Friday, March 7, 2025

Rockets Red Glare


The birds flew at the window, 

"Attack!", "Attack!", 'Attack!" 

A stranger in their midst a warning to all, 

until she could show them 

she could sing their whistle song.

The opulence of free, pie is so much more; the Pixie bounced and spun about her box till the afternoon when she was allowed to prance out and about, but tethered was she away from the world of Others and warning sounds that should not belong. When released in the world of Others, her fangs came out, the sound from deep in her gut as the Others backed from her sight afraid to make contact for the truth of her might. 

The hand of Fatima whirled in mid air the time had long begun

Death looked out the windows of time and saw a collision when the dinosaurs would come alive.

Be still and listen

There are more to wake

I can do simple math and I like using my fingers for it and there is nothing wrong with that.

Complicated systems are stupid.

Complex systems are beautiful.


The dead walk with me, soldiers all around. 

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Project BlueBird


Death walked through the doors, a wisp of fresh air for some and the stench of Truth to others, no matter did she touch but the fleshy hand of the Other. Death watched the Other from behind, the Other wasn't wearing her special white coat that set her self a part from the most. She wore a simulacrum fabric the colour of soft lilac over her meaty back, shoulders, and arms, the fabric worn and pulled. The Other might have imagined the shiny simulacrum of a fabric would disguise her misuse of herself and her things, a medicine woman should know some things. Her legs spindly covered in stretchy black tights, her whole body covered and her whole body showing, at the same time. Her shoes were plastic, a dangerous idiocracy, a pyramid money game the Other was playing.

The nothingness life which Death felt when she gently breezed her hand onto the Other's hand was a model of disrepair, a life never really lived, a hollow shell where a meaningful soul should have been. The touch of Death released the stench of Truth wave after wave before all the eyes, snapping bits of bright light here and there, while the Other swallowed lies then spit them back out.

In the darkness of night when things just aren't right

We peer with our sight 

from within the smoke on the mountain top

Into the mind of the white coat find

a lie draped in a truth

the flat line of life 

is rife with strife

to ease the stress

We make beautiful sounds

to welcome Some home

green spring grasses all year round

through the foggy window till the time

the Others go


Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Mars Lion Roars


5:08 5 March 

When you hear, "Tax cuts for the rich are bad for the poor"...they are saying anyone that pays 'income taxes' are the rich, the poor are those that are eat off the rich, those that pay, 'income taxes' is considered 'rich' by someone that gets their thirsty coin from the state to do their lazy bidding; it's not a number it's the numbers they want because they have been sold that what you have is there's.

Charity can not be a paid position or it becomes a business, said the Volunteer.  

"let us round up this plot of homeless and all their tents and move the draggers on."-said sternly the city council member that has a sister that is kind and helpful and has a tent business or bussing one too, her coffers full ever week or two like a timely pay check but it's your income tax dollars that paid her salary through the non government organization. (Everybody knows this, it's unseemly though to see your neighbor reach into your pocket and take something of yours, because they want it (via the welfare state). 

An endless loop of mob tactics to keep you, in place.

Charity is out of the goodness of your heart not at the end of a weapon pointed at your head as they take something you earned from hard work to someone else that didn't. Charity is out of the goodness of one's heart not at the end of another yelling at you that you are mean because you don't 'give' they way they think you should (as they sacrifice their babies-said in point). You don't have to agree with another or like people. 

6:08 6 March

I love the time and date

9:25   7 March

How do you explain to a young 'sk(i)(y)' child the difference of the spelling? The I is for Me, the whY is for you.

X shhhhhhh Ravenous Vortex


The gift of forgiveness is not for those which attack you; in a state of war the true reality is absolute.

When you don't know you are in a state of war the enemy has every advantage.

"Where did you 'grow up' Kristin?" During the Dhofar Revolution (an inside job spun by the winds of the outside to breed an inside contempt) in a small armed compound of freedom fighters next to the Sultans Palace; building 1, apartment 1 (under the eyes of God-our Church, the Universal Way), as my father mapped the skies above us, pathways we would fly, pathways many of my readers fly today. He was the presenter in front of the United Nations for approval of 'his' plan; "Thanks dad, you are the best." The back of my heels shredded from dragging myself around when I needed to figure out how to walk again. Where a pool or an ocean I could swim with ease. This was where I learned to walk and run after I had been constrained and contained to fix a broken part of me, where I became a free agent. 

"I love maps, they are exquisite", the pirate woman wearing pants the colour of the sea right before a ravaging storm, three inches from her ankles for all to see, said out loud, with wealth and blessings beyond measure, finding gem after gem and none to keep for herself but to give (un)to others as she hid them like a game for children to find on their way{Easter Eggs}, because she knew when she had all she needed and had plenty to leave behind. 


Airport=the body

Air traffic control=the brain\signals motion

Ground control=pathways through the body/signals vectors and motions

Gates/Ports=organs pulsing with life

Stowage=goods and services/people/blood cells sent to fight the Good fight.

The air traffic control system that I hear those that don't understand how 'systems work' say, 'let an Ai (a programed message machine/chemical messenger {milk is a messenger, it only takes a drop; the mothers milk is the Good milk for the Childs brain (system controller)} take air traffic control over (a formula/model/program)...there are these things called ''slips'(messages) that move from air controller to air controller, to ground controller, to air controller, to air controller with one eye {Odin's Eye for fun and Truth}over all (a [form]ula[little]-latin-[uni-fied]form), messages of coordinates and directions to stay, go, and where to move, when on the ground and in the air(through the path ways in the human body to signal what needs to be corrected or not corrected because everything is running uni-fine-d-or there will be big problems and this is life and death when landing planes in proper order while others are flying over head and taking off as well). These paper slips(direct signals) that track the aircraft (organs) are the brain of the opera[work]tion[to be done], the human brain (babies and mammas), working in tandem with other human brains; electricity (signals) is an easy switch (chemical to turn off and you can not rely on a computer system/chemical programing to the brain/system manager/air traffic controller and you can't hide information or give them incorrect information or the system crashes, that is run(energy, where is it coming from) on something (electrical or chemical signals) you can turn off with a switch.   

Inside the mind the signals (chemical[activator\signal]/stress[tension] RE[over and over again]actors{there are Good actors and bad actors there are no in-between) had been absorbed and sent, into the animal, a protein folded, it collided with another and like dominoes another and it folded and then another, it exponentiated and soon the folds were like fentanyl users, dead wasted space, eating it's self to death being brought back to life with an override of narcan when all the mind wanted was {the desire of wanting a now unwilling to reach for it} to be gone from the now and pretend in another space out in open place.   

They saw the pine tree in the forest that looked like all the others and thought, 'we will cut that one down', not knowing it was the root they severed that shared a certain nutrient to the others as it was the only one of it's kind deep within the dark forest of teaming life the Vulcan could see from outer space but the human on terra could not, the vagus nerve could not be re done.   

Some needles you have to thread by your own self, it befuddles me that many don't grasp, "you are in charge of you and you need to take charge before it's too late." It's easiest when you have Good people that love you and want you to be the best you could ever be and they know they can push and prod but only you are in charge of you.

The man that the doctors found the cancer in had been told by his son that he was now going to be a girl and the father knew this signal was incorrect in his mind and his mind tried to wake him. I pray he doesn't go into RE[over and over again because something is growing wrong and a dead wake up call from some one that loves you is on a{mission} until the disease is surgically sliced out{perfection is command}, chemically erased, or bombarded with rays (signals-some you can see some you can not)) of which there are all sorts. 

Sometimes the mind signals to consume where it should not, sometimes the mind signals to grow where it should not, know the difference and what is controlling what. When the say,' hormones' they mean signalers, it's just a different name, same, same don't let them confuse you. 

When additions of chemical compounds 6man made ones9 that signal to the brain it can go on vacation and that the chemical signal is not programed to work well with others and is the one the part/organs|body\whole should follow and not the system manager (brain of the operation) who seems to have gone on vacation but is in Truth trapped and constrained and can't signal out{yell}, if something is out of whack you don't hack, you retrain[back into smooth running lines]. 

Sometimes I have to show people what they want to see because they don't want to hear the truth.

There is no hack to life, you have to live it the correct way. 

