Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Twas Eve of 2021


The year was 2020, and twas Eve that took this site

Have you followed along the story of which you have only had one perspective and hardly any questions. 

and on the seventh

and on the eleventh 

the twelfth did come along with a soon to be hot pepper kinda Chinese new year song

Tis now Eve of 2025 

and in those past four years so many stories have gone by

Monday, December 30, 2024

Ra's al-Tinnin

All names subject to change in this space time language and traveled custom. 

There once were sisters that lived long ago, daughters of the west, their bright mother Venus, their father he be Atlas; above the clouds beyond the mountain top you could see where they danced around giant trees. There they lived in Hera's orchard, all the nymphs, Athena, Aphrodite too. There in this orchard of variable crop grew golden apples guarded by Ladon, the serpent none other. The place where Athena would feast on wisdom and warfare to her delight above humans in her preternaturalism. 

Hera you see she was a bit jealous and knowing in trust, truth and family, and pissed off at Athena she would often be. High on her horse Athena would ride not knowing her betters had arrived. To ruminate as only an immortal only can, to imagine a great lesson plan, Hera watched above as Athena's children marched to their own drum to the detriment of the young.  

The old witch crow

 spun upon the mountain tops

 whistling symphony's ion

 her mother's tongue

 "Thanks to be God and praise be" 

if it is Gods will they See. 

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Marialogiacal Doorway

This liminal space 

where she glides through the light

not a beat does she miss 

her winged eyes all a sight

for all to see in the heavens above

as they tell you

no, no, there is nothing beyond

she delves deep in their souls 

finding nothing but a mutter

they repeat life ever after

as they cling to their terra

a fright in the dark of night

where the light should shine brightest

just a dark hole as the peer within

"no fear in sight

where it is dark is not always night

and where it is night it is not always dark

if you follow Truth 

it's always Gods right"

she whispered out loud to those that could hear

though the rumble of the current

of her river Styx


to most this means nothing

as they open the Marialogical door on the 1st of the year

the Julian way

then down the road of January lets say

the 29th

and in that dark moon night

 the snake is released

later this year the universal church erases the mother 

under the tent in the month 

of Our Lady of Sorrows 

The true bishop of Rome hidden away as per the old days, we follow this way, the hearth lit oil a light for days and nights

and then one day

people woke to the real fright

humans on earth

no forgiveness in sight

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Dangerous Terrain


Sometimes items are organized for easier mining

Sometimes we displace in space over and under the cover

and sometimes you don't give the bum the time

"A fish doesn't know what water is until it's been out of it."

I'm in line at a coffee shop, no masks around but there are *teachers* grouped here and there in threes and fours, you can tell by looking at them, their coiffed hair, the sweater and pants that don't fit right as they plan and plan some more and what they plan is no good anymore. It's a Saturday morning and an anorexic mother of 2 toddlers is up in my space a little close in line, and I think, if I was in the Middle East it wouldn't bother me, not in Colorado FriendO, I don't need 6 feet like a pussy but I was taught as an American we give each other a certain distance between each other even in crowded spaces; sometimes the late comers can wait their turn, not everyone needs to be in line, inside been there done that, tis' good for you.

For every thing there is no line

Electricity in the air as the black moon sets to rise in 3 






a song of "we've only just begun all over the atmospheres"

A "fuck you" is all for everyone to hear

Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story

All the mumbo jumbo in front of you aside as this year comes to pass and a new rises how real does it feel when you think off something and it appears. Q, my bad about the mumbo jumbo it seems it shall continue...the Ai is there it's in the sky like a net above, it's an all seeing eye and we pretend it's not there. We have religious wars breaking out and most people don't even know what they believe as most of it's #science and a hedonistic way as a caliphate rises in Europe, will it be ruffled back in place? And not as an aside but more of a down here but in front, will those that poisoned the world be held at the price so no others will ever risk the fodder of mans wrath becomes delight. 

The Pope of which there were two not long but a bit ago where it seems the sideways skid has begun, increased in fold but not through the way, just a tent they offer, a little shade on the way...

We are on dangerous terrain.  

and you better start thinking was that wrong or right

The firmament it's all over, the breath of the air, have you learned yet the connection, the sun moon and star way

Friday, December 27, 2024

Cloud Walker


Some where deep where the light shone bright Death stood on the shore of her river Styx covered in her cloak no one could see but folds in time that would confuse from far and wide. 

She looked in the river as all the kinks she was shown, systems of clay washing away for fire and steel in the fabric of life are on the way.


Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story

So you see it will be an order of the mother to open a door that is not theirs to order

the bear with the circle of light 

at the base of the yule tree 

in front of me 

3 stars we see tonight 

with this comes a site

already seen

The Alpha is silent 


In the beginning

end from the beginning.

