Saturday, December 10, 2011

Lessons For Our Children

Here we are, Parent’s trying to instill qualities of leadership, independence, good manners and sportsmanship in our Children.

When our Children commence on a new journey they usually do it with idealism, naivete and the belief that youth calls out…
...”Anything is possible!”

We need teach them to…
…Read before writing.
…Think before speaking.
…Every action will cause a reaction.
…Consider the consequences.
…Never tear someone down to build yourself up.
…Challenge each other to strive for their personal best.
…Cheer each other on.

That the minimum doesn’t cut it…
…Run a bit faster and longer.
…Read one more page.
…Nothing is free.
…Hard work is worth it.
…Commit to do your best.

I’ve run into something else we need to teach, specifically to our Girls.

How to be assertive.

I’m talking about teaching them to fight and stand up for themselves. 
…all the while working with a team.

Society often calls a Woman that holds her ground or goes after something she wants...
...a Bitch.
We need to teach them there is another word aggressive ASSERTIVE.

They will fail sometimes and “Hey, life’s not always fair”…
…That there are people that are not compassionate, are not team players…and will try to bring them down.
In those instances that’s when they will have to be ASSERTIVE.
…Even if they are not the taller person, they can be the bigger one.
…Even if they are not the loudest their voice can be heard.

Having a strong resolve and being assertive can launch them to great things…and with hard work they can and will change the world…and God knows we need a change.

Note…When I referred to the word, Bitch, I’m not talking about the stab in the back, not accept an apology or talking shit about people they have never met…kind of Bitch. (Those ones are just jealous of another’s______ fill in the blank;)

1 comment:

  1. Thought provoking... I have to point out that society also has issues with telling boys not to hit girls. I agree that no man should abuse someone smaller, but if some little girl on the playground is hitting my kid I have taught him to fight back. He is allowed to push, or restrain to avoid harm to himself and gain self respect and some girls/women take advantage of honorable men that have been taught not to hit women. My point is I don't think that it is only girls that are being taught to repress their assertiveness(is that a word?) :)