The brain eats its self because it was commanded. Why? From the inside or the outside? Alzhimers is a stress (tension) in[from within]duc{duke/to lead}ed reaction (signal messenger) because you can't believe you were betrayed by someone that you thought loved you as they stole your hard work and called it theirs, from you and you found out but you loved him and forgave him because he was your brother and you wanted no harm to your family so your mind did the next thing it could think of, it started the shut down process of the now, to live somewhere else. Please forgive me for knowing and understanding. everyone is looking at all the pieces, I see at the whole and the part and every signal in-between and the with-out. 

My Finnish Grandfather would pick up my beautiful sister with her golden curly locks upon her crown, deep sky blue eyes, skin clear and healthy, a perfect being and gift from God, like his own daughter, but different, and hold her every chance he was given. His own daughter had spent her precious early years in and out of hospitals having surgeries to 'fix' her hand which was webbed and had to be 'corrected'. 

My Finnish Grandfather would pick me up every chance he got, my mousy always tangled hair, a loud pigpen most could hardly bare, that had been stuck in a bind, her legs had been bound together. He told that little pigpen girl that she would move mountains with her strong viking marmaid legs because he had seen it before. It would take practice and hard work and as often as he could he would whisper how perfect and beautiful she was, just the way she was and she could always be more. 


I'm watching in real time from every angleel I can gather and signal in as many languages as I can that We need help. It's really, really bad and only God can save us.  


The woman in the golden overalls, uniform of the day, outside work was to be done and a little song she sung to be heard above the winds was called. She sat in front of the ash long forgotten and cried tears that could be seen by only Gods Good nature. 

Complex systems require complex surgically controlled solutions to problems with muster if it desires to continue to...stay...on. 

Be still and Listen

One day I will tell you a story  

I earned my sea legs during war, my legs work together in tandem now and but by the grace of God I go. 

Have you ever seen me run on a machine as fast as a cheetah, like the bio[life]nic[does not exist] woman that knew what she was able to do, or outside around the tarmac distances and battles faught and won over and over-or watched me stand on a ball as I practiced my ju jitsu moves. 

I told my Nazarite mother that warlords were in the midst, taxes and wrong ways forced upon us, with battles of Good against evil all round and around, a real wizard with a name I could see in so many wLorlds, their words all fal{fall}se[add another E so you can see] and the thread(lines told) un[do I have to explain un done]rav[Hebrew word for Rabbi]els{this is tricky because you have to know the secret, you are not God and will never be one.} 

I am Life

 I am Death

I am Truth

I am Death

I am Life 


I am showing you the way.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Mater Lecticonis


Tuesday update 

nothing concerning Smith Mundt yet. This is disturbing.

I was so anticipating the Starship launch last night, patience is a virtue when you are doing something difficult. 

The man they introduced as, "the first gay man' to hold what ever position..."word choice hilarity having I am"...may I ask when that would be pertinent information as part of an introduction to the's like getting health advise from an obese human. 

I love a good tangent. (I hope someone laughs here one day as the tangent embraces the sphere and then bounces back like a hug and then you are free to go knowing you are safe and thought of with love.) 

I read words like my son reads music and when you can understand the complexity of how words are put together (to gather for meaning) you have the ability to make new ones, or turn old ones back to new again. I always know there was someone smarter than me that already thought this out, all I need to do is grab it from the past and dust it off....I love fixing and making something out of what's on hand, always to perfection, then we go from there, object origin, object destination. 

Every line III means something when placed in proper and direction, unless an ana | gram 

In my spare time I'm learn (some)Hangul, Greek, Latin, Hebrew, and Aramaic, not to speak but to read, by acci (be done) dent<- self explanatory (ex (apart but was once together, see above) plain (easy to see) a story (ory/ orator/ something with vowels and not a unicase language). I'd like to be able to read Sumerian/Akkadian one day, so I can see for my self what it says as I work back ward to first principles of the mind and how humans work and communicate and why. Object origin, object destination, and yes, I believe God gave me a gift and I will not squander it. 

Side note, gifts are just that, you don't 'pick' a gift, unless you know how things work and it's there already. 


Monday, March 3, 2025



Hello Monday, I See you looking at your screen searching for something real, away from the fake world. A panda rolling around and you wonder why, because it's fun. Why do Birds flock in the sky, because it's beautiful and they can and they are thanking God for the ability to fly above it all. Why do I think, because it's beautiful and I can. Why does NightHawk bring me gifts in the night of time, little mice perfectly killed with not a mar as a gift and a thanks for nourishing its life. We are human we don't sacrifice humans (Jesus was not sacrificed, they killed him so he would be quiet and was made an example and he would be ashamed of those that call them selves by my name, and that is the truth and I hope you see it one day). We respect life as a gift from God for our mind, that controls our body. Why do I make my legs take turns carrying the weight of my body as I stretch my arms out in a beautiful pose, because I can and I thank God I can, because I have limited time and I know it, my goal is perfection with an imperfect body but a perfect mind, honed and practiced like my song whistle or my singing voice out side where I am no ashamed of the gifts I was given and I won't hide them away. Why do you have short hair Kristin? because it's stupid and dead and I don't need to hide behind anything, or cover my face with chemicals that signal your brain you think you are ugly and have to hide your self because you are probably diseased, because you are beautiful and some one lied to you.  

She floated upon the smoky mountain top and no one could see her as she sent out her rays.

There I was learning something new that was old but not the oldest although I believe I will get there, and I saw the story of the beginning and some more of what we would see

1, Shhhhhhhhhhh

2, B someplace safe ( you See 1 becomes 2)

3, G (C) it means the camel (gimal) we bring life and spit you out

4, D, you exist

5, H hello there is another, a vessel to make more 

6, sIx how shall we spell it

7, I’m just Zayin he stated her with his sword or maybe you beed to arm your self

8, and for eternity it would continue until decided Chit, it what we use, to make more, horse apples fuel the ship.

9, can you see the new life slip out of the 0 of the 9  tet (that’s the hook)

10, and now we start some more

I have to teach my self because there are so many frauds, and repeaters and also some liars.

I once sat a through a whole day of Command school and cried at the magnitude of the responsibility that was upon our shoulders in times of war and peace.

I had a front row seat at the Munich security conference and listened to every thing that was said out loud, to include Rawanda and the DRC issues.

How many Christian’s were beheaded the other day?

I know.

Stop it. 

I can hear you and I won’t stop. I don’t stop except by command of that which is above and below me. X do you understand?

Jesus rolled over in his grave and is a wake. It’s not the man but the consciousness which you wake inside your mind. When you treat your body as a temple in truth and have only Truth around you, but you have to See it to (get) it. It’s a gift of understanding and belief that you are but a formic worker bee and you know your place in the system. Same with the earth same with the body. The golden rule to treat others with respect (as they treat others) doesn’t work {in kind} after a stranger (a human that is not sovereign over an other and has no idea what they are talking about <lying by omission or repeating an others said lies> and causes harm. We remove that which harms, not that which heals. You do not paralyze any part of the brain or lie to it. Disease comes from the mind, as does the healing; it only works when you let you mind BE and you conduct you self appropriately…under the rules set forth because you actually understand how it all works and you are only here by the grace of God and that your mother didn’t kill you. To be able to do this you need agency (honest (honed) love). A woman that convinces another that killing her child or an others because she doesn’t like (her) life is an evil being that whispers with her forked tongue as her flesh falls off and she’s reminded daily she’s just an animal. Why do women remove the fur from our bodies? To remind our selves we are more than animals and have agency (ts) all around us if we have the free will of our self to conduct our self perfectly. 

It begins with you.

It doesn't have to end with you

This is the 3rd day of Ramazan when you symbolically eat under the cover of darkness celebrating the being of new life about to be as we watch the new moon grow.  

This is a war between Good and evil, and I'm not joking around any more. 

Friday, February 28, 2025



The 8 (th) try is a mobius strip (figure eight) how to send and catch, boomerang chat;) 

On the 3rd of March (3rd month as we spring forth into the month of the lion with raptor roars thundering through the sky as the raptor rises, spins and turns back after drop off and returns with perfect pitch and is caught in Neptune's good hands 

He believes in him self and the team. 

At 6:30. This is called the A teSt 


Vulcan Mind Meld


She waded through the river of life, the refreshing current cold with abundant themes of time lines and places to become. Truth sat on to the soft moss covered bank, clean and refreshed she looked down and watched her smooth legs dangle apart from one another as the splash of the refreshing river water splashed and then came down with a plop back where it belonged with the rest.