Thursday, December 26, 2024

December, 2024


She grabbed her clippers, 3 sizes would be in need, an end song to be sung for this garden was done. 

Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story

Once in a while I come across a thing as I spin and a I sing and I swim through the air.

Star lite star bright

that star I see

it be so bright 

Eius Portas


The old witch crow

her wolf at her side 

looked from above while still below 

a conundrum for humans 

of the ancients that never got old

Rain drizzled steadily hitting the cobble stone road. The path was littered with humans that kept accumulating waste, looking every where for joy, hope, and, peace on this terra of transition where growth is in opposition the pathway to the door, a way to justice unknowing and not learned in their pace.

Their leader is lying a two person masked face

"abracadabra" they call when they want always asking

the answer is this when you push and you shove through magical door ways that are not yours to command.

"You may come in to here my darlings, this passage below is my river styx where the real doors you find where you get off and that's it, or you meet further down, as you've been judged restorable. Now to explain it again while you float within, watch the windows of times and days gone by. Another life you will be given, still yours since God commanded but yours of free will you need not man command you. 

Deaths flock grew 

alight from behind

within her left palm a circle of light 

the ward a gift 


"Aperite mihi portas iustitiae"

Be still and listen 

One day I will tell you a story

Matters with time in space and beyond within with out, See the light beyond, the True way of God as commanded and anointed by the cardinal of Peace the winged beast you pray not be your prey.  




Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Without Death There Is No Birth


With words inscribed all over space and time a prayer it is, an ask and a thank you from a lowly servant to the greatest high above.

And with this comith once some more what looks like magic,  erasure of the power of some words.

the horse men comith from the river under the earth

and Death whispered, "Go through the door and see what happens."

"...but you have to follow the a way"

Be still and listen

One day I'll tell you a story about numbers divisible by seven

Monday, December 23, 2024


Let us start here with 'Luce' 

The discussion of late

was that of an impersonal one

"of course a cartoon is an impersonal persona of God's delight"

no charm do we find in a simulacrum of beauty

by a talentless hack

Can you sing two sounds at once

One high, one low reaching above and below

calling forth Gods winged creatures 

Smoke before your eyes

Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story

Long ago there were many of many different kinds of God's creatures which humans could see and hear here on Terra. Then one day Reason arrived from an inner place of pride where there could not possibly be a better pace, that which was set by the human race. Then some where all in step the human race lost their sight till surprise there was a bright big light to shine the way.

Not 'Luce', that trash is not the way to a God good ordered life under the eyes of God. 


Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Spiral Lines


The half globe of dew on the blade of grass reflected the early morning pink hued light until her bare foot treaded the misty grass path. The misty grass path wound in spirals crossing here and there, sometimes you could jump some rocks or a stream and cut your way through, but clean dew grass new the way. 

The old black crow from way above circling around in the umbra of a cloud, watched below as all the stories did unfold. 

The squirrel had its back turned, the white tailed rabbit peeked out the spy hole hidden in the tree stump of the olive tree on the misty grass path. 

the clock rang five though it was 9

how to tell time in a spiral lines 

Monday, December 16, 2024

Rabbits Foot


The clock strike three at eleven

clang clang on the coffee mug

along clang on the coffee mug

clang clang on the coffee mug

Scottish hound are on the way

one mother coffee soon to be fixed

another down a sunder next in line 

little white tailed rabbits have many places with which to play

they borrow and seek that which has seeped

when they being their lift through the smoke

into the haze of the day

they jump and they sway

let your minds eye follow

the rabbits foot

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Froths of Fog


Looking through the umbra of time 

the spot of the ink

that seeps through the lines

folds of the fabric stained with the lies

Old is the place

her chair empty 

as it waits

fractors of moments

gather in line

one by one is many as is one

froths of fog arrive

Long Moon Two Head Night Night


7:41 am

Did you hear the howl, I heard the owl, the crash through the bramble time is about to tumble 

Gregory XiV


Did you look up and See it? Or did you see a distraction?


They say unto you on this sun day perhaps a bit more light to shine in front you.


She put her feet with the black and white oxford shoes that grounded her to terra tied tightly to her feet and moved through the doors.


A drop of water above her brow she flowed over the floor of the crushed tarazzo ground below.

Saturday, December 14, 2024

The Hunted




A DdraHEm 

if you know what I mean. 


what is a zero but before or after here we go a revelation in your mind we are after


Christmas Eve st Peters basilica 

Dec 26, feast of St Stephen, Ribibbia prison

Dec 29, Basilica of St John

Jan 1 St. Mary Major in Rome

Jan 5  Papal basilica of St Paul 

to be bricked shut the 6th, the Epiphany 


Friday, December 13, 2024

Season of The Sticks


Where all is bare for thee to See

here We are

 season of the sticks it be

Fur at her feet the old witch crow felt the water on her brow as she flowed through the window, recalling a time which was to be in a future and a past that always was, cyclical as is nature she moved her circles around and around, she spun them through the air.


