Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Commy Bash


I'm tired of all the lies. Aren't you?

I'm watching a Senate hearing on the Omiron response...I'm laughing at people thinking they can control an Airborn fucking virus (the Senators I'm talking about, they are stupid fucks or evil, I am still debating my self on that one...I think I'll take them at an individual level for that kind of judgment...hahahaha) that the fucker they are questioning had a hand in the creation of...but listen to them for your health of your Childs body and know they don't care about your child, they are doing an experiment on them. It's not going well- apply this statement across the board.

I said to my husband a few minutes ago, "I'm super PMS right now." 

PMS is a mental illness, that I imbrace, a lack of control of the real you. It's a female curse; which I think is hilarious. I won't cross anything out this time. 

Mine eyes have seen the glory. 

We are not a democracy and fuck anyone that says, "save our democracy" or some such shit. We need to correct this shit. Correct people when they are wrong. No one does that, out of respect? Holy shit you are literally letting people walk around like stupid fucks. I am laughing my ass off as I type this, you should know that. I am laughing at you; me, and I know I don't know shit. Let that sink in. I'm half a fucking retarded, for real, and I'm laughing at 'the smart people', and my friends and family. Holy fuck, we are a Constitutional Republic...it's super fucking important that when someone says something that is not true on purpose there is a reason why. Wake the fuck up. Know the fucking difference it has meaning. 

No one gets that when they say they are an "ally" what that fucking means in total. I'm flabbergasted...did you know I can make hand movements like a good pidgin speaker even as I type? It seems we don't all speak the same language. I can understand that, often my accent, dress style and such gets in the way and you think I am from here...I'm not only not from here, I'm not even your religion...you are all foreigners to me. I come from a place where I am free to say what I want. I once told someone they were stupid. It was the truth. People were shocked and I apologized because that is what civil people do. I don't feel very civil today. I will 'use my words' though...hahahahaha, that was funny. I have to tell people when I think I'm being funny because they don't think I'm funny. At all-said in a perfect Punjabi accent.

Most people don't know there is no data with out antidotes. Think about that. Now attach that to computer models for climate change then think about what they have told you they say...now think about the commy cough and what they told you. Now stop listening to them. Completely. You have to turn your back on it or correct it. ...it can't continue this way...you think they are, "starting to tell you the truth", holy fuck wake the fuck up...they could give a shit about you. They think you are stupid and are laughing at you...just like I am. Computer models only tell a story that the programer inserts, if a programer inserts not true shit, then you get more shit indexed nicely. The communist teachers union did a really good job...they made you stupid and controllable. 

This is a stream of an actual person that thinks themselves to be conscious while the world is walking full of zombies...and you fuckers get to vote. Look at New York now, California, Canada, Australia...This is a flaw in human perception of even people that see what is happening can't grasp in whole. We are in a huge fucking mess and you keep listening to not very good people, they are not inept. "Follow the science" Holy fuck, we are laughing at all of you that say that shit. You are a moron. That shoe fits nicely if you think this is you...shoes are changeable...you don't have to wear it.

The commies and the nazis got together and made a new world order and you voted it in. The communist teachers union helped a ton...that is why all you fuckers are so stupid. I'm grateful for my education...that is hilarious, I went to High School in Florida. The irony of all of it is almost too comical to me. (I hate Florida and I know God always says to me, you will learn to love that which you have said you hate-this is a tenet of my life and those that know me well know this to be a truth that I acknowledge. If you read my blogs I just said a great deal.)

"Are you dreaming or are you awake", do people ever think about the matrix brothers and how they are trans now? both of them. People try and get your attention to help you understand something because yelling doesn't work on anyone, I kept it in small cap for ya.

Our local Kroger is striking on Wednesday. I'll bring my friends in the picket line donuts. Someone will say "oh, you don't like capitalism?" said in a whiny lefty commy voice...what we have here is not capitalism. You stupid fuck. When the State says you have to do something or you can't do business ...? What do we call that for the fucker in the back of the room? Can you see it now? Can you see it amongst the vulgarity that is me...see through me and you will see it. (I love words.)

If you don't stop listening to the people lying to you it will continue. Correct them. The fucking Supreme Court Justices don't know jack shit and it was blaringly loud the other day. If you don't know what I am talking about fucking remove yourself, find out what was said by listening to them and what they said, don't listen to what someone else says they said...you have a spare few hours. Do something smart, this has an impact on all our lives. 