She gathered her garments she had piled earlier, where lie could not go, a different time line all would know. 

Truth stepped her left foot through her sea blue, the colour of the ocean on a calm clear sky day and all matter had floated to the bottom and you could see all the way down with your bare eyes, pant leg and wiggled her perfect toes, then stepped her right foot through the other, looked down and wiggled her other set of toes that was not the same as the other set on the left, but worked fine and dandy, equal but not the same. She picked up her shirt and lifted it over her head to cover her self, as it wasn't any other bodies business what they saw of her but what she desired. Truth swung her golden cloak across the back of her shoulders, bits of grass and bark flung around her, Truth had a lot of work ahead of her.  

The smoke drifted through the air of the room, the sound of song birds near by, a blue bird landed near her and stared then sang her a song of perhaps a delight. 

How to move a complete set [X] but in a complete box where nothing can get in or out (ray)diation, and keep the complete set safe from letting anything in or out. (We*(in this instance I actually mean royalty) used to have skif, it was a gold colour box where secret communications could be had. 

Where are we trying to move it? farther.

How to contain a complete set and move it through space ~, but a mobius strip entertained with another, magnetic attraction. 2 equal sets with different parts working in in tandem but multi layer. 

We use crystals for stealth, laser, communication, to harness energy and the such...

A crystal chrysalis, it would have to be raw and come from the place where it came from. A complete set within a complete set. We start at perfection, then go from there. 

Abstract thinking is that you think you are perfecting something by making it reflect light the way you think it is desired, in reality if you would like to keep magnetic attraction to hold it has to be pure, completely pure. none of that' almost, with...(dot's) after it. 

It about complete and clear communication lines where nothing can get in the way. 

(Welcome to Dune, I'm your witch.)

The reason women are told to cover their heads (out side under the sun, moon, and stArs) is that so they (the sun, moon and stars, we are but like the Formics) would not be enamored by the beauty of the perfect women, and the only way to keep the sun moon and stars from seeing the beauty of the women of planet earth was to cover them completely, from head to toe. You See it's called magnetic attraction, a complete understanding and knowing, two equal sets, at the time of you birth where ever you are they watched you be born, the sun, the moon, and the stW(a)rs. They saw the beauty that we are, beings with free will to move about as we desire with the ability to become (more, with out breaking off a piece until the correct moment of which we would have no choosing and that we were to not be afraid) perfect here on earth. 

The viper raised her head from the ground arching her back, the sun rays absorbed through her elongated neck where she also had eyes that the sun let her see behind her when she went in for attack. 

Thought, the complete set in the perfect box is 3, but they have to be perfect...completely perfect with the ability to learn more, different. 

What is a human conduit. 

Some things* can not be measured, but we can learn and when you get it correct you will know it. 

I believe in the human race, that though we are not perfect on the out side to others we have the ability to see the individual uncut perfection that we are, and underneath all we are is grey matter with eyes posed out of the front of our skulls, and when you think you are an apex predator because you believe you see everything in front of you, some one out there has their eyes all over you. 

(edit-10:10 ish because it's important. it has to be three *perfect* people born at the exact correct time and places using the correlating crystals, no alterations to their DNA, no augmentations, marring can't be helped, no ability to become more than just the three, I'm unsure of the combination right now.) 

I'd love that paper clip necklace Dr Al (he was a family friend and bounced my youngest on his knee to see how the wolf mom could breed), if you attire is correct it doesn't pinch the skin.)


Thursday, February 27, 2025



She was just a dot until she was not.

Helcha and Patchy were exuberant at the news of their Easter surprise, they were going to be parents. It was 1940, she would arrive in the fall just in time for her first Christmas. Helchas twin sister Stacy knew before Patchy, maybe even before her sister. Back then being a twin was dangerous business where they had come from, medical and psychological experiments galore were had on twins. It seemed people had gone mad thinking they were gods that could commit atrocities never been seen before all over the world, not just one country. They were safe though, in a little town in Massachusetts.  

It was a time before the medical doctors had the use of ultra (crystals from the earth) sound to see inside the womb of the mother and take a gander at the child or popped a hole (I wonder what damage that can do when dealing with a complex system that not many will even consider) in the amniotic fluid to do 'tests' to see how the child was developing. 

The arrival of their first born was marred by a complication they didn't foresee, the little girl with tufts of hair the colour of fire upon her crown had been born with webbed fingers on one hand, it was September 20, 1940. 

For six years the little girl with tufts of hair the colour of fire upon her crown, was in and out of hospitals as they tried to correct the problem of this, God's child, that had been born deformed. 

(edit 4:30, because I forgot something very important to the story) Her mother and father worried *but had faith and when they walked into their place to call forth all the help the universe could gather to save their future, they dipped their human fingers and crossed the holy waters to brace the mind for the other side as they knelt under the shadow of the cross*, and prayed in and out of Church, words over their Rosaries everyday as they were able to be blessed again with another child, a boy, all the while they ferried their precious daughter to and fro and in and out of surgeries. One digit from her foot they patched her hand together so it would be a useful human hand that others would look at with disgust her entire life because it would never look like it was supposed too. 

The little girl with tufts of hair the colour of fire upon her crown with wone hand tied behind her back, grew up and went to medical school and became a nurse, a head honcho at a local hospital and she didn't know she was 'handicapped' until someone told her some time in the 1980's. 

The little girl with tufts of hair the colour of fire upon her crown with wone hand tied behind her back, grew up and fell in love and on her wedding day the biggest polka band on the bed of a truck greeted her at the door and brought her to the Catholic Church where she would tie the knot. 

The little girl with tufts of hair the colour of fire upon her crown, that was born with wone hand tied behind her back, gave birth in the late 1960's to a little girl, Dawn Marie, she's my cousin, on my fathers side, she and her children care for their aging mother, my Aunt Dorothy, her name means, "Gift of God".  

Now a days the doctors and psychologists of the breeding machine would have told you to just throw that baby out with the bath water because it wasn't up to par. "Abort! Abort! Abort!", they would yell, because they know they don't have the strength it takes to over come the hurdles God or we put in our way and sometimes we are just born this way. 

One day I will tell you a story

and it will make some minds want to explode. 

After my grandfather Patchy passed into the other realm, my father and mother were able to purchase a small home for Helcha where she could walk to her local church and have her food blessed on Easter with her grandchild, or children, in total a set of 5, and one that would spread the Word over the globe and her great, great, grandchildren that she would never know would be speak her native tongue Latin, although they did not all look like her, they would be one happy family. 

I was able to see that humble little home, it's now painted a beautiful soft orange hue you would find in a sunset. I like when people take care of that which is old, until it's time is up.

The Eagle has landed.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Faith, I know Her.


Meat of the animal must never be cooked in the mother’s milk. It bothers the mind. It does actually matter what we feed our Self. 

The mind (the root/cone) understands how the system works, and it is exuberantly more complex than we imagined, even if the human does not.

The mind knows something is wrong and tries to wake the body/consciousness. You have to train the mind properly, this is possible under a canopy of Gods rules, but every one must agree, you don't nuance Gods measurements.


She took the blade of the long thin sharp knife and bore down gently into flesh of the perfect looking apple, hand chosen, with no blemish she could see. She removed the large chunk of the apple and bit down, chewed, and swallowed then looked and saw that under the perfect skin surrounded by perfect flesh there was rot where there should have been none. 'How does something rot from within', she thought, as she used her knife quizzically to discover within. The programer pondered the thought of messaging rot and how it would begin, 'with knowledge of motion and the heat within that once started starts to spin', she threw the whole apple in the bin. She thought again, 'with knowledge there is power but not over others, the understanding of the self, with the help of the mind and Gods Good path Guidance, our bodies are our minds temple for the root cone in our mind.'

It was the year 1905, hormone is the word used for (sign)alers / (chemical) messengers that do the minds bidding, what signals have been crossed here...multileveldimensional question.


The pirate walked her ship and saw the ashes from the woman’s circle had not all scattered to the wind, so she gathered them to line her eyes as she felt the cold breeze on her skin. 


Death's office was a small room in the back of an unassuming red brick home that wanted to be painted white and a porch that was good to have a chairs to sit and rock. 

