The gift of forgiveness is not for those which attack you; in a state of war the true reality is absolute.
When you don't know you are in a state of war the enemy has every advantage.
"Where did you 'grow up' Kristin?" During the Dhofar Revolution (an inside job spun by the winds of the outside to breed an inside contempt) in a small armed compound of freedom fighters next to the Sultans Palace; building 1, apartment 1 (under the eyes of God-our Church, the Universal Way), as my father mapped the skies above us, pathways we would fly, pathways many of my readers fly today. He was the presenter in front of the United Nations for approval of 'his' plan; "Thanks dad, you are the best." The back of my heels shredded from dragging myself around when I needed to figure out how to walk again. Where a pool or an ocean I could swim with ease. This was where I learned to walk and run after I had been constrained and contained to fix a broken part of me, where I became a free agent.
"I love maps, they are exquisite", the pirate woman wearing pants the colour of the sea right before a ravaging storm, three inches from her ankles for all to see, said out loud, with wealth and blessings beyond measure, finding gem after gem and none to keep for herself but to give (un)to others as she hid them like a game for children to find on their way{Easter Eggs}, because she knew when she had all she needed and had plenty to leave behind.
Airport=the body
Air traffic control=the brain\signals motion
Ground control=pathways through the body/signals vectors and motions
Gates/Ports=organs pulsing with life
Stowage=goods and services/people/blood cells sent to fight the Good fight.
The air traffic control system that I hear those that don't understand how 'systems work' say, 'let an Ai (a programed message machine/chemical messenger {milk is a messenger, it only takes a drop; the mothers milk is the Good milk for the Childs brain (system controller)} take air traffic control over (a formula/model/program)...there are these things called ''slips'(messages) that move from air controller to air controller, to ground controller, to air controller, to air controller with one eye {Odin's Eye for fun and Truth}over all (a [form]ula[little]-latin-[uni-fied]form), messages of coordinates and directions to stay, go, and where to move, when on the ground and in the air(through the path ways in the human body to signal what needs to be corrected or not corrected because everything is running uni-fine-d-or there will be big problems and this is life and death when landing planes in proper order while others are flying over head and taking off as well). These paper slips(direct signals) that track the aircraft (organs) are the brain of the opera[work]tion[to be done], the human brain (babies and mammas), working in tandem with other human brains; electricity (signals) is an easy switch (chemical to turn off and you can not rely on a computer system/chemical programing to the brain/system manager/air traffic controller and you can't hide information or give them incorrect information or the system crashes, that is run(energy, where is it coming from) on something (electrical or chemical signals) you can turn off with a switch.
Inside the mind the signals (chemical[activator\signal]/stress[tension] RE[over and over again]actors{there are Good actors and bad actors there are no in-between) had been absorbed and sent, into the animal, a protein folded, it collided with another and like dominoes another and it folded and then another, it exponentiated and soon the folds were like fentanyl users, dead wasted space, eating it's self to death being brought back to life with an override of narcan when all the mind wanted was {the desire of wanting a now unwilling to reach for it} to be gone from the now and pretend in another space out in open place.
They saw the pine tree in the forest that looked like all the others and thought, 'we will cut that one down', not knowing it was the root they severed that shared a certain nutrient to the others as it was the only one of it's kind deep within the dark forest of teaming life the Vulcan could see from outer space but the human on terra could not, the vagus nerve could not be re done.
Some needles you have to thread by your own self, it befuddles me that many don't grasp, "you are in charge of you and you need to take charge before it's too late." It's easiest when you have Good people that love you and want you to be the best you could ever be and they know they can push and prod but only you are in charge of you.
The man that the doctors found the cancer in had been told by his son that he was now going to be a girl and the father knew this signal was incorrect in his mind and his mind tried to wake him. I pray he doesn't go into RE[over and over again because something is growing wrong and a dead wake up call from some one that loves you is on a{mission} until the disease is surgically sliced out{perfection is command}, chemically erased, or bombarded with rays (signals-some you can see some you can not)) of which there are all sorts.
Sometimes the mind signals to consume where it should not, sometimes the mind signals to grow where it should not, know the difference and what is controlling what. When the say,' hormones' they mean signalers, it's just a different name, same, same don't let them confuse you.
When additions of chemical compounds 6man made ones9 that signal to the brain it can go on vacation and that the chemical signal is not programed to work well with others and is the one the part/organs|body\whole should follow and not the system manager (brain of the operation) who seems to have gone on vacation but is in Truth trapped and constrained and can't signal out{yell}, if something is out of whack you don't hack, you retrain[back into smooth running lines].
Sometimes I have to show people what they want to see because they don't want to hear the truth.
There is no hack to life, you have to live it the correct way.
The brain eats its self because it was commanded. Why? From the inside or the outside? Alzhimers is a stress (tension) in[from within]duc{duke/to lead}ed reaction (signal messenger) because you can't believe you were betrayed by someone that you thought loved you as they stole your hard work and called it theirs, from you and you found out but you loved him and forgave him because he was your brother and you wanted no harm to your family so your mind did the next thing it could think of, it started the shut down process of the now, to live somewhere else. Please forgive me for knowing and understanding. everyone is looking at all the pieces, I see at the whole and the part and every signal in-between and the with-out.
My Finnish Grandfather would pick up my beautiful sister with her golden curly locks upon her crown, deep sky blue eyes, skin clear and healthy, a perfect being and gift from God, like his own daughter, but different, and hold her every chance he was given. His own daughter had spent her precious early years in and out of hospitals having surgeries to 'fix' her hand which was webbed and had to be 'corrected'.
My Finnish Grandfather would pick me up every chance he got, my mousy always tangled hair, a loud pigpen most could hardly bare, that had been stuck in a bind, her legs had been bound together. He told that little pigpen girl that she would move mountains with her strong viking marmaid legs because he had seen it before. It would take practice and hard work and as often as he could he would whisper how perfect and beautiful she was, just the way she was and she could always be more.
I'm watching in real time from every angleel I can gather and signal in as many languages as I can that We need help. It's really, really bad and only God can save us.
The woman in the golden overalls, uniform of the day, outside work was to be done and a little song she sung to be heard above the winds was called. She sat in front of the ash long forgotten and cried tears that could be seen by only Gods Good nature.
Complex systems require complex surgically controlled solutions to problems with muster if it desires to continue to...stay...on.
Be still and Listen
One day I will tell you a story
I earned my sea legs during war, my legs work together in tandem now and but by the grace of God I go.
Have you ever seen me run on a machine as fast as a cheetah, like the bio[life]nic[does not exist] woman that knew what she was able to do, or outside around the tarmac distances and battles faught and won over and over-or watched me stand on a ball as I practiced my ju jitsu moves.
I told my Nazarite mother that warlords were in the midst, taxes and wrong ways forced upon us, with battles of Good against evil all round and around, a real wizard with a name I could see in so many wLorlds, their words all fal{fall}se[add another E so you can see] and the thread(lines told) un[do I have to explain un done]rav[Hebrew word for Rabbi]els{this is tricky because you have to know the secret, you are not God and will never be one.}
I am Life
I am Death
I am Truth
I am Death
I am Life
I am showing you the way.