Be still...and listen. 

I believe in you. 

I don't think you are stupid; once you know something you have to stop pretending it's not there, no matter how uncomfortable. What is going on is seriously fucking dangerous and I am not talking about a jab or a virus...you are in a forest, stop looking at the tree. 

The difference between stupid and ignorant is that ignorant doesn't know, and stupid does. 

Sunday, January 9, 2022

A Page turner

When the State and corporate media have to hug the cactus and people think it's because of incompetence?  The midterms coming up? Who are they sacrificing? 
They are no where near done. They need the passport system. That is the goal, one world order under control. Complete control. 
You have to wait for the page to turn to see how they do it...

Swerve...anyway they can.

Be still and listen
This isn't a story 

This is one of those stories if you go back a few pages you will see the clues.

Friday, January 7, 2022

The Retardation of Civil Society

It's the beginning of another year and everything has changed...the people are still the same. Time and time again populations make the same mistakes and those that call the mistake out are whacked on their knuckles by the ruler of the new religious leader of the time...

The Mortality of Life, is 100%. That is scary for people that have no faith in the after life. 


You know this isn't going to stop don't you? 

There are revolts all around the world with concerns to mandates and rules that make no sense. We must live in a world that has this virus, you actually don't have a choice, it's airborne. You can not escape it. It will come for you and your family. You should live you life free from someone else's fear.

The mandates, the absurd declarations in the name of Science*; the discrimination is going to fold in onto itself just like history is doing now but now there is no one to save us, We are It*, if it's not racial discrimination it will be medical. We know this is going to come. This is not a 'conspiracy theory'...all this shit is happening, said a second time because the kids in the back of the room didn't hear, all this shit is happening and we need less Apathy. 

...as your fuel prices skyrocket to heat your home. I'm no rocket scientist but we have this new virus, an economy that is imploding because of the mismanagement of said economy by the State that had a hand in the virus...and you are still taking their advice? Do you recall when Mayor Eric Garcetti of Los Angeles threatened to turn off water to those that defied HIS personal mandate for you to stay a prisoner in your own home? Anyone?...These are brilliant strategists or they are morons. He seems to keep his community safe and clean, a nice place to raise a family...Do I need to type here that that last sentence is sarcasm?

Meanwhile the vaxpassport, that the useful idiots declared a conspiracy theory (which you are seeing proven in real time) is still, maybe even more so...fucking retarding destroying civil society. It's like a sickness of moronics...can you catch stupidity? Yes, it's worse then a cold for a hypochondriac. 

And when people actually stand up for something you think to your self? Are they mad? As in mental. People are out raged males are competing against females and crushing it, all the while they said in a breathy tone, 'accept everyone for who they say they are', 'Don't discriminate', 'Don't be hurtful' ..and it's just a load of shit you have been peer pressured into so you can be one of the cool kids or not be separated and made fun of or called out and shunned, or even fired... 

"For the normie in the back of the room...do you know how many financial institution will not do business with people they disagree politically with?" "What could the possible fall out be if something like this happened?" "Could you reimagine it as perhaps starving someone?" "If the businesses and State are working hand in hand what do we call that?" "Who is in charge?" 

...it's worse...they want everyone to pretend...that is fucking mental and retards civil society when medical journals say "Yes, it’s possible for men to become pregnant and give birth to children of their own. In fact, it’s probably a lot more common than you might think. In order to explain, we’ll need to break down some common misconceptions about how we understand the term “man.” - This is Healthline. "Houston we have a problem, these bitchs gone and went even crazier."

Cowardice Empathy Social Emotional Learning...


Anyone that has studied even the basics of Communism knows the easiest, most economical way to rid yourself of a population, you do not believe to be equal to you, is starvation, second is sterilization, as they drive the population crazy; that is a true and very uncomfortable story, over and over. 

They tore up the social contract. These days people do their damnedest to change the way other people live when they should look to themselves as their point of change. You can change yourself but not someone else. We see it all the time these days... hypocrisy is normal. It's disgusting.

