Thursday, June 16, 2011

Vaccinations Harmful Or Helpful?

I started writing about Peanut allergies and got majorly side tracked as I did my research…

Note…I’m good at researching things and because of it and my experiences on this planet I know a lot of things…some of them useful others not so much.

What has vexed me so is an article by, Lawrence Wilson MD
the title of the article is…
Vaccination-A Medical Abomination

Please read the above article if you desire but then you need to read what I… the Un-Holy Trinity that IS Me, Myself and I, Kristin has to say!

I do not have a MD after my name…but I am in no way less intelligent than someone with one!
I DO believe I have more common sense than this Wilson character has, that is for damn sure…

If you really believe Vaccinations are the cause of all our ills you’ve never been to a third world country and witnessed the pain of parents as they watch their children wither and sometimes die from…
…because their Children were not vaccinated and exposed to others with said diseases.

He, Wilson, has loads and loads of crap layered on to some shit about why you shouldn’t vaccinate yourself or your children.

Note…I know that was a very mature sentence…

I re-read it and re-read it again. The last thing I want to do is look like an asshole not knowing what I am talking about.

Lets say you didn’t vaccinate your children because you are a retard mentally slow. You are going through the airport, lets say Hartsfield International in ATL, with your un-vaccinated children…
…Passerbyers all around you…inhaling, exhaling coughing and hacking…
…Later the next week your un-vaccinated child is at the play ground and sees some cute little baby and plays…
…”coochy, coochy, coo…”
…A week later that poor baby who isn’t old enough to be vaccinated gets SmallPox and dies because you and your asshole self didn’t realize until it was to late that your child had SmallPox.
Should you be responsible for your un-responsible behavior and held accountable for a death that need not have occurred? Just sayin’...

Now I will say I DO know that in SOME instances after someone is vaccinated there are complications and sometimes death occurs.

Guess what?!
We are trying to eradicate diseases and you are not helping…but actually hurting society.

Guess what else?!
It’s quite a bit more dangerous to get in a car with your child than to Vaccinate them…and you do it ALL the time!
I can’t say that loud enough to be honest.

If you read the article…
...I have news for Wilson Md, none of my 3 Children had prenatal care, they have all been Vaccinated AND I don’t force vegetable down their throats…AND I make them drink…get this...TAP WATER!
They don’t have Autism or ADHD either.
They are actually quite bright and healthy.

Seriously I feel like I sound like a raving lunatic again because common sense dictates to me that some of these…new diagnoses have always existed just with no name.

If you don’t agree with common sense that’s OUR problem and you are putting people at risk by potentially spreading diseases that need not occur.

I know people that do not vaccinate their Children and I still like these people.
You can throw articles and studies galore at me about why you should not Vaccinate your Children and there will be articles and studies to throw back…
…But when people get their minds set on something they believe in and become so passionate about it they loose sight of the bigger picture and are pretending to live in a world where they know best.
That is their foolish choice that is harmful to the rest of us.

I’m actually gonna go on and on about this but not for my blog…for my book.

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