She sat on the sofa that resembled lush earth in the back of the unassuming red brick home that wanted to be white, her black coat she wore for 'going out work' was draped over the arm, as her she wolf slept sweetly next to it, her head burrowed in the smell of the places she was not allowed to go, doing what Death did as she heard the foot steps of her father get louder. She was wearing fitted blue jeans, that stopped three inches above her ankles, black skin shoes lined with fur and a fitted long sleeve black shirt.

"Hey Dad, welcome to my office", she joked, as it was His house and she knew this quite well.

As she got up and greeted him on the other side of the river as is the way and she walked with him. There he saw waste that had piled and needed to be burned, her golden overalls recklessly strewn, and a miniature tree, brought back to life each new season, surrounded by rocks gathered on a stand.

"Is this the waiting room?"

"This is where I keep all the coats Dad." As Death opened the closet door. 

His purpose this moment in time was to measure the left window, one side would be best, as he took out his Golden ruler and extended it in front of the duel pane windows Death enjoyed keeping clean so to view her Mothers Garden: year around fresh spring grass, cardinals and river trees, a maple weeping too. Her name plate on the other side of the window so those that could see in would know it was Her Garden, of even Stevens they were in. 


With purpose she was caught, her birth hidden from the world at the rivers bend, under a canopy of trees as her marriage would be; and they whispered into her mind her name, whiTch she would become.  

Krinein is Greek, it means to judge in a time of crisis and to tel so to study, and this is what has been. 

Kriste, Xrist, it matters not the spelling but the root. In reality the X is silent except in emergencies and then you shout it as loud as you can, and then their is the rIst, the me, mySelf, and I here on earth until I am one, not God, God is not I, and then I direct it in.


There once was a woman heartbroken over all she had seen, the salt from her fallen tears had hit the ground three times too often and she called her mothers name on the bones of her fathers ashes, her heart broken once to often this time, it was time to go back to old stories of things that happen on mountain tops hidden from the below. 



You can not let other *things* think for you, not chemical or mechanical. It is the best of times to keep the faith it is the worst of times to call it. 

The Vulcan soared and left the Romulans behind. 

and her Father said, 

"That's all she wrote." 

and she knew there would be more, it would just be different.  

and she closed her apple computer

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Magnetic Attraction


What about laser focused super magnetic attraction… a tractor beam 

Hours Horus 

Scan The Code


The programmer worked furiously, her finger tips shocked lightning, force feeding a stream of code into the machine. The base code line had been over written, for some bad human reason, the glitches and cracks had evolved and matured at multilevel dimensions it spread deep within. The machine wasn't working end to end, the Byzantine Generals question her main quest from the begin. 

scan the code

meaningful beauty  

Rise the Alph at Godswitch command


Friday, February 21, 2025



The woman with the short cropped hair, silver above her large pointy ears, walked her figure 8 a spiral up and down and round and round and round 3 times, in her black boots, three inches to her knees on her spring grass green and sea blue ships Captain's deck where she was called Nut.

The woman was a pirate through and true, adopter bred from the witches brew, once new and also old as so it was told traveling a vortex fold.

She grabbed the yolk of the flying ship like reins of powerful horses with wings at her might to steer the rudder for, Angels be near and capture souls of the dead that rose she did to hold them to her breasts till the time just right.

Be still and listen

One day I’ll tell you a story

Those that are in charge of the birthing are cutting open the mothers and removing the children and they never get to go through the birth canal, something that is difficult and sacred. A fate worse than Death for the child. 

As we ready to celebrate St Patrick. 

Thursday, February 20, 2025

The Mole


The mole under ground started feasting on the sweet tender roots of the fresh evergreen grass where the little witch rabbit with silver above her pointy ears, played. 

So a trick a trick a trick to display to scare the mole away from feasting on the sweet tender roots of the fresh evergreen grass where the little witch rabbit with silver above her large pointy ears, played. 

But the mole underground was blind to all around, living in tunnels never above ground so with no sight the spinning eagle didn’t scare, nor the falling star that hit the ground, not even the quake felt all around. 

The little witch rabbit with silver above her large pointy ears knew about the den of snakes near so wait she did till the time that the mole made the wrong turn in the bend.

The old witch crow with silver at her sides watched the story unfold below as the woman in the black boots, three inches to her knees tapped the ground below her, a mole there was indeed. 

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Snake Eyes


2 3 12

2 to the third power equals infinite, it is the power of perfect replication of a true ice dancer. The ice dancer knows the float of the blade will stay in play as long as the heat stays at bey, but when two start to touch a whole is made.

The wraith matter, if bare eyes could see was in closeness to the colour of raw diamonds found in the rivers bend, moved amongst the crowd of people in their differently stylized class A uniforms, per custom to their war culture, worm words in their ears. The wraith matter, if bare eyes could see, had dressed for the affair for that moment in past time, white gloves for there, work gloves for the other, and hands free in the time that would be. Three places was she, 3 different times, 3 squared you might say a perfect angle, a cube can not get to a point after there is seven comes the perfect 8, with one eye on the might, the other eye on the dead, a process that took three days start to end as she floated black and sky blue over a jungle of many healthy grains with snow over head as a stable Dyson ball with 5 lite eyes spun stopped time, dinosaurs she could see through one or more windows with her eyes all over time and space. 

Energy, the thing that makes things go faster then us on our own, stronger, more powerful and mighty the more energy we have, as a human , as a country, it is what makes a thing grow. Energy is the absorption  of mass, but too much energy said item heats up, it spirals down, a piece broken off here or there and it doesn't stop until it becomes, energy for something else, as the spiral spins up, into cooler air, where the climate is just right for this life, when it get's colder, higher, in the spiral you no longer need the other energy from before, you absorb something else or you starve. 


What do plants eat? Sun rays, Carbon Dioxide, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium to name a few.

How do plants eat? They absorb.

What are plants? Animal energy food and medicine  

Are plants important? If animals don't have plants they don't have energy or air to breath, "check with a biologist maybe, because I'm not one", said no one ever with an ounce of intelligence or integrity.  

What is a complex system? Dangerous with which to mess.

What is a model? Something an animal builds. Every angle matters for it to be a master build, so you model to perfection, then you go from there. 

The Gold Standard

Who designed the model? No idea but I don't trust man.


Who is letting John Kerry have a say with concerns to the destruction of earth as he sells a dangerous incorrect model of the future that removes your ability to feed yourself?

While the European "leaders" tell their "citizens" they have to watch what they say and not have views they don't agree with so they need to make sure their education system 'teaches' their idea of correct thought to make people 'dumb' (not have a say and not be intelligent) and make compliant bureaucrats  managing a welfare state that they can't afford because they have no ability to tax people because they are a welfare state and they are 'Daddy'. I wonder how the European 'leaders' fund their fruitful lifestyles while regular normal everyday people across Europe and Britain are worried a careening vehicle with a volunteer soldier behind the wheel with his foot on the peddle jump out of the way, or a knife wielding soldier, those little girls felt the knife wounds and wondered what they had done and why no one could save them, or a prosecutor that jails the person for saying what's happening out loud. They say democracy and Athens laughed out loud.   


I over heard a chat of a study where noise cancelling ear buds were good for your hearing, I'm 100% it means you will hear everything you want them to tell you just fine until you wear out your complex delicate hearing abilities with sound target practice and the people factory that markets your earbuds on the screen is not going to tell you the bad side of their design. (Mark)eting (in marketing you 'target' to whom you are selling, I am marketing God's belief system through my voice to the future, that is my mark, * into ever dimension allowed. They break you, then fix you, but they don't know what matter you are made. Marketing sells you a future, you have to buy it though to get the spot on the mark. 

What future is your plan and how will you attack or are you going to stroll on in thinking you don't have to exert any energy to get there? 

"There is no such thing as a perfect square if everything is not even Steven", said the master builder. 

Once the death process starts it spirals down negative energy potential, target anglesels

A replicator, by definition replicates. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Silent Echos


The woman with the silver above her large pointy ears in the golden overalls, long sleeve tight black shirt, and boots three inches to her knees put the guard over her eyes as she took the first pile of late leaves to be made smaller, to macerate and become more then just dead. 

The little witch rabbit with silver above her pointy ears burrowed down at the sound of the screams of the dead. Down deep she went but the sound above penetrated the earth.

The woman with the silver above her large pointy ears had many piles and much to do to improve her fathers view.

Target Focus


Dawgs In laws, they targeted them; weeks apart. 

