wave will take you with it.

Friday, February 12, 2021

Dragon Lady

"Houston we have a problem" that quote goes around in my head these days. 


I once new a tall ginger, a big guy. He moved like a golden panther, smooth, fast when needed. He could hardly pack himself into the cockpit of his Dragon Lady with his spacesuit on. We spoke a language of planes, space, and all the other ones too.

Looking over the banks of the Banana river, we would sit at a pine coloured table with awe inspiring coats of varnish, lights bouncing off each ripple, and plan the future. We both saw the problems that were around us; it was the early 90's. He saw them from a different angle, we both knew it was just going to get worse. We enjoyed coming up with solutions in rapid fire. I sat next to him sometimes and others across. He had the best ideas, and the worst plans. His plan was that every one gets one bullet. It was the worst plan. We would laugh but I would always say, "Baby, that never ends well." meaning it literally...and then I would tell him he was going to make a great politician. I had the better plans and he knew it.

We drove across the state of Florida without a care in the world looking for adventure when he wasn't working. We rode in elevators, climbed stairs and looked behind curtains. We watched the aircraft take off and land as the fastest coolest car they could find sped down the run way, '3. 2. 1'. (The pilot can't see the ground so one of the others drives as fast as needed along the U2 as it's landing. It's amazing timing and communication.)

I was invited to see inside his aircraft one afternoon. They let me climb the ladder and see the whole layout. It was beat up with black matte paint rubbed off in some places. It was beautiful. If you know how much I love all things that can fly and see you will know that this was my sacred; I saw inside an active spy space glider before flight. 

One night when he was picking me up for dinner I answered the door but wasn't ready. I introduced him to my father and left them to chat. I wasn't going to be long, just long enough. I come out of the hall way and see him opposite of my dad slouched in a chair. In the car I told him, 'no one is going to take you seriously unless you sit up' and we laughed because we knew it was true. 

He had to leave early, possibly because I was a distraction, that was the inside word. We played tetris with all his aluminum rectangle bags filled with his orange, special fitting spacesuit; in every way. We placed them carefully into the hatch of my white Mazda 323 so I could drop him off at MCO. We weren't worried about the future, we knew the plan. 

He knew he was going to die before it happened but I also know he had hope there was another way. It was 1996 when my husband at the time, his classmate, came home and debriefed me/told me the news. His plane had crashed outside of Beale AFB.  


Risk assessment is something every individual does. 

We've had an explosion and we are running out of air. There has to be another way than going down in flames. You need really good communication lines. A book within a book, a story in a story said in shorthand. "Ah, Houston we've got a problem." means' there is a way to fix a problem if you have the best minds working the problem...and can convey it.  

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

System Restrictions

Our government is spending 1 billion of US taxer payer funded monies in tandem with big corporations and media to propagate covid vaccine awareness. There have been ZERO long term studies on these vaccines. ZERO. They are insisting to you through propaganda, betting you will follow along and not see what's really happening because they scared you so much. 

The mRNA vaccine stops your natural immune system from working on killing the virus for you by gumming up your natural system. It's the untested boss in charge of everything and if the mRNA doesn't work properly it could make your whole immune system null and void because it didn't know how to do its job. This is a tap hit to autoimmune disease, a welcoming in of the sorts.  

They aren't giving you a choice. Your travel will be restricted. Your commerce will be restricted. 

They want it to sound normal so they say it over and over until you get tired of hearing it and just go along. When they say 'the virus mutated' you need to understand that this is the nature of a virus, it's a 'go to phrase' to get you back in line and scared again. 

If you want and think the vaccine is the right thing for you then please, you do you. You should move forward with knowledge of the consequences though and they don't want those shared. 

Don't insist anyone should jump off a cliff because you say they should and please don't push them. That never ends well. 

The Death of Helcha

Tumors grew from her head near the end of her life. Her brain riddled with poison. One late night she ran screaming naked through the streets, a woman driven mad with cancer. I was a teenager in high school living on the Space Coast when she died. She had survived breast cancer after a double mastectomy, a cruel punishment for a woman. She had been a worker at a factory where toxins floated all around them. By the sound of talk at tables, everyone was dying of cancer from central Massachusetts. It had been that way since I can remember. 

One of my favorite memories of my Grandmother was Easter and the blessing of food at Holy Cross. She attended mass every Sunday with her scarf always covering her hair. On Easter we would take a plate with a piece of each: pierogi, kapusta, kielbasa, raisin bread, ham, horseradish, and pickles, to be blessed. It was a plate for the not forgotten to be blessed in the basement. All the Polish ladies would enter the backdoor of the church, going down a few wooden steps, carrying that which they had prepared for the holiest of all the feasts. All the plates would be scattered on a long table. The priest would say his magic words called a prayer as he shook the golden orb of holy water, which he had made holy through his magic words. Later when we were home the food that had been blessed was set on the table to symbolize the waiting for the second coming, like someone was going to walk through the door, a sacrifice of food not for us to eat. I always stole the raisin bread from the plate.

Many of you have seen me fight with her raisin bread recipe, maybe it's my punishment. I keep working on it though; I never give up on something I love.

