Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Pass Key


"Our Father, Who art in heaven,

hallowed be Thy name; 

Thy kingdom come;

Thy will be done 

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day

Our daily bread

and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those that trespass against us; 

Don't you drink of the poison well.

and lead us not into temptation, 

but deliver us from evil."

When there is Blame and Envy there is only Evil.


My LoveBug and I met 2 men at the corner of Chelton and Academy.

72 year old Karl and 61 year old Dione. 

I walked upon them by strange chance as I listened to their conversation of Adam and Eve. I never shy from a Good conversation of teaching or I'll never learn. I find these men are strangers to each other.

Karl, a portly man, not tall by any standard, toothless with a lovely smile. He told me after a bit he was an Army veteran. Karl, the colour flesh of a salmon that never learned to swim up stream, wore a baseball cap and a jacket over his worn shirt that was missed buttoned. His pants had the tiniest houndstooth black and white pattern with tired areas on the front of his thighs that through the years you could see he had wiped his hands, to clean or of habit I'll never know. He smelt of fresh laundered clothes and Irish Spring.

Dione, about the size of me, with long black and grey dreadlocks tied neatly, down to his waist and over them a durag piled on that his fedora. Dapper is my choice word, Dione's skin the colour of the bottom of a cup of black coffee, his shoes were white and had black stripes and were what looked like snakeskin. He also smelt like fresh laundered clothing and Irish Spring.

Dione was saying to Karl how when God made Eve He took the rib from Adam so Eve would always be beside him...not in front, not behind, next to. 

Dione had been in prison for 35 years and he told me of his guilt in True. You do your crime you do your time, then you are done, unless it's child related, I need to put this here those are different crimes.

...and that was that and we all parted thoughtfully and with joy in the knowing We are not alone. 


All over I get in taxies, busses and cabs and I ask, "Where are you from?" and always they are my Brothers. 


Be still and listen 

One day I will tell you a story

I ask...What do you believe? What do you profess? Do you act in accordance with out excuse? 

Those pesky men again that said you were forgiven. Those pesky men who sold your soul and pretended you had been forgiven. Why is this so difficult for people to understand? Those pesky men...

When I prsaying my rosary my heart always Sees the mothers of my own children, and my children. Their mothers went the right way, they are blessed women as I See. 

It tears me inside the harm the caretakers of the Blessed Mothers Womb do these days, the selfish behaviors as they cower on the sides and throw stones at us (all of us that know) because We See and when they look into the mirror We look back at thee. We dive into their minds and insist they See the horror of their ways. You have forgotten Your Holy Mothers womb and defiled it. This is sacred ground, whether it be The First Church of the Bride of Christ, or the Holy womb of the Messiah, or the Joy of Our Father the Almighty when you deny him.

To many have forgotten.

Through my eyes can you See today? 

Names change with time, it has always been this way.

1st building

1st apartment

my eyes used to brown

now they are green


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