It created disarray in the family, it distracts the focus.

that is not my focus

they* target focus 


your children

Be still and listen

I will tell you a story

Admiral Levine, he was the Assistant Secretary for Health and Human Service Commissioned Corp, I saw someone comment that he wasn't 'the highest ranking tranny in the military' because technically 'he really isn't in the military' as the nuance was spun in to a void of nothingingness...the person that nuanced into retardation that there was a man that was a professor in pediatrics and psychiatry had declared himself a woman, also will go into nothing, as I take view. When I view, Admiral Levine in a uniform and the like of the rest I See the joke that is science*ology, as culty and made up controlled knowledge no real thought of the soul as they make more castrao.




I enjoy repetition and love a spectrum of choice words

Some words have more power than others when spun

into the ether 






Dear nice Mormon ladies and some that are just retards from the old block posting retarded trash on your time lines concerning 'Black History month' or woes you, your son in a dress can't be a pilot in the military, I want someone flying a plane that can see reality you *fucking* idiot, you are so dishonest (it is not ironic that you are in advertising, selling something that can’t sell its self), you are a *fucking* (key word choice old hommie, you ruin things that are running well and fine and *fuck* it up) idiot and you do harm to society with the lies you tell or repeat.

you find out

This is not in regards to 'Black history month', great Americans do great things, now stop putting people on pedestals and go live your own life and start thinking about how much they have manipulated you and the harm you have actually done then stop doing it (that is the actual answer, stop it) that being said let me tell you a story...and yes, trannies and black history month are both connected and if you can't see the 'separation' you are blind.

It was the early 1980's, 

some randO, "They are African-American."

Me, "Oh, from where in Africa, it's a large continent?"

some randO, "no, their ancestors were slaves that were shipped from Africa, they are African-Americans." -as if ALL Americans that came from Africa were shipped over as slaves, that is a dangerous identity to sweep people into a victim thought, you don't know Africa of tribes and the all, TIA

My, "Oh, you don't know anything about the slave trade or history of the world you slave that political correct speech taught you, and you learned and take part in something incorrect, that is how they control your free speech. Words shape how you See the world and other people within your own country. I am an American, female, no matter where I was born, no matter where I grew up, because my parents are American and human, albeit extraordinary, no matter where my ancestors are from: the swaths of Slavic paths, Wales, Greece, Finland, Ireland, England, I tag Africa because that is where I was birthed. When you get where you are going and call yourself that which you are wanting to be part of and 'join the club that has rules', you become, that is who you are unless you are a covert operator in a dress. You are with whom you hang, sts. The university instructors (they are the ones that did this, your red guard command and control), put in to the system minds that 'black' people were separate identity then American. 

An American is an American. 

A human is a human

a child is it be protected

from the adult human



or repeats lies






my best













 I am not only an American

 I am a Volunteer. 


 Ursula from deep within the blue 

pitchforks with straw will come for you

The plan to balkanize the United States of America, or, the separation of states, or a national divorce can work.  

When you agree upon rules and you change them mid game and it's not a game, it real life...that's called war and there are no rules in war. 

They literally have an actor cogging up the works in Ukraine, they have made you all look like jokes on a national stage, as the marine corp hymn played. 

Only God can heal a human.

Monday, February 17, 2025


I believe they target, because, Rambo. Tell me more. 
Object origin, object destination 
God shows the way I void the bey…do you hear.
They did that.

Blue Smoke Spirit


A job to do curating her fathers view, the woman with the silver above her large pointy ears in the gold overalls, long sleeve black shirt, and black boots three inches to her knees, not a dead thing left, not a leaf would be stood for good growth moving forward you start with the fresh and alive, and spread some ash on some too. 

The little witch rabbit with silver above large pointy ears peeked her green eyes bright to the light when she heard the woman sing a pirated song, not the one two toned squared with a whistle in there that was hers to belong, but one of thanks in a language once to many gone wrong, as she cleared a clean circle complete and all around, tight to burn the cypress and the weak limbs fallen from the river trees, a blue smoke spirit in the wind.

Alternative For


We are here, as I was saying, at a time on planet Earth at yet another turning point. 


This is called climate change, I spoke of this long ago, that 'climate' wasn't in regards to 'weather'. Climate is the now, as We shape the future, organically, and to some it's their vision of taxes, fees, and fines robbing your children's children's future of free thought, speech, and belief of God. 

The European Union is not a friend of the United States of America (America is Latin claimed and named). 

Dutchland, Nederlands, Belgium, The UK, Canada: <-do they believe in freedom for their people? Rhetorical question.

What do the citizens want? Not the ones that have been hoisted up as 'leaders' because they 'know' someone. The real people, the ones with pitchforks infuriated at what has been done to them.

People all over are warning that Europe and the Americas are ripe to repeat Weimar and you might want to sit back and ask how you got here.  

While you watch what the left hand has done you think you are seeing through the eyes of the right hand, it goes much deeper. "Hi"

Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story

This is something I do not view remotely; the ground shaking as I rise the blue smoke, Praise be to God. 

Who guards your gate and walls to keep the big bad wolf at bey? Did you clear the ground around to See the snakes slither towards you so you can step on it before it reaches your Childs sweet dreams of a Good future. 

The day was hot and humid, they almost always were on the small island where they were living amongst an interesting people of the Ryukyu island chain. It was the same island her father had also wandered when he was stationed as a young Marine in the 1960's, it was 2005 now and not mach had changed, even in the control tower. It was ground that had been cursed and no one had listened.

The mom of three little ones, a girl, 3, adopted in Peru, a boy, 1, adopted in Korea and another boy born on the island some months before, she had been chosen by the last boys biological mother to take care of her son and keep him safe, as she was to do with the others, it was her her life task. Her, J. O. B. gifts from God and His Angels always by her side. 

The mom of the three children had them down for their afternoon nap and went to walk the grounds of her Okinawan jungle where serpents hung from trees. As she walked she did spot a dead serpent at the base of the children's window... 




It was 4:32 in the morning, she stood partially covered in the moonlit room, as the depth of her shadow grew.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Let’s Go


Do you believ3?

Junk Mail


My intent is not hurt but to those that deserve, that targeted and ruined the meek. 

They targeted individuals within the whole, to slow down the carry of the voice. 

It was all malice no good was attached.

Thank you to all that stood and stand.

Power to the People. Wisdom for our leaders. Prayers for the Souls.

Paula White


I was wondering how I was going to start this conversation and I'm not sure to whom this should be addressed so I suppose this is the way...

3vents of the world/national/local happenings of late I have concerns to the choice of Paula White as a serious choice for anything. We have a large problem of charlatans and prestige ministries that care more about them selves than the souls of the faithful, they think they do, they believe they know, they think they are better. If you see some one with the word, 'coach' in their name, be very wary if it has to do with your 'life design', snake oil pyramid sales people are what they are. In reality people need a drill sergeant and some magic too, God rules, Angel magic, have real faith, not that you were forgiven, don't you keep seeing your self staring back from the mirror when you look to blame.

The errant ways concerning...I would have to say all religions these days; that's why I'm here, in the end. The concerns we should have for the flock are not that they have been forgiven, it's the soul with which our concerns should be focused. As many have found out the last few years, the people with the papers that tell everyone they are experts, even the Bible ones my sweets, all of them, think they know and some still let the tranny that is making fun of them have any say. We should be serious with concerns to faith and say out loud Gods law. 

A few statements for view.

The Bible is a curated collection of books, Catholic, Orthodox, and all the Protestants, We call it a library.

Nag Hammadi and Dead Sea scrolls are libraries, probably curated but not for you. 

I believe we are in the midst of a pinnacle time that will be written down for years and my desire for the future is to teach our future to be better and that they can be better, Be Best. This is no joke to me, most parents think their children are special, I know mine are, some of yours too. The truth is, is that not everyone is good at what they sell you they are. I'm a serious person, I care that false teachers everywhere have massive flocks and the White House Faith Office, under Donald Trump chose Paula White, it makes me wonder, why her. It's not the money my focus is on, it's her teachings. 

I'd like to note that I'm no biblical scholar and when some one believes they have an 'answer' to their argument or point by calling out a number and chapter like a dewey decimal system, that doesn't tell me you know something, it shows me, you have dallied in a library, often only one, over and over you read the same books, searching.

This is an important moment in time, think out of the box if you really want to move forward, like Blue Angels in the sky. 

