I love to change my hair, colour more than cut. I prefer short hair on myself. I like to be 'shower to door' in 30 min. or less. Short hair makes that easier.
When I was in high school it was the 80’s and I had long curly hair. I got a perm every few months to keep up the curls…I loved it. But I always was doing something different with it. I loved putting it in braids…not so I would stand apart from the person I was standing next to but because it was fun.
This is me at 16….—---------------------------->
After high school I kept things a little more ‘normal’ because of my job and school.
I got married and cut it all off, man short some would say and kept it my natural brown.
I remember the first time I bleached my hair. When I say me, I mean my friend came over and ‘helped' me. There we were in my kitchen with 5 little people running around laughing our asses off about my hair. We were living in Japan and couldn’t find toner anywhere and if we could, we couldn’t read if it was or wasn’t. I ended up with BANANA YELLOW hair! It was a Friday and I so went out with it anyway. I don’t have a picture…sorry.
On my 36th birthday my now Ex was out of town and I wanted to do something different in the little southern GA town I was living…ya know, “Get out of the box and kick it to the curb”. I don’t know if I could have kicked it any farther in Valdosta, GA!
I loved that colour hair on me. So did the 9 year old girls I came across. Everyone else just looked at me like I had buggers hanging from my nose. I have found that no matter what I wear or what my hair looks like people always look at me strangely.

don’t do that. I had this
hair style—>

She was brushing my hair out and it was breaking off. Thankfully not at the roots. She was in denial. I wasn’t. I sat in the chair shocked as her brush was filling up with my hair.
I told her…
…”Just cut it all off. I can handle it and you are lucky I’m not some psycho bitch. I am paying you nothing.”
She was one lucky woman. I was lucky too ‘cause I can wear really short hair.
I decided to give a new hair stylist a try. It’s much more expensive now but at least my hair isn’t going to break off and freak me out.
She is not JUST a hair stylist..she is a hair GODDESS. I walk in and say…
…”Do what ever you want, let’s have some fun.”
She like to give me a faux hawk when she styles it. This time however I wanted the closest thing I could get to a mohawk with out looking ridiculous…through my eyes. I don’t care what others think;)

<————So this is what ‘we’ did today. It’s a pity you can’t see all the cool colours …bits of black and red…Super fun.
Hair can be an adventure if you are willing to let go of the constraints society has placed on us. …and if you don’t like it, it will eventually grow out.
Let go…Live a little...
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