Monday, October 3, 2011

Scars/Sprains and Broken Bones

No national secrets here…Just move along spy’s.

You may think that my ‘injuries’ of late are new to Me, Myself and I…
….sadly, they are not.

When I was a young Un-Holy being in training Child my nickname….one of many I have earned over the years…
Most of you that have scene seen me in person has noticed the medium sized scar on my right cheek.
I have a few on my chin, several on my forefivehead which as I have gotten older are less noticeable since the wrinkles have started to set in…if I ever Nicole Kidman my forefivehead (botox the shit out of myself) you would see them clearly.
I have one on my right eyebrow you can hardly see and one on my lip.

I have had so many stitches I can’t even count them!
I had over 30 INSIDE my mouth once.
I have 3 scars on my abdomen.
5 on my right leg. 4 from my last surgery and one from a pair of scissors that got stuck in my leg.
My shins are a disaster!

I have sprained ankles and wrists…
I’ve cracked 4 ribs…at different times.
I’ve had dead people parts put in my knee.
…I was in a body cast once and had to learn to walk for a second time.
The body cast joke is always funny…
…The doctors said I would never walk the same again, they meant I would have a limp, I don’t have a limp. What I do have is what people call ‘the sexy walk’…and that’s just me walkin’ regular.
A friend of mines husband was walking behind me and asked his wife…
…”Is that’s Kristin’s sexy walk?”
P…”No, you should see her sexy walk.”

Now I have yet one more scar on my left wrist.
…and now I have a titanium plate with 8 screws added to my skeleton.

I know I did not tell you how I got all these scars, broken and sprained bones…that’s for another day.

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