This is a side note, people like Candice Owens that reach their hand out asking for funds, she's married to a very wealthy man, question the women that think they are girl bosses and christians...

"Checkity, check, check you are servants of God," His hand reminds you. 

In reality you do the work they say they are doing by gift, not by subscription. 

Peace be with you,


Ava Maria


Take it with a grain of salt, Pan America looks nice too. 

Saturday, February 15, 2025



The little witch rabbit with silver tufts above her large pointy ears hopped and popped through the under brush and upon the mat of cold wet leaves from the past, plastered to the earth starting the cycle of life. The hollowed out stems of things that once were, now stand tall in death. Fallen trees from storms that blow scattered upon brush bending bows for magic braids.  

The woman with the silver above her large pointy ears strode through her mother's west garden of statues and Iris's soon to bloom. The head of a handsome man on a pedestal cocked to the side and a little girl, basket in hand with a proper kerchief head, mossed with time. The woman with the silver above her large pointy ears clothed in the uniform of the day, golden overalls, black long sleeve fitted round neck t-shirt, and black boots three inches to her knees, wondered 'what they had done wrong to have no say and still have to watch it all'. 

The rain dripped periodically from the mackerel sky as the woman with the golden overalls and black boots three inches to her knees moved her way through the wooden door way, she had work to do by command of her mother a curating of view was about to take place and dead wood was about to be removed from said places. 

"Crack, crack, crack" broke the dead sticks below under the woman in the black boots threes inches to her knees and golden overalls, as she thought, 'this year I'll spread the dead and mulch it to the ground smaller in bits and pieces to quicken ultimate death to begin. Next year though in to the fire it shall go, and ash will be used in smarter purpose and use'.

The little witch rabbit with silver tufts above her large pointy ears, looked up to see the large boot come down on the dead as the woman in the golden overalls and black boots three inches to her knees, dragged and broke the dead here and there, out of view but thought of how we treat waste too. 

The woman in the golden overalls and black boots three inches to her knees started from around back because that was sound, as the little witch rabbit with silver above her large pointy ears watched with delight as a throne of the dead was calculated at the base of the oak tree, in the woods with fairy mounds. 

In reality it's 

The United States of the World 

are we in Order.

The Entity

Thursday, February 13, 2025



The little witch rabbit

tufts of silver above her pointy ears 

followed down under Formic tunnels 

she heard the oak tree 




she did upon his limb 

and asked his brethren 


Bird flu…someone with a finger on a button of a lie, that is this reason for the price this egg season, my Mother said. What bird flu is, is a culling from a made up reason right before your eyes. It's the 'weaponization' of your food, there is nothing wrong with it but it raises prices when they use a pcr test to find a boogie virus then they cull the whole kaboodle=less food=food more expensive. Who's making this disunion? It's a real person making your eggs expensive. 

Any way I had something to say, it was important.

Death is She in time.


Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Eastern Star


It was the year of our Lord, two thousand, twenty five, the first month of the year. The bearded man had his head covered in a dark blue knit cap, keeping the warmth from escaping his body on that freezing morning. He had gotten both vehicles started and warmed up, all the horse power they could muster, packed discreetly to their limits. It was cold already and a winter storm was about to arrive, it was going to stick around for awhile and would soon hinder travel. The couple, the bearded man with the blue knit hat and the woman with short cropped hair around her tiny head, had been commanded to move. The country/State they were residing had enshrined in their constitution via vote of the people, that tax dollars would pay for the killing of children in utero up until the birth upon the desire of the mother, often guided by a person in a white coat telling the soon to be mother that something, 'might be wrong' with said child, or the mother has to work and can't take care of her child, or, just doesn't want discussion of where said child emanates. The couple, filled with the Holy Spirit, didn’t look back as they caravaned their horses power as the sun rose on that cold morning, they moved towards the Eastern Star. 


Systems Controller and The Obese Man

The obese man sat over the chairs seat hoping it wouldn’t break beneath his weight, as the man in the white coat told him that it wasn’t his fault he was living in a grotesque skin filled with fat and disease. The other day a different white coated person had said,” there is less and less circulation in your legs and in a few years if things don’t turn around you will lose both feet.” The obese man whose feet pointed outward, as his legs rubbed together to below his knees recalled an advertisement on his favorite morning television show as he waddled down the hall, something that would be the answer to his prayers; a magic injection and he would no longer be in a grotesque skin, he’d be a skinny man they said and all he had to do…

“…ask your healthcare expert about it…"
Expert,”hormones, glp-1, you aren’t in control, disease, disease, some more it’s not your fault.”

You don’t say the man in the grotesque skin thought, obviously it’s not his fault, he knew it the whole time, he was smart and so grateful they could finally help him. They told him he was born this way and only with this magic injection could he be his true self; he would have to take it the rest of his life.

A week later the obese man lifted his puffy fingers holding a burger in a bun, ketchup dripping from the side he took a big bite and chewed his food and swallowed it down. The person in the white coat that he had asked about the magic injection, so he could be his true self, told him he didn’t have to do much differently, take special supplements and eat normal, so the soon to not be obese man for his first free meal would be his favorite.

The chewed up ground beef, pieces of bun, and ketchup slid down into his stomach where the acid would normally continue to break down so it could make to the next step where all the nutrients would be absorbed for good use. This time though the chewed up ground beef, pieces of bun, and ketchup jostled in his stomach till it would rot enough to seep through his intestinal system and drip out the other end, where normally nutrients would be absorbed to feed his whole body through management of the system controller.

The system controller of the obese man knew the fuel had been taken in to the body but now the pathways of control had been disconnected. The system controller had a job to do even if the fuel system had been closed off; so the system manager started to dismantle and consume the obese man, bone meal pieces here and there, iron from the organs, just a bit, not to much and some fat to melt on down.

The system controller was aware of more going on than the once obese man, as his not as fat fingers walked their way down the row of new shirts on hangers, something to fit his true self, smaller than his last self. The system controller had taken fuel where it could but with no control to intake fuel from the outside, the fat had been melted and the bones hallowed. The organs that the systems controller needed to keep the now not obese man alive had been broken down to keep the systems controller from wasting. 

The now not obese man was having more and more problems, he was skinny now, but he had a hard time breathing and his feet really weren’t better, his skin had yellowed here and greyed there he thought, as he walked down the hall to get his routine magic injection from the person with the white coat. As he was walking his hip buckled beneath him and he fell to the ground. 

A year later, after losing access to fuel control intake, the systems controller had no more fuel to keep the now not obese man working, so the systems controller started closing bits of the complex being down. 

Africanas Barbelo


There was a time and place 

We came from your past

We walked with you in your shoes 

as We wore ours well with good time. 

Then We spun in the air

 moved the future in time 

with God's Good will you have a chance to mend.


~>Fair warning though as We watch from above and below that to teach God's words mean to live as He commands.

Maats scales of justice are here, they are on the left when you come through the door.

The female Cardinals song 

comleX 1 

 to the trained ear it can sound quite vulgar. 


Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Mary Pop on ins


Sing it with me...

"Just a spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down, 

the medicine go doooown, 

the medicine go down..."

11 Feb

The Department of Defense Education Activity

The encephalization Quotient is, in my best Trump voice, "wrong", I don't have an answer on a measurement for something reality unfathanbabel, that means babel that's unfathomable. Somethings you can not measure, you can pretend to all you want but it's a bad idea to think you are measuring someone or some other beings capacity for intelligence via brain size, or some other measuring component or maybe even behaviour patterns (what is intelligence?)...and capacity to learn, not everyone learns the same, thinks the same, or cares about the same things.

A thing to take notice the 'experts' that talk about 'small brained' other species show them to you unclothed.

Also I'd say best practice would be to get 'mental health' officials, administrators, psychologist and psychiatrists out of 12 and under public schools...asap as a start to dismantling the horrors they have created. 


"How do you eat an elephant Kristin?"

One bite at a time is the answer I say to the lion in the sky but it's more complicated when you can't eat it all at once, sometimes we make jerky and sometimes we salt it. 

The Snow moon reflects a great deal of light 

split shifts are slavery

There is a language in old caucasus that was separate from those they ruled

Easter is going to rock

My brothers expect perfection and then We go from there. 