A Polar strawberry soda in one hand and an ice cream sandwich in the other, my knees always bloodied and scraped from play, I would sit and watch her. She taught me how to make tomato gravy/spaghetti sauce. I hear it's a favorite dish I make for my friends. A memory here, a thought of this, that, and a pinch of faith I know what I am doing. When I'm done, I've completed my magic just as she taught me. Served to you on a table or from pot it matters not. You bless the food I made with your happiness when you eat it;)

Helcha is old school Polish for Helen. I carry very fond memories of her and by telling you this short story she will be remembered.  

Every Easter I resurrect her through the food I prepare, in celebration.

When she died I was sad but I was ok with it; everything has its time. She taught me faith in the future and  a bit of magic.

Be still and listen

One day I'll tell you a story

Easter is the remembrance of the resurrection of Christ, the Holy Spirit by word of prophecy. At a moment when they thought all things were lost their was faith was restored.

Monday, February 8, 2021


The Republican Party is not a party with the people, it believes itself to be above the people, they seem to think they know what's better for you. It is in active defiance of that which We the People have repeatedly stood for; Freedom for All and Equality for All. 

The United States of America is not a democracy it is a Constitutional Republic. The United States of America is a nation of laws, laws broken by our own governments policy makers.  Enforced disproportionally at the governments discretion and ignored in the courts.

This is in your face.

"On January 6, 2021 a violent mob attacked the United States Capitol to obstruct the process of our democracy and stop the counting of presidential electoral votes. This insurrection caused injury, death and destruction in the most sacred space in our Republic.

"Much more will become clear in coming days and weeks, but what we know now is enough. The President of the United States summoned this mob, assembled the mob, and lit the flame of this attack. Everything that followed was his doing. None of this would have happened without the President. The President could have immediately and forcefully intervened to stop the violence. He did not. There has never been a greater betrayal by a President of the United States of his office and his oath to the Constitution."-Liz Cheney

Liz Cheney is the leader of the House...voted in again last week by secret ballot 145-61 and she doesn't care about the Truth, she wants the outsiders out. You DO know Liz Cheney is Dick Cheney's daughter right?

The only person killed that day, January 6th, was Ashli Babbitt who was shot in the neck by Capitol police. She knew what she was getting into when she entered those doors. Ashli Babbitt was an Air Force and Air National Guard veteran. She was killed in what some people see as an act of war. Yes, it was an insurrection, by We the People standing up for what would not even be heard by our courts, in our nation of laws.

The Republican Party/GOP doesn't care what We the People want. They want to be in charge, they don't care about what you want. They are the old guard. The GOP fall on their swords for their riches and wars...not for you, but at your sacrifice; for your Sons life; they sacrifice him to enrich themselves as you drown in your tears. They send our children to war without a care. They spend your grandchildren's monies for their baubles.

A fence was put up around our own it is theirs. Anybody on the left may speak up, and protest, even violently, that's what they have said the rules are by their actions and words. Rules for me and not for thee? Hmmm? Or, in this nation of laws is that just what you have done? Asking for a friend.

They put a fence around the Capitol to keep THE people out as the National Guard stands at its gates.

The republican party and the democrat party are the same. We've not been a duopoly for tens of years. "Same, same. Still different, but still same." Or something like that.- The Interview. Our house, not their Cathedral. If it is a cathedral then they sanctimoniously defile it with the blood of our children's future consistently with spending bills of billions and trillions in dollars that We the People have to pay. 

Anybody have a running tally?

$27,888,110,000,000,000, $84,000 per citizen, $222,000 per TAX PAYER. You got that? But don't might get a check for $1400 of your own money back if they deem you worthy. 

Friday, February 5, 2021

The Oracle of The Diwan

"Chin up. Back straight. Try again." in a soft helpful voice of encouragement.

The scrawny, mousy haired girl had to wear a dress to school. She wanted to wear pants because she moved better in them, faster, plus it was so much more practical when climbing. In her head, as the problems were shown to her she thought, 'one day, I'll change it all'. The courses she was being taught was to do just that, she was just a kid though dreaming of one day wearing 'the pants'. 

Head in the clouds she tried the problem one more time, and then one more, till she had tried what felt like a thousand but was only three. "Third times the charm" said her teacher.

Her school was in the desert sands, the first of its kind, one out of fiction till it was not. The concrete block building was small and ugly, there was nothing fancy on the outside. Inside it was bright with colour as the gold light shown through the windows. The Royal Flight school had been decreed by The Sultan that year. The Sultan was a small man and was known to her to visit hidden as someone else. He often didn't want to be seen and if he did he rode on his pale steed, above everyone. He was a grand scene, out of an old story of prophecy, a Khanjar around his waist always; everyone knew when the Khanjar would be revealed their would be death.

There were only a few handfuls of children at the school, none older than 12. The children were the Avant-Garde. They all spoke the same language but in distinctive ways. She was the one that had to learn enunciation specific to one area but indistinctive to region, so nobody would know where she was from they joked. It was not the sweet sing song the other children got to practice, hers was harsher and loud. Later in life she would say to people who asked, "Why are you so loud?" she would come back with, 'because you aren't listening'. She hated it and at age four, she didn't understand the why.