"Can we keep that stick?"....She spoke firmly while continuing to sweep the dirt from the ground as she looked around; she didn't want to be the final say but she knew the history of that stick, the smooth feel of loving care to not splinter and wound with freckles from time gone, which it whispered for only the small ears to hear. One last time she swept this place to make new for a youthful view. 

Watching her husband peruse the fishing polls in front of him, she knew the dilemma, "Fishing polls don't go bad." She had come from an old line of fisher women and didn't think a corner with sticks was out of place.

"knock, knock, knock on wood and See do I detect a pixie here to help her be", the old witch crow spoke to the old cabinet that was to be left behind...she swept the old out ready for the new and different...maybe one day that cabinet would sparkle in the day. That cabinet, that knew how to stay behind and become more, for some else, an old hat doing an old magic job.

She hollered to her husband, "Keep that broom if it's a good one", good tools are good tools, even if you think, 'it's just a broom'., and sometimes let it stand a tall to watch...

They folded the magic carpet that had traveled from here to there, around the world and back again, some in between and many feet did it steed. One day it would be, a place in the clouds, where the gods would tread their feet amidst their midst.  

one down


He amassed the mountain to move across land to meet her on the other end of time, his pale steed the one that moved matter through space. She took the fast horse, pale of colour to speed the way to a blue shift future as she gathered the wind at her bey. 

Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story

The stick made the pile with the fishing polls too, along with the brooms that clean the dregs from your rooms.

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Encyclical: X, XII, XX XIV The Pilgrimage of Hope


The Catholic Church is dead. 

God is in not your building or a group of men, or women; God is all.


The Jubilee do you know what it be? A year of forgiveness for all of their sins, Old book stuff, every 50 years and some 500 too, go look up the thing, start on page one and then read all the other books too. What calendar are they looking at when they say forgiveness every 50year per the book and then the Pope (of which I remind you they were just a bit once Two) says forgiveness on a 25, I don't math well but I'm not a moron. Anyway, there is a huge gay movement in the Catholic Church and they just won along with the other heathens. 

What is it they are looking for forgiveness for because that plus movement sterilizes children as it chops off healthy tissue molding a Frankenstein not a shun for true? If it's forgiveness too late for the sun showed me full to the west at this morn when X marked the spot. 

I saw this YouTube video of this young handsome catholic priest and he quoted and encyclical of a past pope as his fast stop, but alas go a bit more back and you can See where the takeover would be. 

Please forgive my odd way 

words the old ones flow 

from below

 it'll be us against them

 don't ya know 

They want you to forget what they did, that virus they released on your mind, body, and soul, your future up ended, your children's lives they really don't care for. They removed your agency and then said, 'we didn't mean it', or 'we were scared' as they imprisioned the world in a hold. Well, in the erasure of the nose as was foretold and ignored by those who know, I don't know how it will go but something must give because what has and is happening. I say the things that are happening that they want you to ignore. So many resets they want to be, great and small and evil deeds too, no price on earth do they want to pay. Here is a solid for you, the little mans dollars debts and debts to others are those forgiven? or just the ones they* want undone? My Goodness gracious I know what to make of this. 


Gia Cardi

Earthly care taker to God's children 


There is a place where the Angels wings break out in fire, an open sky temple with alter table from stone of the earth where the martyred are recalled on a path to it all. Where She waits, I don't know the date. 

Long live Rome, 

it isn't a city just you See. 

Monday, December 9, 2024



There she was underground at the base of the mountain town so to be nothing to see that what was is going to be into smoke into know the future we will grow flying high no tether now free for flight she's gonna get you now.

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

U.S. vs Skmetti


U.S. vs Skmetti will be heard today at the Supreme Court. Tennessee vs the Biden administration. The argument is easy, the United States Federal government is telling Tennesseeians that they are not allowed to have a Good moral community that says "No!" to the horrific practices of 'transing children'.
If you ever got in an argument with me and said, "it's the same as 'gay' back in the day" (SO to Speak), you are a fucking moron, you are scum of this earth.

She peered into the Stone of Alexandria 

and saw the white door

with an electric lock 

that doesn't even need a knock


Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Lot 7


In short hand the Book of Macabees would be a great read about now...

Time is cyclical 

Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Low on the Horizon


The old black crow heard the doors opening and closing all around her

The sun beamed in to her skin

Low on the horizon 

Blue Shift


Everything is moving 

east, west, north, south, circles, spirals

heat gets turned up 

the friction of everything spinning a way

it opens doors and pathways

into a sunder it dwells down under 

a crag on the mountain tops 

another does take flight