12 Feb

See Valantines day it's not a roll in the hey, the donkeys bray where the angels arrow vectors  

14 Feb

One foot on the Blue Mountains the other in the deep sea on the day of the Martyr of Saint Valentine, arrows fly across the sky hitting between the eye of the beast.

17 Feb

A song I often sing when making motion matter and a reminder of a time in a land far away in a time not long ago, “so long, farewell, auf weidershen goodnahight…"

18 Feb

There once was an expose, a scene to display for a view on a screen, a real horror scene of the truth of reality on display. and then they closed the mental institutions and Mengele went mainstream. 

27 Feb

Cardinal numbers are perfect sets on (a)nother level

The Doge of Venice


lesson 4.oh 

The continent of America 2025

I hold Atlas in my left palm upon the back of the ancient world with all the knowledge theirthere in told.

Did you look up the title? 

We are Rome where ever We are.  

Welcome back Vulcan minds Hammurabi is about to land

The United States of America is a boundary line on a continent the people of terra call America; within that boundary line are other boundary lines of 48 other places called States which abide by the 'United' laws separate from the others and also some that exist over all, State, and Federal (the whole being a Republic). There are 2 other States that are not connected, an island chain, an out cropping on the northern part of the continent and a small capital area that is separate from the system. It also consists of many territories around the globe. Each of the individual States have some cultural differences but all speak the old Viking language as a whole although their law system is written in Latin, which is not spoken by the common people which puts them at a disadvantage (<-this changes when the children can read, write, and speak the old language).....One of the calls to join is it is the only place in the world where you can not be imprisoned for speaking against someone stealing from you.  

1224 can you hear it hit, the little witch rabbit with silver above her large pointy ears peeked her head above the ground.



Rise the Caliphate 



Saturday, February 8, 2025

Thursday, February 6, 2025

The Grounding


The little witch rabbit with silver tufts above her large pointy ears borrowed deep to find the roots that meet under the green grass meadows and oak trees that surround.

She spiraled down in circles below to find the truth so all would know.

A few things here and there the electricity is everywhere 

There is a story along corridor 4. 

There is a story under the golden dome in the air

When your life bread is about to be taken away because you kneeled to the god of the state, which is just a man at the end of the day, the door which you knock is not the one that made the promise, it's the neighbor down the street that told you the truth, that your bread would run out.

Facebook doesn't have a 'most recent' search instruction, or I should say it's been over written, not having interactions in real time makes a social platform retarded. Do we know why* they changed this node(?)...Censorship in plain site while they sell Zuckerberg as an all American. Meanwhile on my favorite news site where X marks the spot the comments are controlled, with that same node that makes censoring easier under the guise of the know.  

[Less then 1 line not declassified]

Meanwhile the Vatican has cooked a perfect egg

Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Mar maiden


Mar maid from the sea where life at her feet lay

A name of the sea although it be 

The salt of the earth sea

Where hidden life in red it be 

here between time and space

beyond the firmament 


And the there was a sound as my Fathers communicator announces new numbers and times to the tune of the Marine Corps Hymn 

"...ever look on Heaven's scenes

they will find the streets are guarded

By the United States Marines" 

do you know what Marine means? 

"From the sea it be holy" 

When birthing a religion undercover of the sun some may call the back a shadow as the norm of one sun goes, the name you give the mother of life is always salt of the sea a mar maiden if it be from what mountains to what sea

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Little Witch Rabbit


The old witch crow with silver at her sides landed safely under cloud of cover on the snow blanket field of grass, Star dust as her guide.

There she changed her skin to fit in a place she’d only seen.

The little witch rabbit with silver tuffs above her big ears a little worn of the years of digging pathways for the young and the old to places everyone souls should go. She stood tall and bright with force and hidden might, cloaked with natures age green, black, and, grey. Her bag she carried dropping eggs here and there in realms unimagined where water doesn’t flow.

The bluebirds started nesting in front of the little rabbit with silver tuffs above her big ears. The sounds all around, the target practice with bird songs spinning the air around the small town. It could have been the year 1894 in a couple places give or take something more.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

When Ramazan Begins


What’s your biggest dream? 

"World domination"

Why do you say that, 'world domination'? it sounds stupid.

"Why shouldn't I?"

"If I achieve world domination, which I will never see with these eyes,I achieve peace on earth, where heaven meets earth for our children in the future so they can move us as beings forward, with God in sight and I pray God does not lead us in to temptation. I like to get the ball rolling, with a little spin near the end."


"Bring people to God."

Why don't you bring God to people? 

"You don't 'bring God', I am talking about our creator. I don't do it lightly, although I know God has a sense of humor and does get angry. I like to recall and remind, "and lead us not in to temptation." 


March with Jupiter and Mars when Ramazan begins/ VFR



Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Blue Wave Collision


There once was a woman that lived to create and enjoyed to maintain the cycle of things and the way they should be made at the very beginning. She thought she knew what to do and found correction a delight in true, aray she would go when sunder. Her gardens grew bright with good pruning much to her Fathers vision as it is written.

Maktabah, please forgive my trespass, the Father we discuss is much old then all others.

As I sweep and clean around 

taking cobwebs down 

not a bit left behind 

a new start we begin.

You have to clean your mind for it to be free, you may let other wander but never with out a tether, there with their thoughts but know what belongs by cleaning house, not a speck of ash left.

Now for some fun there is work to be done

Do you wanna work on sausage knowledge...all the stuff you chop up and put inside a casing to make it easier to swallow the not as preferred parts of the "Steaaaaak".

Sandwich making 1 oh 1 

Make sure you have the good bologna...ever wonder why we call it bologna? The figure of speech I mean...and what IS good bologna.

This is the path spun in through the air...there I was working on learning my Alpa and my Bet, I've moved on from X and am working the House but I looked ahead to gimel which also means camel and (also it be 3 for the trinity and cupids arrow points to Valentine but not the one of all in the know, the teacher,) recalled I was working on my Abraxas and thought of Sesame sesame and AbraKDabra, who funded that coup of the Childs mind the beginning of something, puppets with no souls. So off I hopped into the know, call sign Barbie I made my self small and squoze my self into a place...The Battle of Athens a fix if need be but the story I was looking for was just the A B C's. So there I was top funders and founders and what do you say, Archer Vining Davis who has a town in Quebec in his own way, used his magic brain powers and came up with new aluminum that they used to make the big bomb dropped, what year was that?


1945-it was this year...the other 2 years other bombs were dropped from outer space


Anywho as I was spinning down a path of words and letters running a long my own way; the 3rd richest man at one time was on one of the ground floors of the federally funded and created puppet show, a new platform with the television in every house and home to shape like the aluminum that encased the big bomb we are told stopped a war and mayhems it did, when in war there are no rules (that is the real rule of war and people moving, there are no rules), which is small these days comparable in destruction, the tiny Childs mind with a tel a vision. So Archer Vining Davis, it's not about him, such a rich man, it matters who places the type set, like the monks of old artists in the fold to set in to the minds the stories told. And then I recall a guy named Hillel that wrote things down at the same time as Seneca maybe a few more years older and others you know Titus and Nero, here I find a small beginning, The Rabbi Hillels Moral ABC's and a guy named Jesus with his friends saying something different than some have been spreading. 

All the same story and so very connected in ways too telling, where is your agency in an information war. 

In the beginning of the tel a vision the universal members of the church gave a holler when something unseenly be and spread shun word until redirected in 1965 after Vatican 2 and there will be some more till a blue wave collision. 

As I listened to Lex Fridman and Marc Andreersen 

Anyway the year be 2025 and the screens are in the palm of the hand, over some peoples beds and in spaces everyone treads...what's on your news feed? Because I hear ol'Zuck is really just a good rich guy and Elon too and Marc Andreesen's partner I can see through the air traffic control of waves and the matter as it spreads and takes hold in your head.


Unravel the thread, he knows she can make it better again with the ability of correction individually in the head. 

Happy New Year

and welcome to

the Golden Age

of the Gold Pill

"we are going to learn today."

When I was a young one we didn't have tel a vision, we had a reel to reel, when we did arrive and it was turned on the lesson the government that funded the program chose what we saw and it was Star Trek all night long, (except Arabic 'sesame street) only the good stuff for us, my Father chose it to guide us in to the future.

Welcome to the Church of Responsibility

Call sign Barbie, you might just spell it differently. 

Sandwich maker

It's nice to be able to focus again


trinity space gimbal 

Enders Game

when she steps on the snake

Who do you trust in the news today?

