Tuesday, October 9, 2012

My Fat Pants

Fat pants?!!!
Yes, almost every woman has a pair, or a few. They vary in sizes as Women vary in sizes…
We wear them if we have unexpectedly gained weight from the cruise, the Holiday parties, laziness, the delicious eggs we ate and the Iceburgs we drank on our holiday in Mexico…:/

Well, in 2/3? years I have torn 3 ligaments in my right knee, shredded 1 in my right wrist, broken 2 bones in my left arm/wrist and one in my right wrist. Topped off with a fabulous case of tendonitis in my right knee…that is sticking with me like super glue.
I have also been working on projects that are time consuming…Skyrim is a time vampire.
Needless to say working out has been a low priority…and more difficult physically than before I fucked my body up.
Much to my chagrin I have not gained a great deal of weight but my weight distribution and body composition has changed.
Sadly I had to move up to my ‘fat pants’…Size 5 juniors.
Please understand that…
Fat Pants are perspective.

Suck it bitches…Stay classy Colorado Springs. I’m on a ‘diet’ now.
I will probably even start working out…with my right wrist brace in place and running in the pool…whoop! So fun.

Many of my girlfriends have ripped bodies.
Some of them eat/drink special foods. They like it, I guess, and the way it makes them feel.
Not me…the food part.
I have been ‘ripped’ in the past. Let me clarify; my legs, arms and back have been ripped but never my abs…I hate ab work.
My diet consists of this…and always has.
…Anything I can make spicy or add hot sauce, fruits, veggies, coffee, iced tea and some gummie bears thrown in once in awhile and yummy red wines.

I’ll eat what I love.

I’ll just eat less.

I refuse to compromise my taste buds but I will compromise and eat half of what’s on my plate...or use a smaller plate…most times.

My Ex’s parents have had some serious health issues lately and my heart is breaking for his whole family.
They had always been vigilant with their diet and exercise. They took their supplements, would go for walks…until my Ex-Mother-in law had a stroke and recently Ex Father in Law passed away.
Waiting for their Golden years that were not what they expected.

I bring this up for a reason…

My Dad had a heart attack 10 1/2 years ago. He changed some of his habits after…and kept others.

I don’t believe in supplements. It’s been proven your body does not absorb them. Which study do you want to read that supports your stand point…pick one…then pick another that says the opposite.
I’ll get all my vitamins and minerals from real food thank you.

I won’t do a cleanse unless I hit up Taco Bell…that may drop pounds but it’s not good for your body. Don’t argue with me either.

A diet is that which you put in your body…everyone is ALWAYS on a ‘diet’.

We are all gonna die. It’s true. I swear…and food is a high priority.
I’m blessed to not have some allergy that makes food difficult or impossible to digest.

I don’t like all these diet trends.

Eat less. Move more.
Live now.
Tomorrow might not come around…

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