Her name was Kristin.

On a hot sunny day the students were on a play break outside where they would often race. The sound of 'Ready! Steady! Go!' as bodies moved forward at once, the one yelling, still. Kristin took a deep breath, granules of all the past and future came at once. She whispered to no one, 'The storm is coming, I am the storm.'  Her teacher on play duty a step away, asked sternly, "What was that you said?!", Kristin replied, "Queue up, a storm is coming" just as the heavens appeared from no where and came to life washing them of the dry dust. It was a marvelous feeling, the wet on skin, this time she was glad she had to wear a dress. She knew that in a few minutes the boys that got to wear pants were going to be uncomfortable and she wouldn't. Her teacher took her by the shoulders just that instant and shook her. Kristin gazed up in fright at the way her teacher had put her hands on her. The Sultan was nearby unseen that day, unannounced. He often rejoiced in the Avant-Garde.  He had seen and heard what had happened. Wet like the rest, he walked forth a short man growing taller with ever step, you could feel the earth rumble underneath his feet, his voice thundered,"Let that child of God go!" No one was to touch them. He had been watching this one. She always knew if he was there and would sneak a smile his way and he would wink in turn. 

The teacher stricken with fear at the Sultans voice and sight pushed her away. Kristin looked at the Sultan and cried out in explanation, "I was only telling the truth! She just didn't see it!" not knowing what was about to happen, her concerns were of what she had seen before the heavens had opened. When she had yelled 'Go!', at her moment of stillness an ambient vision flew through her. Things she didn't understand yet. The Sultan looked at her already scared face and said, "In the future, remember." Then he winked at her, "Remember that queuing is specific and there is timing to all. We are washed now for the better, do not be afraid." In his perfect accent of Royalty.

Mrs. Brown, the teacher that had shaken her stared. It was a shock to see the Sultan be addressed in such a  familiar way, which added to the confusion. His head turned slowly to Mrs. Brown, his left palm up and right hand facing out, "Now for all time, you will see no more and be gone." At this Mrs. Brown knew she would not be walking away. 

The Avant-Garde were the children chosen from the lot of the most resourceful war fighters of the west. Royal Flight was where the Sultan would have the children taught the old ways and new. He had been shown in a site, that the Archetype had been born a few years ago. In that same vision bombs were exploding and blood covered the ground.  So he made a gathering to find the Archetype. This plan was within plans of many he had. It was also to build leaders and guide them later into places far and wide. Unseen till the time was right. It would unfold when the hidden in plain site would be revealed. 

Kristin's fable would be a strange one since before her birth...

Be still and listen

One day I'll tell you a story


 The old ways were taught in the old ways though.When the Khanjar would be revealed. that would need guidance. what to look for to guide the future. 

She often got to go on field trips to different countries polls apart and languages and customs she was to learn so to function within, so she could talk to others in languages she didn't speak. She was being taught to speak in more than words but ways and symbols. Grape vine nets weaved, she tossed it out and came back with all the fish. 

The Royal Flight had determined her job was communication, not just speech. She had to learn to listen and watch all that was around her, which was hard for her because she was always wanting to move and talk about what she just learned to any one around her. 

planes and helicopters flew around in a circle armed guards Toyota trucks land rovers. war and protection. In the real world they lived ordinary lives as much as they could make it.

Her face scared already at such a young age she seemed to not care. She would carry more scars as life went on, most of them on the outside. Chin , head knees, wrists . They all would fade with time

The Jesuit priest was her favorite instructor, he was the one that could always get her still with his words and old stories. Maps of the past pulled from air, these were the stories of the secrets he taught her. She loved secrets. She knew what the meaning was in its entirety. 

was always getting in trouble. Going through doors she wasn't supposed to and climbing on things to get a better view of goings on. 

Even though everyone knew her they didn't know her. They never knew the purpose of it all. A simple building from the outside, inside was all the knowledge of the past. They taught her how to read the past like a map for the future. All the insights of leaders of the world, the good and bad were taught. She had to practice all the languages of all the tribes. Her instructors taught her the tools of transfer, physical, mind and soul.

"Remember children, where we go one we go all." We are never alone. We are always here. Of course we knew we would eventually have to venture on our own, with the faith that we were not alone, always the vanguard. We would have to stand alone till the call.  

 They knew it was a lot for one person so they built her a team. All had expertise individualized.

  Her tale was a strange one from birth. Long before the Kunjar club. 

She came from a long line of fisher women and could trace her heritage to ancient Greece and back before time began on her Mothers side. 

Thursday, February 4, 2021


Into the soul we see

radiance that is you

happy, sad, full of despair 

Breaking apart that which was whole

into death we go 

truth before us

suffocation slow

and none enough that ask the why

a price foretold

death at your doorstep be not afraid 

the chalice is light

emptied at site

shine bright

truest of love will find you

lifting you up

to these the greatest heights

One day I'll tell you a story 

Be still and listen

I really miss seeing people's smiles.