Friday, April 15, 2011

My Tax Battle With Myself

I started doing my taxes for the 2010 year. I have never before in my life done my own taxes. My father either did them for me or my Ex did them.

I am feeling like a total idiot. I hate math, numbers and dealing with money. I hate it so much I have a financial advisor. I would rather pay someone to deal with what little money I have than do it myself.

I’ve downloaded all this stuff and I am looking at it like it’s in some foreign language.

I know I’m gonna owe tons of money. The only taxes I pay during the year is sales tax on all the shoes and  boot’s I buy.
In anticipation of owing I have been saving all year long. I have an amazing financial advisor who guides me and helps me ease my fear of numbers and money.
Sadly that fear still exists and not in the depths of my soul but I wear this fear like a Mormon wears their special under clothes as a reminder of their faith. I cover it up with just regular clothes, but with the removal of one layer…there it is, just under the surface.

I am sitting on my sofa surrounded by papers with #’s and ‘form’s’ typed in a bold font. I’ve been looking at these papers for some weeks now. Thinkin’ to myself…
…’I can do this. I’m not stupid.’
This morning I found out I am a disorganized mess and I can’t actually do this by myself.
I don’t have a real job but I DO have income and other stuff.

I downloaded TurboTax a few weeks ago and started...and tried and tried…and tried even more...But because of my situation I’m having a difficult time finding all the info I need.
I’ve had friends galore offering to help me out but I’m so embarrassed about this mess I don’t want them to know what a mess I really am. (So I blog about it…DUHhhhhhhh!!!)

So I’m gonna have to hire a tax pro. I will NOT go to one of those places that has someone standing on the side of a road dressed like the Statue Of Liberty, spinning some sign. I think that would be like going to the place on Platte that has a sign sayin', “Free Tattoo”…I think I’d rather pay for this kind of thing and have someone with good credentials and referrals.

I have also filed for an extension. As of now it’s pending…
I wish number’s came to me as easily as word’s do.

…Is it 1 yet? I need a drink.

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