Friday, January 24, 2025

Silver Globe


Carnier Cardinal 

on the gazing ball 

See your reflection 

teetering on a silver globe

Our mothers garden 

statues covered in moss 

where we take the old and breath life back 

beyond the bank of the river Styx

Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story

The cardinal kept hitting the clean clear window out of season warning all the others of the threat behind the glass.

Then Death gathered the winged female who's song was long and complex and added her to the rest.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Unleashed Energy


Who's reading this? 

I applied for a job once and I didn't get the position for which I applied. I know that job wasn't for me because I did not get it. 

Any way, I got did get a position, I got the position of a life time.


Have you looked up in the heavens of late and noticed?

The old witch crow sat her self upon the black bucks back as it stood with his head held high.




Hi, would you mind holding the door for me?


Create a correction correct with creation is it recreation if you have never done it

Remote viewing, what is it? How is it done? Is it real? yes 

I'm gonna pile some side notes here on a salmon pink paper for you 


melania trumps good friend the Ai expert tells the fox crowd that made it through 'the pandemic' that google sucks as a search engine, everyone knows this and that it's full of ads and basically useless now and they should use chatGPT as their such engine and eventually it will become a personal assistant for you as you get older, pay your bills, manage the temperature in your house, oh and the sooooo many other things the Ai will be able to detect rare mean like the PCR test?

I'm not sure how big this is but if you know anything about coding...a, who wrote the code. II, you are aware of a fraction of the cameras pointing at you at all times, who sees it? 3, remember the amazon store with all the cameras and who was on the other end?

The other day the Cypher winds speed us away and on a snowygreen grass we landed mountain top in the mist. 

Near to earth we stay

Allopathic medicine is a pyramid scheme, a rheumatoid arthritis physicians assistant and formal olympic swimmer told me today that drugs like ozempic are very important because hormones in the stomach are produced that make people to continually be hungry and then those hormones go up and people have no ability to control their hand to their mouth and how much they move. The fuck?! This is where you create distrust in your neighbor, is it by me pointing it out or is it the olympic level athlete that doesn't want to be questioned be cause they have a magical degree in allopathic medicine which treats symptoms...what cause the symptoms ...allopathic medicine and poisoned food and people that work for the pharmaceutical companies and insurance companies managing how to poison you next. Fuck this. 

Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story

oh side note for a page in the past, I found a good bucket, I haven't made the purchase yet.

This is Atlas and forgive again my odd words I like to do things the old school way you can mark the spot.


Drugs like ozempic work by paralyzing a part of your brain that paralyzes your digestive system so your food rots in your stomach then drips slowly through your intestines and you drip it out the other end...and then you aren't hungry anymore. Do we need to have a conversation on what our digestive system is and what we absorb through it and what our bodies does with said...nutrients necessary for life. My bad if I don't understand the exact chemical make up and don't know all the fancy words someone might pay a bunch of cash for a piece of paper to sell a false hope. There was once a time we called them 

Snake oil salesman...she brayed like a donkey to let the sheep know 

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Gather the Ashes


The Stone of Alexandria upon her mother hand she saw Fatimas clear site looking back and found her self she did on her Fathers mountain top. The old witch crow landed on the snow tipped green grassed earth with trees and birds and animals of all kinds and too many squirrels eating the cardinals nibbles, which her job was to refill and to quell. 

Her mandate in hand was to tend to the nature of things, fix her Mother's view and give her Father some extra hands, "gather all the ashes" is what is said

where heaven and earth meet with the stars

The old witch crow, Death be her name, she sits at the left hand of her father and whispers your name, X marks the spot in her allnames way. 

"I've planted the seeds." 

As the cardinals amassed 

on snow covered grass



Holy shit am I hearing this vaccine shit live in front of myself...I don't believe a word they are saying about their promise of Ai or the future. 

what the actual fuck

No. No. No.

The American people have been robbed again 



Now some serious questions and you should want congress and the senate no where near any of the 'finding the answers'; most of them bought and paid for scum, we all know this. 

Who allowed Joe Biden to be installed?

Who allowed and or/was responsible for the political prosecution of those that spoke against their government?

The people that out right lied about Russia, all that Clinton crap and the Obamas and the Bushes...and their minions and their makers...what about all of them?

Every special interest that 'tax dollars' go too...that should end, people need to learn what the word government is supposed to mean. 

The district attorneys that lets violent criminals on our streets, what about them?

The judges?

The schools and the teachers that paraded children through halls repeating communist slogans.

The administrators and teachers that allow and allowed men in drag, most of whom are sexual predators, to read books to children...someone check on the librarians too. 

The psychologists and doctors that have made monsters and frankensteins of mentally ill people. Did you look up the word Shamash yet? 

The corrupt mayors and city council members, that are purchased by land developers and/or funnel your tax dollars into their pockets, their friends pockets and their family members with their 'special projects'...oh you thought it was just the Biden's et dear friends...this is how the sausage is made. 

Now back to the names, like Fauci you know...what about the doctors that were so weak they knew better and went along, how much money have they received to give *vaccines* that we are just now finding out how much poison they have sold. How many millions of people has the pharmaceutical industry killed and harmed for $$$ bills while they actually make you sick. That Pharma person know and put that money right in their pocket anyway...Ramaswamy and that Alzhimers drug...the false hope is criminal. 

The military psychologist and such that experimented on that Navy Seal, or was that Navy Seal an experiment on you, paraded on Joe Rogan, Beck is his name. What happens to those head fuckers.


There was a killing outside the grocery store off Powers in the Stetson Hills area, the one I shopped at regularly and often went of my way, when we lived in Colorado Springs. I know Chris, 'Cisco, and Wendy at that King Soopers. There is a gate when you come in and cameras, if you lean over the gate to get a picture of said cameras for a blog an alarm goes off, true story. I think I have pictures of rows of carts upside down having a 'special' wheel that will stop rolling when it reaches its geo(?) fence, that was in Castle Rock, I think that was winter 20/21. When I would go to the King Soopers on Academy I thought the comparison of them having an armed guard and the Stetson Hills, just, having a gate with an alarm meant one was 'safer' than the other. They added an armed guard months ago to the one on Stetson Hills. There are staying near the elementary schools and shootings on a regular basis in that area now.


Now I shall be odd to you but I know the truth

And Ute did spin now keep your eye on the ball

Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story

All the faces and names of people that committed heinous crimes, the Fauci, the Generals and Intelligence 'officials', the Biden's et al that were not just complicit but implemented a coup d'etat while they made the dollar useless by printing more as they shoved it in their pockets...for each of them there are 1000 more 'hey neighbors' that showed what tyrants in truth they are every time they told you to cover your face...

Say something early

I'm your friend

Say something late

never trust again

Monday, January 20, 2025

Eagles Soar


Something incredible happened today in the United States of America, the installed President, Joe Biden pardoned Fauci, Milley, a whole bunch of Biden's family members, staffers and such of the January 6 committee, et al, on the way out and you know I have a few thing I have to say.

I'm going to begin here...

My father and I enjoy conversations in regards to morality, right and wrong, what is truth and the such. We have both been in agreement for my whole conscious life the We are 'pro-life'. 'Pro-life' meant more than babies in wombs that have no say, it meant the death penalty too; I've written why before, mistakes by prosecution and I don't trust people (with good reason), 'is it really my place', 'what if a witness is wrong', all the things. 

I've looked around and I have changed my mind.

I no longer see this to be a way that can work, the death penalty must be restored.


"Mom, vulgar means to speak like the people. It's not swear words that make something vulgar, it's accents of the 'not elite speak', swear words are vulgar too though, subject matters can be vulgar also, regular normal everyday speech of the masses." 


Back to todays news...

What the absolute fuck does giving Fauci, et al pardons do for the good of anything...I see the words unity here and there, fresh starts, be kind; fuck that. That's not the way this can work if we want a safe future for our families. They made a virus to attack humans and released and you still hear 'lab leak', pssstttt it wasn't a lab leak. That trans shit was federal policy. 

Those pardons were the most beautiful and absoufuckinglutly brightest light of lack of insite...why would a pardon by Joe Biden mean there is a sun burst shining a path lighting the way to justice, inshallah.

And the irony of Trumps stuff happening in an Arena sponsored by Capitol One. 

Thank you and let the eagles to soar.