Saturday, April 9, 2011

Why Are You Such A Bitch?


Why ARE you such a bitch?
Is it your hobby?
Are you one of those people that complain about everything?
Or do you just complain about certain things?

Note…I complain and turn into a raving bitch when ever I drop my Children off at school. The level of stupidity and lack of common sense I see in the ‘Piss and Drop’ line astounds me.

Some people I come across have a vigorous drive to make everyone miserable around them. Nothing is right, good, ok…not even mediocre.

They love to play the blame game. It’s never their fault. They walk around with a permanent scowl on their face. Which does not look pretty on them.

It doesn’t matter what makes them un-happy.
They don’t like their weight.
They never have enough money.
Their Children have disciplinary problems.
Their Spouse is an ass and does nothing to help around the house.
The line in a store is to long.
You can’t find a date.

You are in general un happy about things and circumstances.

You need to change your attitude.
Stop complaining.
Change things that make you un happy.

You might be thinking to yourself now…
…”Where the fuck does she get off?!”
…”She has everything! She’s pretty, skinny and almost always happy.”


Because it’s mine to HAVE!

Did you think life was handed to me on a silver platter?
It was a cheap silver coating that starting to flake off as I got older.

God only put’s obstacles in our lives to teach and and show us what we are capable of achieving.

I couldn’t have biological children.
I found out at the young age of 36 I was pre-menapausal.
My marriage was a joke.
I tore my ACL, MCL and Meniscus in the bout of 1 sec.
The Ranch Dorito’s I bought the other day were defective and didn’t have any ‘ranch’ on them.


I adopted.
I adapted.
I got divorced.
I had a sense of humor.
I dipped my flavorless Ranch-less Dorito’s in ranch dressing.

It’s not always easy.
My knee aches constantly as I try to get the muscles back in my leg. Working out 2 hours at a time, doing things people with 2 good knees can’t even do.
Before I injured my knee I could stand on a stability ball. The first time I tried I fell off. I didn’t not fall off again. I WILL be able to do it again.

Relationships are complicated as a divorced 39 year old woman with 3 Children.

Every mistake in my life is mine to own. If I don’t like it…I change it.

…and I LAUGH!
…and I say what I want to say when I want to say it! NO FILTER.

When ever I feel like things aren’t fair…I look at others and what they have achieved.

One of my Besties…is 28, a mother of 2 and a Widow.
Talk about an obstacle!
She is one of the baddest bitches I know.
She doesn’t complain.
She lives everyday in a way that most people could only dream of.
She’s also one of THE most generous and loving women I know.

A bad attitude is very ugly.
A great attitude is the most beautiful thing in the world….and can change your life AND the world.

Start off slow if you need to and start smiling at random strangers.

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