How many of you think you are more equal because you have a vaccine the Science demand told you get and you have to take the word of a State official you know lies to you not just about its efficacy and you know deep down inside, to the nether regions of your soul that they have zero long term studies but still they insist you trust them.)...then if you thought, 'Nah I don't think I need it and it's new tech, I know people get things wrong the first time they try something, and there are usually consequence not really thought out'. Then the business or school you work for or attend also insist realizing the State can't do it all...'you' need to pitch in and do your part so as not to be called out, like a good communist, you do it for the community, no matter how retarded it is, they use the bloat of dead bodies to get you under control. They literally defy our right to be free when they chain you to them...where you may not go about your business unless they deem it allowed, that is slavery. That is a base line example and you are putting that chain around your own ankle. You know they lied to you...you still stand in line to get that shot, you know that the people running this shit show made shit up because they thought you would believe it, they think you are stupid. 

The FBI is literally framing people, left and right and it's in front of your eyes. The Hamilton cast performed at a remembrance for January 6th, they are not serious. 


Are you ready to accept the New World order?...are you up to date* fuckyoumengelefauci on your vaccine? It's the vaccine now, soon it will be, 'have you used your allotment of your carbon foot print?' 'Yes?', sorry you may not heat your home until you make up the difference with your water usage.' So you can go to a grocery store? So you can do ride a bus? That you fucking pay taxes for. Not up to date* fuckyoumenegelfauci 


Fuck you all, I do laugh as I type some of this, "Fuck you all" makes me giggle. I really mean, You all are fucked.


Be still and listen

One day I'll tel you a story


Death, She knocks on all doors no matter what blood above or below the step, eventually.

Thursday, January 6, 2022

Place Omission Here

The whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Place omission here. 


Primary vaccine failure = no protective immunity after vaccine = breakthrough cases

Secondary vaccine failure = ? 

Do people really forget the inconvenient or did they ignore it the first time around?...and why the fuck are people still listening to government agencies?...spokesmen?...'leaders'?... Holy fuck Every one of their ideas, solutions got us People here. People have short memory holes I find. 


The medical association (?) in New York (other places too) is going to not cover white (?) people for certain treatments regarding to the rona?, or prioritize...? You know what I'm talking about, you see it in the news. It's where they will deny someone medical treatment based on skin colour. Right now it's POC's (People of colour for the kids in the back of the room...they have divided people by their race. Do I need to explain this further or do you get the BIG PICTURE?)

That New York law(tabled) I told you about last January where they would be able to lock some one up/quarantine them if they even had contact with someone that might be infectious...there are probably at the place where they can get away with it because the citizens haven't shown disgust at the States behavior yet. How long before a test* isn't accepted as a means to use public transportation that you pay for with your taxes? How long before an individual State says, 'you may not cross our border unless you are up to date* on you vaccine'? Grasp now... This has nothing to do with a virus.  

I'm reading where we could be close to civil war...because of what happened on Jan 6 last year. On the Epiphany...I shake my head are they fucking serious? as they ignore Portland, Oregon was held hostage for almost a year. Do people forget so soon?...did they even know?

There is this funny thing about human nature...

They will repeat over and over "never forget" but all they hear is forget*.

I hear Australia is open! "No worries now." Americans haven't been affected by the vax mandate yet as a whole...the passport to do business. Where people are shunned (because it hasn't happened to them yet) for having an independent thought. Where people are locked up for coming in contact with a possibly infected person...quarantined they call it, for public health. Most people don't think about the term Public* Health. It means your political health...because who is in charge of it but the political parties. Thanks Obama:)

How are people accepting this? How far does it go? Really ask yourself hard questions. WHERE THE FUCK IS YOUR LINE? You've seen with your own eyes the fucking hoopla hoops people will go through to adjust to some crazy ass shit. 


Because things don't happen at the pace you think it should doesn't mean it's not happening. 

Be still and listen

One day I'll tell you a story

Our Father, who art in heaven,

Our Mother, who resides as earth,

hallowed be thy Name, 

thy kingdom come, 

thy will be done, 

on earth as it is in heaven. 

Give us this day our daily bread. 

And forgive us our trespasses, 

as we forgive those

who trespass against us. 

And lead us not into temptation, 

but deliver us from evil. 

For thine is the kingdom, 

and the power, and the glory, 

for ever and ever. Amen.