You all think it's all good now?
You have cornered rats that have been wrong over and over. People literally died because of their policies.
Those people that have been wrong over and over with concerns to this virus, the economy...the media shit...all of it...are recommending your 5 year old get a vaccine for what...? So he can have the proper documentation? Because it sure as fuck is not for his safety. They are vaccinating children without parents knowledge. But hey...what do I know?
Italy, France, Australia, Germany...
In New York, LA, Chicago soon and other places you are not allowed inside restaurants and such with out a vaccine passport. ...but I'm a conspiracy theorist. I seriously would like to say...fuck you if you said ever, "it's just a mask". Fuck you.
I wish that felt better. I would like more people to wake the fuck up...even those that know what's happening don't seem to believe the enormity and gravity of all the situations we have ourselves in. I wonder if they think it's not really happening because it's not happening how they imagined it...? It's daunting. How do you eat an elephant?
Pretending it's not ALL happening will not make it go away.
It's not just a bad economy you need to fortify against. It's not just a virus you have to deal with. It's not just a tyrannical State you must push against. It's not just the blind the deaf and the dumb you must guard against. It's even more. Get ready. Don't hunker.